Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Eight - Blowing off Mom!

The court clerk who escorted my mother through the back, approached us at the defence table, informing me of mom's desire to meet with me.

Gussippie suggested I go and meet with her and listen with saying anything that would enlighten her concerning Dr, Jenkins answers during her questioning.

I stood debating my feelings about seeing my mother right now, especially knowing her actions and decisions led to the death of my first born.

Sensing my hesitancy, Hailey reached out, "she will always be your mother," Hailey reminds me of something I've been fighting to push aside until the end of the trial. "Just don't allow her to get a rise out of you," Hailey adds, a sentiment everyone else agreed on.

Staring into the eyes of the few people whose opinion I value to see them all nod in support of me visiting my mother.

"This is not how I visualize spending my Friday" I muttered, staring down at the beautiful girl, whose lifting her eyes to smile at me.

Wrapping her arms around my chest, "we still have tonight," she tiptoes and whispers softly, before kissing my cheek lightly.

I followed the clerk out of the courtroom after promising to call Bas when I'm done with my mother and her tricks.

I entered a regular looking waiting room and started pacing as I await my mother's arrival.

By the time I heard footsteps behind me, I was standing in front of a window, overlooking a busy city on a Friday afternoon.

"Adian," I heard my mother's firm assertive voice called from behind me.

I shook myself, mentally trying to get rid of the tenseness all around before turning to face my mother, the heartless murderess, Amelia Knights.

With my clenched fist hidden in the pocket of my trousers, twitching an eyebrow, I wait for my mother whose seated a few feet away, to speak.

Mom shakes her head, staring at me with a sad smirk.

"In just a few months you allowed a little p**sy to turn you against me!" Mom lips curled in disgust as she lashed out. Her first words she said to me in weeks, that's meant to sting!

Embarrassed, I lift my eyes to the security who stood like a statue pretending he didn't hear my mother's outburst.

Biting my lips, shaking my head. "If this is the reason you called me in here then I will take my leave." With my fist still clench, I march towards the exit, only for mom to stop me again.

"I will testify on Monday," mom says, stopping me as I cross the room. "But you have to promise if I end up in prison, to take care of your sister." Mom added.

I turned around slowly and stared at her where she now stands, proudly, "I will never forsake her," I promise but mom doesn't display any signs of relief.

With a smug look she smiles, "you will also ensure your wife doesn't rob her of what's rightfully hers." Mom continued.

With my eyes fixated on her, I walked closer to where she now stood, "rob her?" I asked not confused but wondering at which angle mom is coming from.

"Yes, rob her." Mom retorts, turning her back to me and walking towards the same window I was just staring out from. "Ensure that your wife give her what's rightfully, hers." knitting her forehead, mom gives me a crooked smile.

"Rightfully?" I repeated.

"Is this what it's all about for you?" I yelled uncaring of the security moving towards me but I kept my distance from her.

"Is this why you killed an innocent woman and tried to destroy her daughter's life?" Putting out a hand, I stopped the security from coming closer to me.

Glaring angrily at my mother, I remember Hailey's advise, about not allowing my mother to get a rise out of me.

"You single handedly destroyed five live and killed three," with gritted teeth, I lift fingers in for her to check.

Frowning, "three?" she repeats without even denying the accusation I threw at her.

Slamming my hands against my chest angrily, "MY CHILD!" I shout. "You killed my child because of your f**king greed!" I didn't try to hide the tears I've been hiding because of Hailey, allowing my mother to see what she did, has destroy more lives than she planned.

Mom started walking towards me but I slowly backed away, holding my hands out to keep her away.

Turning I walked briskly to the door, passing the security who stood staring at mom and I, in dismay.

"Adian!" I heard mom calling me, her voice breaking up but I didn't respond.

"ADIAN! ADIAN!" Mom continued shouting but I was already out the door, looking left and right for some sense of direction, having left the room with my emotions in tangle together.

"Excuse me, can you direct me to the washroom, please." I requested from a man walking past me.

The man looks at me with concern and turn behind him pointing, "down the corridor, second right," the man directs me while the door of the room mom was in opened behind me.

"Adian," I heard her whispered but I'm not ready to deal with her.

Nodding to the man who give me the directions. "Thank you," I muttered, grateful to him but the need to get away from my mother is even greater.

"Adian, please take care of Adana!" Mom shouts at my retreating back. "She'll be at home alone," I stop at the words I didn't give much thought to, before now.

Without turning around, I sweep my palms over my face before walking to the washroom.

When I returned, my wife, my father and my best friend sat in the corridor with Gussippie waiting for me and I'm sure Hailey would not have left knowing I was in the building.

Our eyes met and she didn't have to asked to know things wasn't good.