Was I an evil man?

"Yan-Yan, let's calm down for a bit, alright? It's all fine. Just don't get all hyper now." I tried calming Fu Yan down, but it didn't work one bit.

"What are you talking about? You want me to stay silent and listen to the bullshit this guy is spouting. Caring for the people around him? What kind of nonsense is that? Fu Meng is an evil bitch and nothing more or less than that." Fu Yan spoke, hurling out all sorts of insults at her father.I looked at Fu Meng and he looked like he was unfazed by all of it. It was as if he didn't care one bit about his daughter calling him those names. Instead, he was encouraging it in a weird way. "Hmm, she isn't lying though. I don't know who she is, but she's making some solid points." Fu Meng applauded with a smile on his face, but that totally went over my head. Why, you ask? Well, didn't you just hear what the guy said? He said he didn't know who Fu Yan was… This is gonna cause a whole lot of problems. I can feel it right now.