Game for two

Good day, dear readers!
This mini-fanfic was written under the impression of the translated chapter of the novel "Hemp rope: Between us". It is my own image of the situation, that arose in my head after reading the chapter (the link is indicated in the header of fanfic). The translator from Thai suggested, that in this case it should have been NC, and I completely agree with her. So I decided to present my version of events. No logic, no reasoning, no plot, as I usually do. Purely sex, chatter, and nonsense. So we just enjoy the moment.
This is fanfiction, written by me in my native Russian, and translated for foreign fans of the couple WinTeam. I do not know English ideally, so I apologize for possible spelling and punctuation errors.

The fanfiction contains a description of Team's tattoo. It was mentioned in one of the recently translated chapters, and I decided to include it in the story.

I want to clarify or remind you, that in this text, the main characters are the canonical couple of Win and Team from the upcoming series "Hemp rope: Between us". This isn't Boun and Prem! This is Win and Team, characters, who have a well-established, prescribed by the author character and act according to the canon. So please, don't confuse Boun (Win) and Prem (Team) with Win and Team. Of course, we all visualize the characters relative to the actors, who played their roles. This is normal, and it should be. But we must not forget, that the canonical couple of WinTeam and real people, Boun and Prem, are not the same thing, but completely two different couple of people!!!

I would like to express my gratitude to my colleague and translator from Thai. Thank you!!!


"Wooooy, Hia, where are you dragging me?"
"Take a bath, of course," Win said, pushing open the bathroom door and pushing junior in.
"Why should I?"
The dark eyes flashed. Win kicked off his shirt, as he moved closer, forcing Team to back away until he rested the wall. A large hand smeared ice cream on the guy's cheek and neck.
"You're dirty. You should take a shower too."
"Wooy, give me go out… I don't want to!" Team's eyes narrowed.
Win moved closer to his junior, making him almost press against the wall.
"Will you do it yourself, or should Hia help you?" Win looked down at his boyfriend's body, and Team suddenly felt, how blushing.
"Go to hell, I'll do it myself!" Team pushed Hia away from him, frowning and blowing his lips like a child. Win just grinned. He stood a little way off, arms folded, and watched, as Team pulled off the T-shirt, revealing the taut, well-defined torso, that had been acquired by long hours of training.
"Are you going to stare?" Team dropped his T-shirt to the floor and started to work on his pants. It would seem, that he had done this a thousand times: changing in front of a bunch of seniors and juniors in the shared locker room of their swimming club. But for some reason now, under the intense and hungry gaze of his Hia, Team was confused like a boy.
"What's there, that I haven't seen," Win sneered, causing a look of displeasure to cross Nong's face.
Team pulled off the last piece of clothing and stared at the still half-dressed senior.
"Undress. Or were you about to take a shower just like that?" Team tried his best to look as indifferent, as possible, but he could feel, how his cock engorged with blood under others' gaze, his legs trembling, and his cheeks flushing scarlet.
Win kept eyes on his Nong, as slowly, teasingly, removed the remaining items of clothing. He saw, how junior's eyes darken, saw, how rapid, feverish heaving of his chest, the twitching of his adam's apple, as he swallowed convulsively.
Win pushed junior into the shower stall, following him in. Team stood with his back to him, showing off his delicious round ass, and Win bit his lip, so much did he want to crumple those elastic halves in his hands. Team turned on the valves, adjusted the water to an acceptable temperature, then turned to face Hia. But Win had other plans. This naughty junior was playing with him. He was teasing his Phi, well aware of, what he had done. And now senior decided to play in his game, but by his own rules. So he abruptly dug his long fingers into others' forearms and turned junior's back to him.
"Hia, what the hell are you doing?!" Team exclaimed indignantly, but still remained in the position, to which senior had returned him. Team didn't want, that Hia to see a spark of desire, light up in his eyes as soon, as senior touched him. Team loved it: when Hia ruffled his hair, kissed him on the forehead, hugged him, while he slept, let him sleep on his lap, gently stroked his back. But the obstinate nature forced to resist every time, not giving up. Curses came out of his mouth in spite of himself. At times like this Team felt, as if two completely different people were living inside of him. One of them is crazy and brave, ready to do anything, to annoy his senior, and then take the consequences with relish. The other, on the contrary, is harmful and ruffly, repelling Hia every time, when he showed excessive attention to him. And now the two of them were arguing in junior's skull so loud and exhausting, that he wanted to hit his head on the tile, to get rid of the already maddening feeling.
