A nice chat

[Are you kidding me? How can you even say that knowing how fixated she is on you!]

I heard Goldy screaming in the periphery. I understand what he meant by that, but I don't believe it's that much of a fixation, you see. Yea, we got a thing going on, but it hasn't escalated into that sort of madness—a slight bit of possessiveness, yea, but that isn't such a big deal!

[Only you would say something like that.]

{Ah, the monologue reading skill is back, I see. Ha, now that I think it out loud, it sounds lame as hell. Don't you think we should change the name of it someday for the sake of speech at least?}

[Well, we can do that. But we've got important things to deal with right now. So, why don't you focus on that for now, eh?]

{You're right. But, dude, what were we talking about?}

[About the Blood Moon Sect's involvement.]

{I was about to warn her, right?}

[Nay. You did warn her to be careful and shite like that, remember?]