Chapter 64

Ken stares at Sharon after over hearing what Rin and Sakura are talking about. They are about to leave and Yuno finally said goodbye and put Ayumi to sleep. She's casually getting her work done.

"What is Kai like in the future?" He asks Sharon curious too about why he's so attached to him. He didn't realise it but to him Kai is like his very own son, he can't explain that.

"Exactly what your instincts say, your son. You're an Alpha, it's primal for you to start having father son attachments to your pack members. Kai is younger so it affects him differently. Everyone else is feeling it too, they just aren't dependent on you like he is."

Ken nods pecking the top of Sharon's head, "I see why you're my favourite."

Sharon smiles giving Ken a hug, "I always thought Rin and Sora were the favourites. You give them so much freedom and free licence but you're way harder on me." He scowls.