Another one shot


The cockroach monster who had been feared by a household somewhere on P city had been shattered into pieces by the female cultivator with her modern-looking blue silk dress. Her words weren't showing that she was a girl after all despite having a breast's busty size. She commented,

"You are messing up with the wrong cultivator, stupid roach!"

"Thank you, miss cultivator." The woman who looked at her at the back bowed to her and thanked her so much. Yao Xuan replied,

"Don't worry. It's an easy task, after all. But yeah, how come the roach queen would be there."

"Not sure as well. But..."



The girl reacted quickly and sliced the dark figure that led the roach queen to get killed easily. She realized that there was another roach queen who lurked in the household. And it led her to say,

"I have to burn this house! I swear that I never been this freaked out before while I'm always killing any roaches that randomly lurked my room when I stayed at city H a few years ago!"

She looked at the roach queen who being sliced into half by the girl, and she observed her. She pulled the kitchen knife located near the table. And the place happened at the kitchen in the household, which was why she could be able to grab the kitchen knife.

With herself, who grabbed the kitchen knife, she sliced the stomach of the roach queen, tried to check why the roaches were interested in the household. She tried to open wide the stomach of the roach queen that led the woman behind her vomit. But, she replied.

"I have no grotesque feeling of peeling this insect's stomach. And I wonder why you are vomit for something normal like this?"

Time passed, and she left with few yuans grabbed on her hands, and she murmured.

"3000. Yuan. Not bad, better than nothing."

She continued to walk towards the country's main city that she was longed for to find any job. Unfortunately, she could not find any jobs, which were disappointed her a lot. Glad that she knows how to fight. Or else, she might end to be working in a brothel or worse? Send away back to the hometown in super poor condition.

She walked towards the garden in the center of the city P, and everyone looked at her as they are saying.

"Is her Yin damaged?"

"Her hair is transparent."

"Her face is too pale."

"She is too beautiful but too scary at the same time."

"Yin yang yin yang yin yang and yin yang again!" The girl who had heard those scowled silently.

But her scowls had been heard by the others without herself being realized that they are listening to her. She wanted to show off for something, but shortly, she cursed on her own heart.

"If I have a job! If I have!"

She looked at the paper that suggested for a cultivator who could communicate with the ghost, and it rejoiced her as she could be able to do it, which was a normal thing for a cultivator. Just, it was an unsure thing whether it was really a desperate action by the one who posted the job offer, or just the man who just wanted to pay things by the lowest price? In fact, she looked at the job offer paper, and she stated.

"8000 yuan per month? Not bad!"

She stated so in a gleeful face, and then. She walked quickly towards the place where the job vacancy had been stated.

Shortly time being skip, the place had been located into a tall building. God knows how tall the building was. But, it was tall enough to pierce the clouds. And then, she entered the building and promptly headed to the customer service. She asked the male in suit promptly after she headed to the customer service desk.

"Is this the cultivation association?"

"Yes, madame. Do you have any arrangement with our boss?" The male replied in a gentle tone that led her to drool. But, she knows that she should be serious, which made her cleared her throat. And she says,

"I don't have. But I'm interested in joining your company!"

"Company? I think we are not inviting anyone here. Are you mistaken?" The male questioned her promptly after she had stated so. And it led her to draw her job vacancy ads suggesting that it was a "Walk-in-Interview." offer as a fighter for the company. And it led the receptionist chuckled as he says.

"Well.., About that, we are in strict of cultivator needed for our private military company."

"Ha? Private military company?" The girl replied to him unamusingly. He nodded, and then, he told her.

"I was not sure as well. But that was the thing I know about. You can try it out. It's located on the forty-fourth floor, interview room number four. Try that out."

She was dumbfounded by the statement being told by the receptionist. But, for the job. She headed towards the floor she was being asked to instead of using the lift.

Time passed after she entered the lift, and then. She saw a normal co-working space model of office, which led her to comment.

"Oh? It sounds like an admin job instead. But why..."

She looked at the chairs that were fully seated by the cultivators with different looks. She continued,

"What the hell happened? I thought it was only one cultivator being called!"

With herself who looked at the gang weirdly. A male in a white suit had walked, and it silenced the nearby employees and the interviewer.

The monster being one punched: 3

And the story continues.


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Yao Xuan will Xuan Yao for you if you are willing to buy Hartpeler's book in webnovel

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