Goldy and Guo Ning have a chat

(This chapter will be in a third person perspective. Not that I have to give out a warning like this. Just felt like it.)

While Hua was busy learning the Seventh Heaven's healing skill, Goldy was bored. Really bored. He basically had nothing to do. He had previously planned to supply the Qi pills in limited time intervals, however by now, Hua had learned how to consume it herself without breaking her concentration. That's when he realized it—for the first time in his life, Goldy felt useless.

The ancient gold dragon didn't like this feeling. Loitering around without purpose reminded him of all the dreadful years he spent in that cave. So, he planned to do something. However, he found nothing interesting enough.

That's when he noticed something interesting. The Qi pill intake by Hua was fast—like real fast. If she continued consuming it at the similar speed, she'd deplete it in a few days' time.

So finally he had something to do. However, robbing the Qi pills off some sect was relatively easy for him, therefore, it would only take an hour or two for him to do something like that, which meant he would have to aimlessly loiter around just like he had been doing for the past few days. He hated it more than anything. He wanted to have a bit of fun.

"Ha, there's nothing I can do, huh?" Goldy accidentally blurted out as he passed through the corridor of the bandit boot camp.

He never expected someone to actually hear it!

"Who's there?" Someone came running and checked all around Goldy. It was Guo Ning.

The thing was that even though his appearance is something that only Hua could see, people could hear his voice if he made it deliberate. He really didn't know the theory behind it, but that was the case ever since forming this bond with Hua. Before that, people could see his appearance as well, so it always intrigued him.

Anyhow, with Guo Ning desperately searching for him, Goldy had finally found a way to make the sacred pill robbery more fun.

"I'm here, human!" He whispered straight into Guo Ning's ears, causing the former bandit to get chills.

"Who's this?" Guo Ning followed the voice and tried punching Goldy, but got punched instead.

"Fool! How dare you throw a punch at a God?" Goldy sounded furious, although he was just being in character.

"God? How can I believe that you're a God? You could also be some hidden assassin here to kill Miss Hua!" Guo Ning shouted as he swung his fists.

Goldy sighed. "First of all, if I'm a hidden assassin, you shouldn't have blurted out your miss' name like that, you idiot! She's here as the empress, remember?" He gave out a proper scolding towards Guo Ning.

Although Goldy wanted Hua to gain recognition at some point, even he knew that this isn't the right time for that, especially since she's in such an early stage of cultivation.

Anyhow, hearing this, Guo Ning went on a spiral of panic. He didn't actually think of the consequences of carelessly blurting out Hua's name.

"Oh, no! This is bad! I'll go to her room and apologize to her face. Maybe she'll forgive me." He said and was about to head to her room before Goldy's words stopped him.

"Ah, great! Not only did you reveal your master's name to me, 'the great hidden assassin', now you're also gonna show me the way to her room. How much more benevolent can you actually be. This is gonna be the most convenient assassin for me." Goldy went on a chuckle rally.

That's when Guo Ning realized how much of a blabbermouth he was. "Ha. I'm so useless. Young miss is just gonna push me out of the sect once she realizes how useless I am!" He cried.

"Cheer up, man! It'll all be better with a bit of experience." Goldy consoled him.

"Ah, thanks." Guo Ning smiled before swinging his fist right before Goldy's face, stopping mere inches before it. "Now tell me. Who are you?" He asked, as he stared right into Goldy's eyes, with a serious tone in his voice.

Goldy was pretty satisfied by this action from Guo Ning. He could get to him before he could even think of dodging.

He sighed. "Didn't I tell ya? I'm God!" Goldy chuckled.

[At least one step away from Godhood]

{What the hell is happening?}

[Hua! You're supposed to concentrate, right? So, how come you're listening to me?]

{I don't know! Ask yourself that! I'm not supposed to hear your inner thoughts, right?}

[Yea… How did you even hear it?]

{No idea, dude! So piss off! I'm trying to concentrate here.}

[Ah, cool. By the way, just a heads up. I'll be leaving for a few.]


[The Qi pills are gonna run out.]

{I see. Safe trip, then.}


Goldy sighed. This was the second mishap of the day. It seemed that his concentration was lacking. However, even with that, he didn't think that Hua could actually hear his thoughts. That could only mean one thing. Hua is improving at a steady pace—which would be an alarming rate, if someone else other than Goldy was to judge her growth.

"Prove it." Guo Ning, whom Goldy forgot about for a split second, ordered.

"Ha, I see. Now, a God has to prove his legitimacy, huh? What a rotten world!" He sounded down when he said that.

"Indeed, what a rotten world! Hidden assassin's lurking around calling themselves Gods. It's only gonna go down at this point." Guo Ning returned the favor with a quirky comeback.

"Fine! You want me to prove it. Sure! You like Hua Liu, don't ya?" He asked.

"Truly, you're a God indeed!" Guo Ning knelt on the floor upon hearing that.

"Dude! You're gonna believe me by just that?" Guo Ning's words stumped Goldy. He was thinking of using his retrocognition skill to see his past and talk something about it, however this ended up totally in a direction he didn't expect.

"Well, only Gods are supposed to know a man's innermost desire that he kept hidden all this time, right?" Guo Ning asked.

[Hidden? Kid, it was all over your face!]

{Oh, come on!}

[Hey, it's not my fault that you grew strong!]



{Hehe, I heard! I grew strong, didn't I? Pulled a reverse BL manga main character on you!}

[For Pete's sake, you and your BL manga main character!]

Goldy was legitimately frustrated when Guo Ning raised another question. "By the way, why is Lord Almighty itself here?" He asked.