Warm water poured down the top of his head, running on his already damp hair, on the back of his neck, spine, settling on the tailbone, rolling down. In his thoughts Team did not notice, how others' hands began to massage his head, applying the shampoo lightly and carefully, which caused pleasant goosebumps to run all over his body, his skin was covered with pimples, and warmth spread to just below his stomach. Team liked it. Liked such a gentle and caring senior.
Win was washing Team's head, standing very close, almost close, so that his half-erect cock was touching junior's body. Washing the lather away, making sure, that the last of it didn't get into Nong's eyes, Win continued the massage, running his fingers from neck to shoulder, pressing, crushing tired, tense muscles, feeling, how Team relaxes in his hands. His palms slid lower on the other's forearms, and senior's lips were next to Nong's ear. Team immediately tensed all over from the sudden change of mood of senior, but Hia continued to travel through his body with his hands, teeth slightly pulling the lobe. Team unconsciously closed his eyes and tilted his head back, giving Hia a more comfortable position. The younger guy put his hands on the wall, and spread his legs a little apart so, as not to accidentally fall on the slippery tile floor. The prospect of breaking neck was not pleasant for a second, even with the certainty, that Hia was there and would not let him fall under any circumstances. Win ran his lips down Nong's spine from his neck to his shoulder blades, tracing a line with his tongue all the way to the dimples in his lower back, gradually dropping to a crouch as he stroked his palms along Nong's ribs and broad back. Team cried out when he felt the other's teeth taking him by the buttock. Not much, just a little. To be honest, Team liked, when Hia was a little rude and impetuous with him, but junior would bite his tongue off if he said it out loud.
"Hia, what the hell? What are you… Aaah!" Team pressed his hands harder against the wall, although at the moment he would have liked to bury them in the blond hair of the guy behind him, and… Team wasn't sure, whether to push him or push him away. Win was without exaggeration a master when it came to rimming. Team remembered very well every time when he literally whined because of other's tongue in his ass. Hia always knew exactly, what to do and how to do it, in which direction to move, how deep, how hard and how often. His long fingers were painfully, but at the same time pleasantly squeezed the hemispheres, pulling them apart, opening access to the innermost, which left small marks in the morning, but Team liked it. And now, feeling, how sharply and confidently other's hands opened the body of junior, as the wet and hot tongue circled around the anus, and the nails bit painfully into the soft light skin, Team could not resist a moan.
"Hia…" Team wanted to pull one hand back, to push Win's head, making him literally fuck his ass with his tongue, but as soon as he moved, his legs began to shake treacherously, and the younger guy pressed his palms against the wall. "Damn! Fuck!"
"You're getting so depraved, Ai Team. It gets worse and worse every time. Am I such a bad influence on you?" Win asked sarcastically, looking up from, what he was doing, when he saw, how Team making pathetic attempts to touch him. Win knew, that it would be like this. He knew his junior inside out. Team was never very reserved in bed. Obstinate and unapproachable in the circle of friends and fellow students, he became malleable and at the same time unbridled, when it came to sex. That's why Win didn't wait, until they got to the room, and started teasing junior here, knowing full well, that Team would want to set his own rhythm, set his own rules, but he couldn't do it. His helplessness and give took of Win's mind.
"Did you do it on purpose, la? I hate Hia, damn you!"
"Not true," Win slapped his pale buttock, watching, how it turn pink from the weight of his hand, and water trickled down in large drops on the beautiful skin to look at. "You love me."
Team muttered something unintelligible and pushed his hips, making it clear, that Hia was chattering too much. Win laughed, but the next moment the booth was filled with Team's incessant, drawn-out moans, as the other's tongue invaded the ring of muscles, saliva flowed in a continuous stream from his chin, washed away by the water, his fingers pressed harder, and his cock was already bloodshot, exposing a purple head, that was now too sensitive from any, even the slightest touch, so the continuous flow of water only increased the incoming wave of excitement.
