Tuesday, (day 2: release day) July 20th, 2021
St Charles gardener
6 am
It was discharge day today in the shared hospital room I was in when I stayed at St Charles gardener and I had just awoken from my 9 hours of sleep with a happy smile on my face that spelled the words freedom.
Getting up out of bed I decided to go to the shower room and began to remove my hospital patient clothes and have a shower and wash off the remaining signs of sleepiness and ECT so I can be ready for when I am outside.
Hopping out of the shower I began to put on the normal clothes, footwear, and jacket that I had in my bag that my mum gave me and started doing some exercises to get myself ready since I knew it was going to be a sunny- rainy day today.
And yes I know that there was a once in a hundred years event happening in this world. I mean the discharge room was flooded and Perth suffered a flood as well. that goes to show that a lot of things can change when you are in the hospital.
After that, I started to sit on my chair and begin having breakfast to enjoy. also known as the last meal. I also began to watch the news on my paid tv since that was my only entertainment for my needs. and yes there is no wi-fi for my tablet that I have back home so that was a disappointment but oh well.
As I watched my tv the doctors and nurses came in to check on their patients including me. and when I heard the news that I was getting out. I could not stop smiling. after they left me alone I knew that it would be a great day. since I know that there would be a delay because of all the rain but hey I am getting out of here since everything including my meds was getting ready.
8 am
After getting a call from mum and telling her the exciting good news that I was getting out. she could not help but let out an excited whoop whoop knowing that I was not sick enough to stay here. so with an excited smile, I decided to rest for a bit and watch tv before the people could come in and take my blood.
After they took my blood I could feel the bandaid get put on me as they left while I was left to enjoy my show. and it was good to have my blood taken for the last time since I was going to be out of here.
10 am
Leaving the room I decided that it was time for a walk around the area since I was in the need of some hot chocolate. so heading into the kitchen I decided to make some hot chocolate since I was thirsty and happy. making my way back and sitting on the chair with a snack I could see that we still had covid cases in the city after the lockdown was lifted. witch makes it horrifying that we are still at war with this virus.
And from what I could guess. 2021 was still going to be part 2 of covid. and that would be why you never want this shit in your system because it can kill you.
12 pm (release time before lunch
outside St Charles gardener
It was a rainy day outside and not how I pictured it since I was hoping that it would be a sunny day. but hey like I said. a lot of things can change when you are in the hospital. so while we were waiting I could see my mum's car outside the entrance as I smiled and waved while we made our way over there.
With everything, in the car, we were all set and ready as we drove off since I did not have lunch. but that was when we decided to get some sushi since I love Japanese stuff when it comes to my favorites.
And after that, we were now back home since I had decided to rest up and watch some video's on my tablet.