Space Mastery (part 2)

Many people who was the volunteer had been killed just because of me.

Buti in the same time...

It was improved...

And I can see that they were happy with that on their deathbed.


I was regret for that...


Thank you guys...

Without you guys' help, I won't be able to see this light to save my loved one...

As in the outside when Yao Xuan was focus on her cultivation.

She experienced the severe pain that we had to stop it.

However... I was about to ask everyone to stop it. But, 

"Proceed, Jia Hao! I can do it!"

And she said that as if that she was a specific winter soldier or something.

Well... It sounds cringy. But in the same time... I felt proud with her in which that led me to look at Master Signora and Master Anderson. Then, I asked them,

"This might be our one way ticket. How do you think guys?"