Win's knees were numb from the awkward position, his fingers were numb from squeezing others' ass so hard, his lips were sore, and his mouth was dry, even though they were in the shower. But it was nothing compared to, what senior saw when he pulled back a little to reach for a small bottle of lotion on a nearby shelf. Team… disheveled, wet, shivering, excited. Black, the color of raven's wing, junior's hair wet strands fell across his forehead, temples, and back of the head; eyes, covered with fluffy eyelashes, which are now wet and sticky, looked terrific; nostrils flared, like an angry bull, because of heavy breathing; lower lip was bitten with such force, that whitened compared to the top; a beautiful blush painted his cheeks, gradually descending to the neck and chest to the navel, where took the beginning of a small trail of dark neatly trimmed hair, and the skin in the groin, usually hidden swimming trunks, seems noticeably lighter in comparison with other parts of the body; strong leg muscles tensed, why now stood out clearly and distinctly; cock of the proudly heaved up, swaying left and right, filled with swollen blue veins, the purple head oozing with lube, despite flowing from a watering can water. But the most important thing is the tattoo. The fucking tattoo, which Team got on his left shoulder. It resembled something like the sun. A spiral, that started from a certain point, circling again, and again, and again, and again, like a coiled snake. In different directions, at a short distance from each other on the surface of the last tier of the spiral, "rays" of a triangular shape were located, curiously twisting, like small flames. The tattoo was made in a similar style to, that worn by Hia. It would seem, that nothing special: an ordinary, black, without distinctive features picture applied to the body. But Win liked it madly. So much so, that he didn't miss the opportunity to run his tongue over it every time when he could. And now, rising to his feet and leaning over to other's shoulder, while drenching his fingers with lotion, Hia ran a wet wide path with his tongue along the extreme tier of the spiral, tickling the tip of the flame next to it. Team's body shuddered, and he groaned so loudly and vulgar, that the knot, that had long been twisted in Win's stomach, when else junior's tongue unceremoniously ran over his palm, licking the unfortunate ice cream, was ready to explode like a hundred small firecrackers, sending red-hot fire through his veins instead of blood-red liquid.
Team screamed as the first finger was pushed almost roughly into him.
"Hia, are you crazy or what?! Hurts, na!" in fact, it was pure pretense. He and Hia had already had sex tonight and this morning, which was why Team didn't particularly resist now, as he felt, how his senior's long finger sinking into his anus, the still-supple walls accepting and wrapping around him, enveloping him in warmth. But Team wouldn't be Team if didn't swear at the worst possible moment.
"Really?" Win chuckled, as he continued to tear at Team's left shoulder, causing his hot breath, mixed with water, to send a new string of goosebumps through his sensitive receptors, and his cock twitched treacherously, despite the other's intrusion from behind. "I thought, that this is what Nong wanted when teased me in the room. Isn't it, la?" the second finger was coming in a little tighter, than the first, and Win heard another curse and grinned at Team's attempt to grab him. One of Hia's hands was busy, briskly working its way to, what he wanted, while the other was tangibly holding Team's body so, that he didn't fall to the floor. It was fun for Win to watch, how his junior's feet slide across the wet tile, as he made pathetic attempts at control over and over again, but he still didn't want, that Team to hurt his arm, leg, or head in the shower stall. So some of common sense still remained, although all, he wanted to do now, was focus entirely on the tight, hot and so pleasant inner walls of other's anus.
"It's your fault for, what's happening right now, na," Win spread his fingers like a pair of scissors, making sure, there was enough place for the third one, and Team hissed, unable to do anything, but grab senior's arm, which was holding him across his stomach, and dig his short nails into the skin.
"Maeng, no! I just wanted to help you!" Team squeezed his eyes shut, as he felt, how the pad of Hia's third finger slid into his anus, previously smeared with lotion. A slight burning sensation marred the process, but Team clenched his teeth and dug his nails harder into Hia's hand, pushing ass for easy penetration.
"Help me? Or provoke me? You like to tease me, hah, la? Do you like being exposed to me like this after another prank? Do you like, when Hia takes you like this, fast and rough?" Win sank his teeth into Team's shoulder, leaving a bite right next to the tattoo, catching the tremor of the younger guy's body and his high-pitched moan.
"And Hia likes to chatter, while your fingers are searching in my ass, na!" Team didn't even ask. He knew for sure, that Hia Win liked it. Like dirty talk during sex, Like to watch, how Team swears and fight back, trying to prove, that he doesn't like it, Like to see, how junior literally crumble under him into a million little tiny pieces, that only senior can put together.
"You know, that I like it, so why do you ask, hah?" Win whispered into Team's reddened ear, feeling, how his fingers sink into the already well-stretched and pliable ring of muscle up to the knuckles.
