Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Two - Visiting Sis. Ally

Keeping my mind on Emmy helped to push aside the bomb Adian just dropped on me.

Thankfully I prepared myself for it. For his and Samantha's baby, but it does hurt, still it was before Adian and I, so I don't intend to nag or throw jealous tantrums, which is what I feel like doing right now.

I can't change it, so I'll accept it and be the best mom, ever to both our kids.

"You okay?" Adian asks softly and I turned, grinning at him in excitement.

"Yeah, I'm great" I answered, clapping my hands in excitement, "I get to see Emmy" I squealed,

Adian frowns before sharing my enthusiasm with a soft chuckle.

"Yes, we both get to see Emmy." He agreed and I loved that.

I love that my two favourite people in the world, love each other too.

As I put one foot outside the vehicle, it dawned on me, "Emmy's at school." I whispered softly to myself, the excitement I felt earlier, disappeared in an instant.

Unaware of my mood change, Adian starts taking out bags from the back seat and I ran around to help him.

"Let me" I offered but he shook his head.

"I'm good" he assures me, even through he'll have to make two trips.

Stomping my right foot angrily, "I'm pregnant, not handicap" I glared at him, before storming off towards the entrance of the children's home, from the car park.

"Hey" Adian yelled from behind me.

I stopped, but didn't turn around.

"I could use a little help here," he says in a softer tone.

Ignoring him, I made my way into the building, my fists clenched at my side angrily.

"Hailey, how good to see you" uncle Mark, the security guard as he's fondly call, greeted me at the gate.

"Hi, good day" I greeted him, turning around with a guilty feeling for leaving Adian to bring in all the bags. But then he didn't want any help in the first place, from me.

"Uncle Mark, my husband is in the car park with some bags, can you give him a hand please?" I requested, shyly.

Chuckling, "of course dear," uncle Mark agreed, leaving me to join Adian in the carpark.

"Thank you" I said walking briskly towards Sis. Ally's office, leaving uncle Mark to assist Adian with the burgers and fries.

After knocking on the office door twice, I opened it when I heard Sis ally's voice on the other end inviting me to come in.

I pushed open the tall oak door, that is very ancient and beautiful, engraved with two angels facing each other.

"Morning!" I yelled cheerfully, walking towards Sis. Ally's desk.

Sis. Ally stood up with a wide smile, clad in her black and white Habit.

"Hailey" Sis. Ally opens her arms for me and I needed no extra invitation.

Rushing in, I embraced her, hugging her around the waist, resting my head against her chest.

"I'm so happy to see you" I told her as I moved away, "Adian is on the road today, so I came with him as he agreed to bring me to see you guys." I said quickly.

Sis, Ally frowned and slowly sat down, her eyes darting to the open door.

"Uh, where's Adian?" She asks, her expression still confused.

"He's somewhere out there" I point to the hallway behind where I sat. "We brought some burgers from Beef Grillers so uncle Mark went to assist him." I explained Adian's whereabouts to a concerned Sis. Ally.

I sure I didn't imagine Sis. Ally's placing a hand on her chest, breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh, good, I was worried there for a second." She says, leaving me to stare at her in confusion.

"Why what's wrong?" I ask, curiously.

"Nothing, everything is perfect" Sis. Ally responded nervously as she quickly starts stacking the few sheets of papers that were scattered loosely on her desk.

Even though I'm not satisfied with her answer, I remained mum, deciding to wait until Adian gets here, to see what has Sis. Ally so nervous.

"So how is Emmy doing?" I asked, making small talk until my husband gets here.

Sis. Ally's glowed at the mention of Emmy's name.

"She just as beautiful as ever," Sis..Ally smiles, her eyes moist.

Blinking her eyes, she stood up, "let's go find that handsome husband of yours, before Mark, bores him to death with his 'stories'.' Sis. Ally chuckles as we walked hugging each other around the waist.

I rolled my eyes at the echoes of laughter in the hallway.

"Uncle Mark" I chuckle, while Sis. Ally said "Mark" shaking her head.

"Hey, we were just coming to look for you," uncle Mark laughs loudly, slapping Adian on the shoulder, which looked awkward as Adian stands almost a foot or more, taller than him.

"Young chap here is worried about you" he continues, "what he doesn't know is that you can run this entire building, blindfolded."

Laughing softly, Adian walked up to us and pecks Sis. Ally on her cheek, before grabbing me into a tight hug.

"I missed you!" He whispers.

Embarrassed, I hid my head into his chest, flushed.

"Okay lovebirds, I'll see you before you leave. I've got children to watch over" uncle Mark, tilts his cap, walking off.

"Hey, Mark" Adian called after him.

Uncle Mark stopped and spun around, raising his eyebrows, waiting for Adian to continue.

"Take your sandwich" Adian points to the kitchen, but uncle Mark shakes his head with a small smile. "Let the kids have their share, if there's any left over, I'll spin back." He tells Adian, waving and walking off.

I looked up at my husband's confused expression, aware that growing up privilege, he won't understand.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Sis. Ally butts in with a soft laugh.

"Nothing you say will make him eat before the kids." Sis. Ally tells Adian, before walking back to her office.

"Be right back."