At the end of the holidays


It was morning and the weather was cold, I don't know why I went to sleep with the air conditioning on, but it made me wake up horribly, with cold, my eyes still sleepy and already with a cold. I did a great nonsense.

Hello! I'm Luna Erendy and as you can see I've started my day well. I am fifteen years old and going to the first year of high school, I am not that one hundred percent student, however I know how to manage. I'm currently on vacation.

I was born in England and here I continued to live until today. I live with my parents, Jhon and Marili, but before I talk about them, I will talk more about myself ...

I have blue hair and yes! They are natural, they are the same as my father's but in a more cyan blue tone, my eyes are the color of turquoise. I have fair skin and a body that I find even cute for my age, besides being 1.72 in height.

Now we talk about my parents. My father Jhon is a man of thirty-nine years old: his eyes are green, with brown skin, besides having, as I said, also straight and blue hair and a face that is always shaved, Dad works as a writer, Yes I know! Not every daughter has a writer father. Now my mother Marili: she has brown hair and blue eyes, if you think about it, it's a very different combination, well ... where were we ?! Ah yes! speaking of my mother, my mother has long brown hair and fair skin, as well as having a body like that! I wonder if I will ever have a body like hers until she becomes an adult. But most interestingly do you know what it is? Guess what! I don't think you're going to get it right ...

But I admire her work, she is nothing more and nothing less than a martial arts fighter! That's right folks! I'm not kidding, she participates in several championships and tournaments. What in my opinion has always been amazing!

Now that I have finished introducing myself, I realize that I am forgetting something ... I remembered! Today my parents and I are going to travel, we are going to travel to Spain.

Although I don't feel like traveling to Spain in the middle of this cold day, I would rather stay under the covers a thousand times hibernating like a bear.

It was already 8:30 in the morning. I ended up getting up because my nose was so bad it was red, you could call me reindeer with a red nose. I went straight to the bathroom and lay in the bath with warm water. It wasn't long before I left the bathroom wearing pink shorts and a white blouse with sleeves. I went straight to the kitchen where it smelled very tasty, Mom was cooking something very tasty!

-Hi Mom! Good Morning!- I spoke when I arrived and saw my mother frying some omelets in the frying pan.

-Good morning daughter! Breakfast is almost ready! -My mom said while finishing the omelets.- Daughter can you pass me the salt?

-Of course! -I handed the salt shaker in your hands.

-Ready. You can have your breakfast, there's grape juice in the fridge, I'm going to wake up your father's sleeper. - she said leaving my sight. Soon I started eating my omelet, it smelled so good...

Dad did not take long to appear in the kitchen with my mother, they were smiling and holding hands. They commented on the big trip we were going to take today. In the middle of the breakfast we had together, my mother commented that my nose was very red and oozing, when I said why my nose was like this, she said she was going to see if she had any medicine to relieve her cold.

And so the hour passed quickly and now we were at the airport ready to board. But it was so cold, my God! I was wearing: red coat, black jeans, purple blouse with abstract print, dark blue gloves and a red Allstar. It was extremely cold. Why did it have to be seventeen degrees today?

My parents were just finishing a call from a hotel in Spain and we got on the plane quickly. I thanked God for not being outside anymore, inside the plane it was so warm and comfortable, since we were leaving the ground I took the opportunity to take a look at my cell phone and went straight to my messages on WhatsAap. Numerous messages from my friends commenting on how their vacation was going, I passed and read them all, until I saw one that was from my best friend, I opened it quickly to know what was written.

"Hi Luna. How are your holidays? Mine are good, however, I wish you were here for both of us to have fun. I'm in Russia now. HERE THE COLD IS KILLING ME!

I would like a warm hug... "(best friend)

I smiled with the message and thought of typing in a playful way, but I remembered that my credits were over, I forgot to put more. For now, I would reply to that message later.

. . .

-Daughter, daughter, daughter wake up! Daughter wake up, we're here! -I slowly opened my eyes and realized that the voice calling me was that of my mother, in the middle of seeing that the people inside the plane were leaving, I realized that we had already reached our destination. I got up, following my parents. Leaving the plane with my family, we went to look for our luggage.

-Daddy! Huumm... What part of Spain are we in? -I asked him.

-We are in Barcelona my daughter, you will love this place is very beautiful! -Speaked smiling while we finished picking up our luggage.

We took a taxi going straight to the hotel that my parents rented a room, it was already a little dark, it was already six in the afternoon! it was also expected, we left the house very late because of an unforeseen event by my father, basically he managed to forget the car key somewhere in the house and we had to look for hours.

-We arrived! - Said the taxi driver, we got out of the car while my father paid the man. We walked two blocks with suitcases in hand until we stopped in front of a large hotel with about nineteen floors, besides being large, it was very beautiful on the outside! we entered and were attended by a man of about twenty nine years. He had messy black hair, brown eyes, a plump body and a neat mustache on his face, as well as wearing a brown tuxedo with a red bow tie.

-Good night! What do you want? - Greeted man.

-Good night! we have already made our reservations, sir, we are the Erendys! -The man looked at us and nodded, giving a brief smile.

- Here is the key to your apartment Mr. Erendy, number 22! -Delivered you with the key in hand-Thank you! -Thanked my father.

We took the elevator and entered our apartment and left our luggage in a corner of the place.

Our apartment was very beautiful and luxurious inside, the walls were painted purple and the floor was wooden lined with a carpet, the room was spacious, it had a huge sofa and a TV that must have been fifty-two inches, oh my God!

ut at the moment what I wanted to see was that my room was dying of tiredness, I looked inside the room that would probably be mine and saw that it had a bed next to a wardrobe, not to mention that it had a white carpet with designs of cute kittens, on the floor. I smiled admiring where I was sleeping and threw myself on the bed.

When it was 9:00 pm, my mother called me out to dinner at some pizzeria she found nearby, I accepted at the time, she was very hungry, it didn't take long and we found a pizzeria seven blocks from our hotel.

While we waited for the pizza my father exchanged ideas with my mother about what we would do the next day, they chose to: go to the beach, take a walk, take selfies wherever we went, buy souvenirs and among other things. At this point, I thought of one thing, apparently, those days are going to be fun.