The name

"So, I should go face him now, huh?" Fu Yan sighed once again. I don't know how many times she did it, but at this point, it honestly felt annoying.

[You gotta understand a young maiden's feelings, Hua! It's oughta be complicated, you know?]{You really think I care? You know I have no experience in this sort of shite, right?}[That's because you're so dense.]{I don't know what you're talking about, dude!}[And you never will. That's just you being you… Whatever, are you gonna "talk some sense" into her then?]{Yea, if I don't have a chat with her, she will continue on with her "will he, won't he" thing.}I took a deep breath. It's high time that I break it to her. "Fu Yan. You gotta understand. You gotta come up with a decision right now. I mean, you've been dragging it for so long, that it feels like we spent two chapters on nothing." I replied."Huh? What did you just say?" Fu Yan looked at me with surprised eyes. I wonder what made her this surprised.