Tempers flaring

A flurry of emotions passed through So Liu's face as he stood by the door staring at me—or more precisely, at Sui Wenyan who was clinging to me. What's going on? Is this that instant spark that everyone's talking about? Maybe, he like like her or something? No… That shouldn't happen! I mean, Ao's a little kid! I don't want him to fall in love with someone!

[Oh, you don't have to worry about that.]

{What do you mean?}

[You'll see.]

Goldy spoke ominously. I hate it when he does that. I'm not someone capable of discerning emotions and feelings, so it doesn't make sense to me when Goldy acts as if he understood everything that is to know. And it doesn't help me in any way since he always hides it from me as well. I mean, if you know something, you gotta share the knowledge, right?