"I can tell you the same thing!" Team glanced over his left shoulder at Win and realized, that he hadn't seen his senior's eyes all this time. This boundless, blackening, shrouding abyss of once-brown eyes sucked in headfirst, without the possibility of returning. His blond hair was wet and scattered, and droplets of water ran down his hairline, sprinkling every sinuous line of senior's tattoos. Ear piercings sparkled in the bright lamplight, shimmering in all sorts of colors. The mouth opened slightly, occasionally letting out a pink, nimble tongue, that ran along the bottom. But it was the eyes, that attracted junior the most. He liked to look into them when he and Hia made love. No matter, how rude and impetuous senior was, no matter, how much he teased him afterward, the eyes never lied. At the bottom of the darkening abyss, this soft familiar brown Team always saw a feeling, that cannot be described in words. This is more than love. It's all for the two of them. And Team believed it irrevocably. Hia could be funny and annoying, frowning and displeased, could flirt and play, but his eyes always looked only at Team. It was as if there was no one in the world, but junior.
A loud moan was drowned out by a sudden, dirty kiss, as senior's cock pushed into Team's sprawling passageway. Hia held Nong's body while pushing into him, meeting his balls with others' buttocks, making the wet and loud slaps of skin on the skin could be heard even over the noise of the water. Team moaned and whimpered, wishing, that he could touch Hia without being sprawled on the tiles. And Win continued to grin, driving harder, deeper into junior's anus, literally ramming him like a plunger, almost pinning him to the wall. Feverish smudged kisses settled on the line of Nong's shoulders, while his hands clutched his buttocks. The sensitive edges of his anus tingled slightly from the force of the thrusts, but Team leaned back as hard, as he could, just as eager to feel the pressure on his prostate. But Win didn't seem to want to make Nong this joy. Team thought for a moment, that senior was doing this deliberately, just for his own pleasure. But it was just ridiculous. Hia had never done this to him before. He was always attentive to junior. And Team couldn't understand, what had changed now.
A deep growl from behind him and teeth biting into the back of his neck made it clear, that Team was right. Hia cum his buttocks, not even thinking to take care of junior's desire. The cock, deprived of attention, continued to throb, and inside, somewhere deep, resentment settled. Why is Hia doing this to him? Because of a simple joke? After all, junior didn't do anything, that he hadn't done before. This teasing of Hia with ice cream was the most innocent thing, that Team could boast of.
"Are you all right?" a worried voice cut through Team's ears. Right now it seemed feigned and sarcastic. It was as if Hia wanted to laugh at him.
"Just perfectly!" junior snapped, shaking off his hands with force and almost flying out of the shower, risking slipping wet feet on the floor. Win's eyes widened in shock, but before he could say a word, junior had already disappeared through the door, slamming it with a significant bang, not even bothering to collect the clothes, which he had removed before. Win ran a hand over his face, then ruffled his hair violently. It seems, he overdid it a little. His original plan was to tease junior, not to let him cum before him, to torment him with caresses, after moving him to the room, because standing in the shower is not particularly turned around. But junior got it all wrong. And now Win felt like a brute. What could his obstinate and characteristic Nong imagine, when he thought, that senior did not care about his pleasure, that he was only chasing his own desire while neglecting junior's attention?
Hia hastily rinsed and got out of the stall, jumping up and down, pulling his pants right over his wet naked body, and ran out of the bathroom.
"Ai Team, what's wrong?" it seemed like a stupid question, since Win knew exactly, what had happened. He walked over to, where Team lay on the bed, still naked and wet, under the covers, and sat down on the edge beside him.
"Nothing. Everything is just fine, na," Team turned away from Hia with a frown and curled his whole body, making it clear, that he does not want to talk.
"Ai Team…" Win lay down next to Nong, slightly hugging him, placing a hand on his stomach, "tell Hia, what's wrong? Why did you get out of the shower so quickly? What did Hia do, to hurt you so much?"
"Are you fucking serious?" Team turned abruptly on his back, throwing off the other's hand, and stared into the soft brown eyes with his now far from the kind gaze. His erection, which was still impressive and had been tormenting him a few moments ago, was gradually fading from resentment and vulnerability, giving way to discontent.
"You fucking cum and forgot about me! You've never, ever done this before, na! So what did I do to deserve this, huh? Did that stupid joke with the fucking ice cream hit you so hard? This is the stupidest revenge, you could think of. You…"
Win took advantage of Nong's position and covered his lips with his own, not allowing him to escape, thus forcing him to shut up. He immediately threw off the blanket, revealing Team's still wet body, and hovered over him, running a hand through his wet black hair, while the other slowly descended from his shoulder along the ribs to the groin, wrapping an impressive ring of long fingers around the not-limp-yet cock.
"Go to hell, Hia! I don't want to… mmmh…" Team couldn't help and groan, as senior's nimble hand moved along his trunk, slowly, but with pressure, making the desire flare up again in the lower abdomen, and the red head, exposed from the foreskin, expire pre-ejaculate.
