"śuddo'si buddhosi buddho'si nirañjano'si sam̐sāramāyā parivarjito'si sam̐sārasvapnam̐ tyaja mohanidrām̐ madālasollapamuvāca putram। "
*You are pure , conscious and taintless , You are not subject to the illusions of the universe .
Give up this sleep of delusion , this dream which confounds the mind .*
Shlok from The Mārkaṇḍeya Purāṇa .
" Wake up O Lord Of The Naṭappataṟkku(Cholas) , Lord Of The Naṭcattiram Ḥpēriṅ Puli O the one who is known as Athirajendra The Avenger Of Teachers a heathen killer of children and women . The Brahmin Killer The Great Devotee of Shiva , The One Hated By Gods . The descendant of Pulastya . "
Says the A.I core which my Great Acharya Aniruddha Brahmaraya created. It hurt a bit to have his creations say such to me but I accepted for it was true .
I asked " For how long was I in a Stasis ." " A mere year my Lord " was the reply I recieved .
" For which reason have I been awoken and have any of my siblings awoken . "
" Yes My Lord , in fact three different siblings have awoken . That being your eldest sister and your younger sister . "
" What of my brother youngest . Is he safe or have them gotten ahold of them ? "
"Your youngest brother after your sleep was entrusted to the capable hands of the Peshwa's who have been protecting him and teaching him . Also you lord your Younger sister Patron of the Horakala Chandi Devi temple , The Peshwa Head ^ Madhav Bhat ^, The Leader Of The Maheshwari People ^Naveen Maheshwari ^ and The Leader Of The Cheran House ^ Mantaran Cheral ^ . "
" Very well . I will greet them but where are my Sahasra Arya Ang Rakshak (Sahsra = 1000 , Arya = Noble , Ang= Body Part and Rakshak = Protector therefore , Sahasra Arya Angrakshak = The Thousand Noble Bodyguards ) . "
"Even now they stand as Guards , still as statues patrolling the Rajya Mahal ( Rajya = Kingdom , Mahal = Palace so , Rajya Mahal = Royal Palace ) ."
I gave an order to bring Pancasta (500 ) of my Sahasra Arya AngRakshaks in and leave the other Pancasta outside to patrol . I ordered 300 of them to stay above at the ramparts divided into two groups of 150 people , all with their T1 Bhargavastra Pistols in their hands and T2 Energy Shields in the other hand . 0
The other two hundred were separated into four different divisions of 50 men each . Two were placed diagonally at the inner side of the hallway's door while one division each was on the right and left side of the hall . Donned in gold covered MK7 Manushya Asthi Khadag Armour with their enegetron spear and shield .
I commanded as I sat upon the 108 step throne I commanded for my younger sister to be granted an audience .
She entered with about three hundred people dressed in black in her tow . I welcoming her said " O dearest younger sister of mine for what reason do I have the honour of meeting you . "
She as I noticed answered to me without bowing or kneeling saying , " Tis' is not an auspicious reason for which I wish to speak to you "
I replied , " What is the matter of such gravity that you did not even bow or kneel to your Lord ?"
" You are not my Lord " was the reply I got . Anger coursed through my body as I shouted " INSOLENCE !!! Had you not been of my blood I would have had your head . I ask you once again . Why did you not kneel or bow to your lord . "
" You must understand Athirajendra that this is not a time for such matters . Neither are you the lord of our father's realm . We all have an equal right to it . " was the traitorous answer answer that I got .
" WHAT NONESENSE ARE YOU SPEWING . It is the law of the Hindus for the king to be the most competent male heir . What right do you and your sisters have on the wealth that my forefathers have created . Let us forget your transgressions and not talk of such ruinous matters . Speak where is my eldest sister . How is she ? Is she well ? Has she too been awoken or was she not put to stasis ? "
The answer I received was one I wished not to hear yet the venomous words came out of her mouth " The eldest child of the Cholas , The righteous eldest daughter of the highly venerated 74th Head of the Cholas has declared herself the 75th head of the House of Cholas , she has gathered the support of the Chera's , Huffngldr , The Order Of The Nagainis , The Parampara Of Shakti , The Parampara Of Smarta , The Order Of Ghosha , The Order Of Lopamudra , The Order Of Maitreyi , The Order Of Gargi ,The Kakatiya House and The East Chalukya Branch " .
Yet laughter escaped from my lips as I wheezing said " What six different cadet level religious orders of which two were great but were personally destroyed by me , one noble house , two cadet branches and one clan less leader gives her the authority to try and overthrow me the heir to the Vedic Shaivites , The Leader Of The Lingayats , The Eldest Male Heir Of The Cholas a great warlord house , The Unparalleled Genius Of The Last 12,000 Years . Hahaha . What a joke . I have not heard such a great joke . Please tell me what is the source of this senseless stupidity . "
"Go to your sister and tell her that I wish not for bloodshed but I will not shy from it . Have her surrender and she may keep her life . " I said as wished to avoid senseless violence .
She yelled out . " Never . I will not retreat . I will have your head " and started running towards me as two hundred of her people were engaged by my bodyguards . My odyguards also started shooting but it seemed that they had energy armour . About fifty of her guards survived the onslaught yet I had already started invoking the Mantra " Om Namah Shivay "
At the utterance of Om my attire changed from that of a lord to that of Rathi Four more hands came out of my back with my highest hands holding an Indian warbow , two quivers on my back , one quiver on my left leg while on my right thigh was a sword sheath , my two natural hands held a Khanda (a type of sword ) in my left arm while my right held a Khadag ( a bone mace ) , the lowest two holding a spear in the right hand and a round shield about the size of my chest in the left .
