Chapter Forty Five - Board Meeting

Hailey's POV

Walking into a board room for the third time was suppose to be smooth sailing. but having to go to the executive floor was intimidating.

Thank God Jerry walked with me. The lady whom I had the small verbal altercation with yesterday, was also joining us in the elevator.

"Good morning," I smiled greeting her and the three other persons we met on the lift.

Everyone answered except her, as she looked at me with a smug look, turning away from me.

I saw Jerry shaking his head in disappointment.

When we got to the new board room, a young gentleman groomed in a black dress pants and black shirt with a navy and black tie, indicated that the board was still in their first meeting and that we should wait, indicating the waiting room.

The seats remaining were filled so I opted to remain standing with Jerry and other guy who definitely works in legal, only to see Ms, whoever she is, whispering with others as they all looked at me triumphantly.

With disgust I looked away to see the guy from the first day coming towards me with a wide grin.

The traitor, was kind to me the first day, but after the conversation I overheard and Jerry's warning, I'm definitely keeping my distance.

"Good morning Hailey, it's good to see you again and at a meeting with the board this early in your career." he, whose name I can't recall observes.

"What?" I ask, not quite understanding,

"Clyde, don't you think it's too early to start flirting" Jerry approaches us, chuckling without humor.

Clyde, that's the name, I couldn't remember, I thought

"Clyde knows who the easy girls are so he flirts with them" a voice belonging to an unknown woman laughs together with the woman from yesterday.

Not today bitches, I have enough on my plate and Adian and I are in a good place and I'm hoping we keep getting better. Getting into a cat fight with husband's workers is not a good place to start and I still have to live up to my father's reputation, whatever it was.

Promising myself to fill Adian in and seek his help in finding answers without letting him know that his family could be involved.

Chuckling. I looked at Jerry's angry face, but seeing the smile my face, he decided to control himself.

I'll fight my own battle like I have been doing all my life. Yesterday was just the beginning.

"They're just jealous, ignore them" Clyde advises me, as if I need his advise. He's no different.

Staring at him without any expression. "I'm a big girl who knows how to handle myself" I responded, looking at my watch.

'Ms, Sullivan? " the young man from earlier called me.

"Yes?" I responded impatiently.

Uncomfortable, he say "would you come with me please?" he requests politely.

Nodding, I moved to follow him.

"I'm sorry" I blurted out.

With a small smile, "I overheard" he smiles apologetically.

Grinning, "where am I going" I ask.

"Oh the board would like to meet you before the second meeting" he explains.

Stopping instantly, "really. why?" I ask nervously.

Chuckling softly, "maybe they want to meet the new Mrs. Adian Knights. " he whispers, pretending to zip his lips shut, at my shocked fearful expression.

"I'm Robert, Ryan Knights personal assistant and your secret is safe with me" he said. knocking on the door on front of us.

Nodding at him as he opens the door to a large room, with a large square formed with tables with less than half occupied. The other would no doubt occupied the balance.

Looking around, I found the person I was looking for.

He was gazing at my shock nervous features with a sexy smirk.

"Uhem.. Good morning" I said greeting everyone at the same time looking at every face.

Mr. Knights, invited me further in as his PA left, shutting the door behind him. "Come join us Hailey, let me introduce you to every one" Mr Knights said, while I shook hands with everyone. before I took the seat beside Adian.

"You have your mother's eyes, but your father's features" one man observed, staring at me with a frown.

I looked to Adian, who was also watching the man curiously.

Adian reach for my hands under the table, encouraging me.

"So Adian didn't you brief your beautiful wife about the meeting" another board member asked.

Chuckling, "No Sir. I preferred you see meet and talk to her on your own. Being caught unaware is one way to see someone's strength and she is strong" Adian explains. looking at me.

"That's true. How long are you keeping the marriage to yourself" the man who recognise me first asks me.

Breathing in, "until I can stand on my own in this company. I don't want to have my husband's name open doors for me." I said hoping that it was not an insult to Adian.

Chuckling, another mam said, "your own name can do that"

Frowning. confused , I turned to Adian, who shrugged his shoulders, glaring at the man.

The confused man looks at Mr. Knights, "doesn't she know?" he asks, surprised.

Mr. Knights shakes his head, as the other man looks away quickly to the file in front of him.

Mr. Knight's started speaking, adjourning the meeting.

"What doesn't Hailey know?" Adian asks his father with a tinge of anger.

"Not now Adian" the first man answered sternly, "it's not your father's place, nor my place to discuss this. We could lose even the clothes on our backs with a lawsuit" he added, leaving no room for questions.

Adian and I look at each other, my eyes sad with questions while his was soft and encouraging.

We look up at the deafening sound of quietness in the room to see all eyes on us. Ryan seemed pleased and give us the biggest smile of encouragement.

Picking up the phone at his desk, "Robert, we're ready"