"I did not want it," Win's hot lips descended to the younger guy's neck, sucking in a throbbing vein. Hia seemed to be drawing deep in Nong's shuddering and ragged breaths, as the latter tried to push him away from him with sluggish attempts.
"I just wanted to tease Nong, as you did in the beginning," Win bit the dark pea of his nipple, catching another moan, as he rubbed and pulled with his free hand another nipple "You did it on purpose, na. You often provoke me to this kind of mischief. Hia was just playing along with you. But you ran away so fast, that I didn't have time to do anything, to help you," hot breath fanned the hollow of the navel, while the broad palm continued to move on cock, which made Team literally go crazy, now grabbing Hia by the shoulders and pushing lower and lower so, that he finally shut up and took him.
"Hia chatter too much. Keep your mouth busy," Team skipped the fingers, that until recently had been digging into other's shoulders, into the blond hair of his senior, and pushed him hard against his groin.
"Ai Team, did I tell you, that your mouth is very dirty, la?" Win ran his tongue over junior's quivering flesh, watching, how the wet trail run from the balls to the head.
"Damn it, will you shut up someday or not?!"
"But you like, when I do this…" Win plunged the head of Nong into his mouth, hugging it with his lips, listening to the moans above, feeling the tense muscles of his thighs with his fingers, feeling the tremors all over junior's body.
"Damn you, fuck!" Team pushed his hips, plunging cock deep into senior's throat, making him choke.
Win sucked so enthusiastically, with such crazy zeal, that Team's eyes were ready to pop out on his forehead, and the top of his head literally sank into the pillow, so much did he throw his head back. His thighs met the burning captivity of mouth, his skin was flecked with sweat, his breath heated the already stuffy atmosphere of the room and everything around his stunk of sex. Team did not hold back his impulses, almost fucking senior in the mouth, and Win took him, squinting and suppressing the gag reflex, pressing his tongue to the lower part of the mouth so, that the cock could enter deeper without hindrance. Senior caught Team's shiver, he was almost on the edge, and the realization sent a pleasant wave of heat through his body, making his limp cock feel heavy again. Win groaned in approval, and the vibration of his voice reverberated through all the sensitive receptors, causing Team to speed up and cum, clutching senior's hair, in a couple of moments. He could feel, how Win swallowing, and he loosened his grip a little, trying to control the rush of his breath and the pounding of his heart.
"Are you satisfied now, la?" Win raised himself to the level of his Nong's eyes, and the latter smiled slightly, still in post-orgasmic bliss.
"Don't do that again," Team said, remembering, how much he'd been hurt by Hia's seemingly complete indifference. Team was not averse to teasing him and was often hit back at by the senior himself, but he had never felt so… unwell before.
"Sorry, na," Win lay down next to his junior, hugging him across his chest, running his fingers along the black lines of his tattoo. "That was stupid."
"Damn it, yes! You still call me a kid, but today you behaved worse, than a child, who wasn't given candy."
"But it was!" Win cocked his head, feigning resentment, as he looked into his boyfriend's brown eyes. "Why did you tease me? You know, how it usually ends."
"I know, na. That's why I did it. I couldn't have imagined, that your blond head would have such a fucking stupid idea of revenge, you, fucking idiot!" Team nudged in Hia's temple, and Win settled back on his shoulder.
"I like it," Win continued to describe the graphic lines, starting from the very center, gradually moving along the entwining circles. "It suits you."
"It goes well with yours," Team said, looking around at the tattoos, adorning his senior's body.
"I wish, that the effect of its meaning would work," Win chuckled and immediately received a heavy poke in the side.
"I'll remove it to hell if you say something like that again, woyyy!"
Win laughed, and it was lost in the curve of Nong's shoulder. Team was no longer the inexperienced boy, which he had tried so hard to win over. Now he saw a fully grown, self-sufficient young man. And yet the obstinate character did not disappear even with age. No wonder, when say, that a person chooses a drawing, which at least partially reflects his inner world. And Win was one hundred percent sure, that this tattoo is completely combined with the character of his favorite Nong.

*the sun-spiral tattoo – has many meanings. It symbolizes the seasons, the phases of growth and aging of the body, development, and decline. Many connoisseurs of tattoo art believe, that a curl, immortalized on the body, can make a person "more calm and reasonable", improve the functioning of many-body systems.
(quotes indicate the meaning, that Win had in mind when teasing Team)

The same text in Russian was writing 21/10/20



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