The moment is lost

You see, I don't quite know how to describe myself. Am I a sadist who likes to see others in pain or am I a masochist, who liked pain. I kinda believe that I'm both. But does that mean it'll get cancelled since those two behaviors are polar opposites and I'm just a normal human being? It's possible, isn't it?

[Nah, if you got both the traits of a sadist and a masochist, then you're just a person with both the traits. This is not mathematics that it would get cancelled out because it is equal and opposite.]Well, I guess Goldy isn't wrong about that. And it isn't that bad, you know. I mean, you find fun in inflicting pain to others and also find fun in getting hurt as well. Wait, is masochist a right word to use in that scenario? Maybe I'm just a crazy bitch…[No one's gonna deny that if you're gonna say it like that.]{So, you agree with my assessment as well, huh?}