Chapter Thirty - His Challenge

Hailey's POV

Taking the file from in front of me, uncle Jerry looked at the name on top, as a frown deepens on his forehead.

"What the f**k Adian" he growls, while I sat stunned. They use obscene words at meetings? Wow! I have so much to learn about a working environment.

"What?" feigning ignorance, Adian ask. I still refuse to look at him. I'm a pro at keeping to myself, something he's going to notice in the coming days, because other than living in his house, our paths will never cross.

Jerry, gave me an apologetic smile, as he offers the file to me. The boss's son give me a challenge and I will prove that even though I'm nothing to him, I'm not worthless.

"Thank you" I said to him, taking the file from him, without opening it, placing it beneath my note pad.

Mr. Knights looks around, "well I guess that's settled. Adian issued a challenge to the new worker and she gracefully accepted" he announces.

"Nice going" the guy from yesterday whose sitting next to me said, with a smirk that leaves me cringing.

Standing, Mr. Knights ended the staff meeting. Jerry stood up, and I followed him because I still have to get my bearings around here.

I quickly gathered my stuff following Jerry out without looking around or acknowledging anyone.

Jerry stopped to speak to someone outside the door when I realize my pencils were on the table. I went back in to retrieve them, when I heard laughter, then my name.

As I looked in the small opening, the guy from yesterday who was sitting next to me was joining in the fun.

"Why would you give her the Simon file when he won't even sign with you" he asks.

"Suppose she gets it?" the other person who I couldn't see asks.

"Don't worry, she don't have the balls to go after it" I heard another voice say before they all erupted into laughter again.

Hurt once again by someone I thought I could trust but I know now that I can't. Why does he hate me so?

Without hesitation, I pushed the slightly open door and walked in, all laughter ceased.

I went to where I was sitting and picked up my two pencils and walked back out without acknowledging any of the a***oles in the room.

I hurried to where Jerry was still chatting. He smiled when I got near. "ready?" he asks, I just nodded, allowing him to lead me back to my office showing me around as we walked.

Opening my door he handed my keys to me. "keep this door locked at all times. Soon you will have files in your possession that will be highly confidential" he explained.

"Oh and I will bring you lunch." Another thing, don't think too much about the file Adian have you. It's highly confidential and this is his subtle way of motivating you" he explained Adian's reasons for challenging me but he didn't hear what I heard.

"Thank you I told him, watching him walk away, I shut the door, walking back to my desk to hear my stomach growl, in protest for not feeding it this morning.

Looking at my time, it's still more than an hour before lunch.

As I sat behind my desk uneasy because I'm hungry and I simply couldn't concentrate.

Without informing anyone, I took my handbag to get something to eat taking my keys with me. I opened to see Basil about to knock my door with another hunky guy standing beside him.

" You're going out?" he asks looking at his watch.

"I .. I um.." I stuttered, "I missed breakfast and my stomach is complaining, so I can't wait till lunch" I blurted out looking embarrass.

Basil whispers to the man beside him who nods then look at me with a warm smile before leaving.

Basil ushers me back in, "Gerald" indicating the guy who just left, 'would be back with a coffee and some pastries that should hold you till lunch" he explains as we reentered my office.

"Thank you, I'm sorry to impose on you" I apologize, "also can you let him get me a large Rituals cappuccino, that would definitely keep me till lunch" I ask with a small smile.

Replacing my handbag, I knew I had to get supplies for my room without anyone being aware that I will be skipping meals in Adian's fortress.

Basil walked around my small kitchen, "you need to stock up in there. No wonder you're hungry" he states coming to sit in front of my desk.

He stares me down making me feel uncomfortable again. " What happen this morning?" he asks bluntly staring at me without blinking.

"Nothing" I responded honestly with a frown.

Shrugging his shoulders as he leaned back in the chair. "Adian was restless in the kitchen this morning, constantly looking at the doorway for you to come in and you never did" he express his observation.

Frowning, "really?" Confused, because he had put me in my place earlier, so it wasn't me.

"No you're mistaken" I said flatly. leaving no room for an argument.

Looking at me thoughtfully, "okay, if you say so" he taps his fingers on the desk.

Remembering my stocks. "I need you to take me to the supermarket to get stocks for there" I pointed to the kitchen. "After work if you're not busy?" I requested.

With a wide grin, "oh yeah, so I get to choose what I want when I come over to visit" he smiles.

Smiling, mission accomplished! I get stocks for home. or rather Adian's home.

I open the file that Adian gave me, browsing through, when my large cup of life saver arrived.

Basil welcome Gerard into the office taking two drinks and bag.

I stood up taking one coffee from Basil and instantly started sipping it. allowing the hot drink to touch every part of my being, smiling happily.