Leah's P.O.V
When the teacher walks in he starts teaching while Xavier and I jot. About half the class later, he counts everyone except us and the few others sitting near us.
Xavier brings out his phone to text someone I think, my phone buzzes
Start of texts
X: He didn't count us you know
L: It's part of the plan
L: When he calls your name- you say present, come out of the shadows and remove your hood
X: Then how is it a prank
L: It's not I meant a trick
X: But how is it a trick :-)
L: You know what I mean boi
End of texts
"Leah Coleman, Ms. Coleman" he asks while looking at everyone in the class
"Here sir" I say while leaving the shadows and taking of my hoodie. The teacher- I never remember his name- looks shocked or confused, I can't tell and moves on with roll call
"Xavier Gabriels, are you here" Mr. Idk asks after one minute when Mr. Idk is about to call the next person Xavier says in a deep voice
"Here sir" Mr. Idk just looks speechless
"It seems there are more of you so far back in the class, can y'all see?" he asks and we reply with yes
Start of texts
L: Good job his face was so ⚇ :-|
X: I know right best plan ever
L: And your voice was so deep the first person that came to my mind was Darth Vader
X: Seriously
L: Mr. Idk is coming.
End of texts
I look up before Mr. Idk reaches here and feel my phone buzz. When he does he whispers "that was not funny, I wonder what you were thinking" then he goes back to the front, I look at my phone
Start of texts
X: Who is Mr. Idk
L: The teacher in front. I don't know his name soo.... ⚇
X: That's Mr. Roberts ;-)
L: Thanks at least when I need to ask him a question I won't have to stutter
X: Yeah but that would be pretty funny. And if that does happen; I'll be the first to laugh. Kay
L: Kay
End of texts
*skip to end of school*
Steff and Xavi meet me outside the school as we're walking to my car I take out my phone:
L: Xavi don't you have a date with 'The Great' McKenzie Hollister today
He frowns slightly before replying:
X: I do, I don't want to go but I made a promise and I don't like breaking promises :(
L: Are you going home first or the park... so I know if I'm dropping you home
X: The park, don't want to be late
"Bye guys don't want to be late for my da-" he starts
"Xavier, hi, are you ready, or should I wait. Text me. Do you have my number? Here it is" McKenzie pops up before pulling out a card from her purse and placing in his hand "bye" she says before blowing kisses to him and runs away.
As soon as she leaves his smile drops
He sighs before saying "bye guys. Got to go. As you see my date here is excited so am I. Yay" he finishes sarcastically.
Then I see a blonde running to me "Leah wait up" I stop, so does Steff
"Who is she" Steff asks
"That's Amelia she's new, met her in drama" I reply by that time Amelia is beside me
"Hey Leah, hey other person, I'm Amelia Stude and you are" Amelia says
"Stephanie Gabriels, Leah's best friend, nice to meet you" steff smiles at her
I randomly say "now we're all going to be very good/ best friends. YAY!" I jump up. Linn comes over
"Aah what a sight, the two blondes and a brown haired girl. Hey I've never like seen you here before" she said talking to Amelia
Amelia replied "yup, I'm new and what do you want"
Then Linn asked "what are you like doing with them"
"They are my friends and you are not neither are you needed here so scram" Amelia said
"What she said and please go I don't wanna kill any more of my braincells by standing next to you" Steff said while smiling
Me being the nicest put my hands on Linn's shoulders and turned her in 180 degrees and lightly shoved her "bye Linny boo" and we- me Amelia and Steff- went to my car.
When I started it I asked "Amelia where do you live"
She replied " just keep driving and i'll show you"
Turns out she's Steff's new neighbor and they both jumped out of the car, I jumped out but lost my footing and fell on my butt which made them laugh at me
"You guys are bad friends, now help me up" I said while stretching my hands upward. They looked at each other then me and shook their heads. Then I used my puppy power and they helped me stand.
We walked into Steff's house and her mom hugged me and Amelia "Leah! How are you and who is this" forgetting Steff- her daughter
"HI Jane, this is Amelia she's new" I answered
"There are cookies and cupcakes in the kitchen" Jane said
"Share the love mum, share the love" Steff said
"Oh Stephanie, I didn't see you there" Jane said and pinched Steff's cheek meanwhile Amelia and I are devouring the cookies and cupcakes and Jane was considerate enough to leave water and juice for two.
"Dif if awefome" Amelia said but I think she means this is awesome
"I know try some cupcakes" I said while reaching for a cookie
Amelia hummed in satisfaction "this is the best cupcake I've eaten, I'll never buy cupcakes from the bakery again- okay I'm just exaggerating but this is awesome"
"Life is good when you're eating Jane's baked stuff" I said by now I've eaten three cookies and two cupcakes then my phone rang
"Hey mom... I'm at Stephanie's house...eating cupcakes and cookies... okay I'm coming...love you too bye" and I drop the phone and Jane comes in
"I have to go, see you tomorrow" I say while gathering my stuff
"Wait" Jane said while packing some cookies and cupcakes "this is for you and Cole"
"Thanks" I say, take the bag and rush to my car, drive to my house, come out of the car with the bag and rush into the house
"What happened mom" I ask
She puts her head in the space for the kitchen window "nothing just wanted you to come home quickly cause your dad said so" she winked and went back to what she was doing
I stomped upstairs and saw Cole "hey little bro, I have c&c"
He looked at me "really, I want some, can I have some. Pwease" he used his puppy power
"Cole, I'm immune to your puppy power like you are immune to mine and I was going to give you anyway" I say before sitting Indian style and bringing out the c&c's, dividing them equally. And we started eating
*skip to after dinner*
I went upstairs to my room, changed into this(in the picture up or at the side) before I went to my YouTube channel and made a video with my nose to shoulders showing while singing there's nothing holdin' me back by Shawn Mendes.
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby there's nothing holding me back
Oh oh oh oh
There's nothing holding me back
I feel
So free
When you're
With me
Baby there's nothing holding me back