Opening my eyes to start another day following the same routine over again. Bolting upright, I remember, this is not just another day!
Dragging myself out of bed with butterflies fluttering in my stomach, I rushed into the bathroom, deciding to shower in order to get a head start on my activities for today. Wrapped in a fluffy towel when I am done, I strolled into my closet to select an outfit that is suitable to visit the city, yet comfortable. My hands having a mind of it's own automatically pulled a purple blazer, my second favorite color after black.
Black and purple it is! Gathering purple undergarments with a black vest and black fitted jeans. Quickly dressing, completing with a four inch heel sandal adding to my five foot two frame. Looking around my room considering the mess which will itch my brain if I leave it untidy.
Taking a few minutes to tidy my bed, picking up the laundry basket walking out of my bedroom. Before closing the door, I stood looking around smiling, feeling comfortable that it's up to my standard. Before going to the kitchen for breakfast, I went into the laundry room, separating dirty laundry, putting the first batch in the washer.
Entering my kitchen, seeing it's spotless, puts me in a happy mood, inspite of the sullen thoughts that have been plaguing my mind for the past two weeks.
Putting water to boil for a cup of coffee, my brain opener drink, I took out a box of cereals and milk, feeling the need to visit Mr. Knox's office on a full stomach.
Making my cup of coffee, I sat down at the kitchen counter sipping the hot brew staring at the white wall in front of me. The ringing of my house phone brought back to where I actually was. Quickly getting up I picked up the cordless phone on the kitchen table without looking at the caller ID, "hello" I answered.
"Good morning Hailey, It's so good to hear your voice. How are you?" Kathryn, Mr. Knox's secretary greeted me.
Wow, It's impressing to know that she's at her office this early. "Kathryn, wow, you're already in office? I hope that I can be like that when I get a job" I squealed with enthusiasm.
Chuckling, "No hun, I'm still at home. I just wanted to make sure that you won't be a no show again today" she explains the reason for her call.
Feeling ashamed for canceling three appointments in the past two weeks. "Good news, I'm already dressed, drinking my coffee" I giggled.
"That's great, I'd better get organize, so that I get there before you" Kathryn says, "see you in a bit hun" she says, hanging up.
Smiling, I hung up checking the time. Oo, I still have time to get there.
Going back to the laundry room, switching off the machine to be safe as my nanny, Mrs. Pierce taught me. Thinking about her, bought a sadness to my heart, She's been here with me in this large apartment since I was five. I can't wait for her to get back from her vacation to celebrate my birthday.
Heading back to the kitchen, I poured some cereal and milk, forcing myself to eat because Mrs. Pierce instilled in me that coffee is not breakfast. Smiling, I happily ate letting my thoughts wander to her and the love and support she has given to me since my parents died and I was placed in her care than a foster home. Even though I am an orphan, she never made me feel unloved.
The nightmares have started returning since I have not been taking my medications. I have not told anyone because I want to be able to have children someday, which is why I am slowly coming off my medication. Around the dorm I heard girls talking about being on pills too long, eventually affect your reproductive system.
Sighing, I ate the cereal that felt as if I was having sawdust but I forced to eat the small portion of cereal and lots of milk. Rinsing my tea cup and cereal bowl, I cleaned up the kitchen making sure it's perfect before going back to my bedroom, using the washroom before picking up my handbag and phone preparing to leave for the appointment, that I'm so not ready for.
Locking up behind me, entering the elevator, I punched the button for the lobby of this building that has been my home for the past sixteen years. As I stepped out into the lobby, plastering my famous fake smile I approach the security at the front desk who has been working here for as long as I have been here.
"Good morning Amos" I greeted the security with a smile.
Smiling Amos stood up, tipping his hat in acknowledgement of me. "A pleasant morning to you Miss Hailey." Amos greets me. "I have a feeling we are going to have a bright and sunny day" he continues smiling.
Grinning, "Yes I hope we do, so that I can get most of my errands completed today and have the entire weekend to myself." I responded softly.
We continued chatting as we stepped out the lobby unto the sidewalk, Amos walked beside me, "would you like me to get you a taxi?" he asks politely.
Nodding, "thanks" I answered with a smile.
Stepping out in front of me, Amos flagged down a taxi for me. When the taxi pulled along the curb, Amos reached out opening the door, waiting for me to climb in. Closing the door behind me, I greeted the driver "Good morning"
Turning around "good morning Miss, where too" the driver greeted me as he asked about my destination.
Giving him Mr. Knox's office address, I turned to Amos smiling, as he tipped his hat again, "be safe, little Hailey" he smiles.
"Thank you and be safe Amos" I waved as the driver pulled into the traffic.