It was the Year 7598 of The Vikram Samvat Calendar( 7540 AD)
The Vedic Empire had finally broken . A glorious reign of almost 5500 years had come to an end . The reason ? Greed . Whose greed ? The senators . In the year of 2100 a meteorite with a width of 200 kilometers struck moon . Everybody above the age of 15 had a screen pop up saying " Death comes your way , be prepared ." For many these screens quantified everything and helped increase their skills of which all were represented by skill levels .
Mass hysteria continued for half a month until governments regained control quite easily as most people's lives were not effected much . The only places where effects were observed were in the battlefields as the soldiers in combat zones became better much faster and training camps were much more effective and the workers became better so more experienced workers had far higher salaries than earlier .
After the panic died the country's who had the necessary technology mined the some of the meteorite quickly and brought it back to the earth.
For 10 days it was analyzed by scientists yet they could not find anything to do with it . They could not melt it . It was weak and brittle so it shattered easily . Until one day a man who was supposed to transport it to a facility in the California from the Texas came near . Almost immediately precisely 20 grams of the metal split off , became a liquid , floated and flowed towards his back of the head and became absorbed . Nothing could stop it . He then quickly became far more intelligent and strong than he had been before . More such occurrences happened all over the globe . Soon these people were isolated and studied . The only similarities found between them were that they were of O positive blood group , they had unusually high levels of testosterone even before the fusion , they were all males and each one of them had a historical figure as their ancestor . All of them belonged from civilizations older than 1100 AD . These highly intelligent people kick started a space faring age . In a matter of 2 centuries humans had mastered FTL(faster than light) technologies yet they lied unused as their cost was too high .
Then came war . Many nations began to fight each other over the meteorite . Unfortunately the America and Canada ruthlessly were defeated by an alliance of the Incas , Mayans and Native Americans . The Russians were locked in a battle against the French , the Prussians and the British . Italy(Rome) and Greece(Hellenic) and Egypt(Pharaohs) started a war against one another . The African nations also started infighting . The Han Chinese , Korean , Mongolian and Japanese formed an alliance on the basis of Budhhism yet the Shaivite temples of Tibet launched an attack separating the Chinese from the Mongols while the island of Bali coronated the Chola King and launched an attack on the Japanese Islands .
The Angor re-established themselves and a religious war of the Muslims , Buddhists and Hindus started yet the Buddhists and Hindus formed an alliance based on the same roots of India . They were succesfull in driving out the Muslims yet the Buddhists grew wary of the Chola King and betrayed the Angkors . Seeing this the Chola King directed his forces from Japan to South East Asia and in a time period of a decade managed to re-unite the south east Asia under a Hindu rule yet the rule was fragile.
Rebellions rose and were crushed but the mainland Buddhists always tried to force an incursion ,
Laos and Cambodia rose to become strongholds of Shaivism in South East Asia .
Rajasthan's Rajputs produced warlords in thousands who turned their attention towards the incoming Caliphate and routed one of Pakistan's three armies at the battle of Sindh . The lineage of King Dahir managed to re-unite the divided Sindh and Punjab . Yet the Caliphates armies managed to reach in time and were embroiled in a battle for Kashmir .
About two thousands Warlords died on both sides but the Caliphate had to turn away because the Greeks had lost and Romans were marching towards there lands . The Indians pushed and captured up till half of Afghanistan. The Romans pushed to Istanbul and left a garrison there as the French pushed downwards .
The Russians lost the war because of the small fiefdoms of the Germany and France . The Aztecs , Mayans and Native Americans started fighting .
The southern half of Australia was reclaimed by the Aboriginals. Such wars continued for half a century during which . This exhausted many powers and through exhaustion of strength brought on two decades of peace during which time the humans(Russians) managed to colonize the star system of Alpha Centauri and reduce the costs of FTL significantly. This sparked a fire a debate on should we continue the wars or go towards the stars .