Yao Xuan's origin (2)

"Economically said. People will hate her a lot thanks to this. But, she had done every high paying jobs without any hassle. It sounds like a high-risk high gain case. And that's the consideration of why I decide to become the leader while I'm the one who should be. Cause that she was the suitable person for the position to kick some asses!"

Hu Jia Hao nodded in an agreement with Irfan. It indicates that what the fifty years old man like him explained was a logical thing. And it was the reason why Hu Jia Hao agreed with him about it. 

Then, Yao Xuan questioned both of them.

"How about us? What should we do now?"

Irfan replied to her,

"Don't worry about Hu Jia Hao and me. As both top fifty of cultivators in the world. We can do basically anything for dealing with those. You can put it all on the ease for that. You have my word for it."