My silver battle armour manifested with it's free falling chains twirling and twisting . Two throwing axes appeared on the either side of my chest piece while a greater axe manifested horizontally just below my quivers .
This all seemed lengthy but was finished as soon as I said Om .
On chanting the first syllable of Namah a burning saffron aura started to come out and on completing the holy word it had engulfed the entirety of me spreading as far as three meters from me .
On chanting Shivay small pockets of blue started to come as they changed the aura from saffron to blue as if poisoning it . The blue aura then spread to the entirety of the hall massively slowing all the enemies while providing a great boost to my men .
My men's energy shield started to bolster while the enemies started to crack .
" Eh!!!" came out of my sisters mouth as she wondered how I was able to access a power which even the majority of lords were not able to .
I threw my spear into the mass of enemies coming at me while yelling "Traitors" . My spear easily pierced three of them and shattered the armor of another one . The blue aura leapt at her burning her whole body as I sheathed my sword and took out the two throwing axes .
Throwing them I killed two more heretics while destroying the armor of one who also was consumed by my aura . Mean while my upper two arms had already shot five arrows each of which had killed two people .
Taking out my greater axe and my sword I threw my Khadag at my sister careful to throw only with enough force to knock her out . I transferred my shield to my middle arms as the held the sword and shield in a Scorpion's way. I gripped my great axe with both my lower arms as I swung it in a wide swoop killing six people .
Meanwhile my warbow had not stopped shooting yet . It had already sent eight more enemies to hell . Until now my men had also finished their opponents and were coming to relieve me .
I advanced bashing one with my shield destroying her protective sphere which caused her to be subsumed by my aura while another two were decapitated in one stroke by my sword . My warbow in the mean time had sent two more to meet the death god . My great axe in a swing took another four vermin out of this world .
The remaining ten were all massacred by my sword before my me could even come halfway to help me . I spared their commander for she had demanded a fair duel . Yes a she . How did I know . Well I had asked to see the face of my enemy and by the gods was it a beautiful one . With eyes emerald and her hair red , her skin fairer than a fairy she almost excited my heart alas for she was not facing the Athirajednra of the age seven . I had already conquered my lust and I had no love for assassins especially those who come to kill me . At the behest of my sister eldest no less .
She pulled out her dual plasives ( plasma knives ) . I too dispersed my aura and returned to my normal form . Taking out my bejeweled ceremonial sword Asi but it was no mere sword . It was a relic of the primordial times of which only seven existed . I had been given this by my acharya . It was a weapon of great power equal to the sword wielded by Nakul one of the five Pandavas .
She struck first as was expected of the challenger . Her left arm kept up the guard as she swung her right arm's plasive . I stepped back and she also did cautious to not over extend herself . I took a step to the right and rushed in my sword swinging overhead but not with much force . She swiped both her plasives in order to attack but I let go of my sword , slapped her left arm away ducked and rolled took up my sword and placed it on her neck . " The loss is yours " I said .
She turned around and drew a bit of blood . " Now please tell me why am I being attacked , by women none the less . I personally slaughtered the Parampara's of Shakti and Smarta . Should'nt you all be cowering in fear and trying to find a way to escape but end up being futile . "
" You may have defeated us but you will never shatter our spirits . "was the stupid reply I received .
" Ah yes , you have slaughtered our best . You are the strongest but you still have not won . I have heard such stupidity many a times spewed from the mouth of disgusting rabble like you . Moreover it was us who defined the spirit including it's property of being indestructible . Yet I need not to defeat your spirits , the destruction of your earthly bodies will suffice . For bodiless spirits are weak and that is evermore true for spirits of heathens and false parampara's like yours . "
" Now pray tell me . Who sent you ? Why are women even deployed on the battlefield . These are works of men do not interfere in them or else you too shall be destroyed like the mlecchas . "
She tried to spit at me but I punched her in the stomach before it .
As my younger sister woke up groggily I asked her . " Tell me what do you see . "
She said " Huh?! " . To wake her up more I pointed at the other prisoner and said " Talk . Or whoever she is your friend or not will satiate my sword's need of blood . " That seemed to do the trick as she said .
" I see only your foolishness and your loss my brother . For far too long have we been opressed . We shall reclaim our birth rights either through word or through sword . "
" What a naive person you are my fourteen year old sister . Look around you . You have lost one of the people with a claim to the Cholan throne , three hundred of combatants and peices of equipment . Given me justification and no small amount of intel . Two valuable prisoners and chances to gain allies . You were foolish to come here with such a paltry force . "
" Did you not know of why I was put into a stasis or were you so eager . Do you not have competent brahmins or competent combatants . Neither do you seem to have equipment nor wits for did you not think why I was put into stasis . Why I was able to slaughter so many of your greatest . You disrespect me . And so by Indra this I swear that all enemies in path of order will be grinded to oblivion under me . I am the messenger of death and the I have already died . I live no longer among the living but teeter on the brink of life and death . "
" What !!! but how . Weren't the powers of the blood sealed . "
" Yes they were and they still are . I was not brought to life by them but rather by a gana . ANd so I shall carry out my Dharma . Men we have talked enough . "
" Wait brother Athirajendra . What has happened to you will you not protect your sister . "
" Oh so now you remember that I am your brother . But that all is in vain . The previous Athirajendra died and he was killed by The Parampara Of Shakti . I am just his body . The Jiva wishes no longer to bear the pains of this world . Enough of all this . I have better people to greet . 1 to 50 carry the bodies to the dungeons . 51 - 100 stand as my personal guard and let the Peshwa in . "