43. The Monsters 3

As Japan was facing 2 monsters. The chances of US weren't looking too great either. It was similarly facing Monsters of its own. Today, there was a pandemonium on this great nation that prided itself on its military power that was not going to do jack now.

In the harbours of New York was rising a huge figure that somehow got in without raising alarms in the Country's radars or the Navy ships. It was a huge figure over 250 meters tall. Rising from the Seafloor it nearly caused a flood on the nearby shores of the City. The people looking at the rising monstrosity were intrigued. They got their phones out and started streaming, showing to the world the rising monstrosity.

People can be foolish sometimes. Instead of running and looking for cover. They were converging there and looking at that being that rose from the shores of the city. Police and Heroes came and forcefully started evacuating the people from the harbour who were streaming.


KING KONG was here and similarly to Ghidorah it was not being controlled. It wanted dominance over the others.

The scientist deemed Godzilla to be its most powerful creation so he was explicitly controlling Godzilla from unclose and left the rest of the monsters to cause havoc around the world and spread terror. The Madman wanted nothing more than to build his empire and cause destruction.

King Kong looked like a huge Gorilla. With a tough black Hide. Powerful muscles covering its whole body. Black fur all over its body except the Torso. It towered over the Skyscrapers with its height of 250 Meters. Its speed was impressive for its huge body. It was striking its chest like drums in a show of dominance.

The roar made by King Kong had the power of UltraSonic Roar. It travelled in a straight line breaking sound barriers. It was just that fast and strong. The Roar levelled the the Buildings in a straight line. The devastation caused spread for several miles. It left a deep Valley in the infrastructure of the city. Buildings in the surroundings experience devastating shockwaves.

It looked like this King Kong was stronger than its Movie counterparts. It was way bigger and had a powerful UltraSonic attack. In the movies it was smaller than 35 meter but here, it was a staggering more than 250 meters.

Kong pushed its fingers in the ground and tore off a huge chunk from the earth. The size of that piece that it tore off was as bid as its upper body. This was a clue to its epic strength. It took the whole piece above its head and threw it like a Volleyball into the city. Destroying the incoming reporter helicopter, jets and causing additional devastation on where it landed.

The sonic roar and this simple show of strength was enough to cause panic in the hearts of the populace of the city. People started going on a rampage. They did not care if anyone or anything got trampled below their feet. They were dead set to just run to whatever safety that they could find.

Kong looked at the devastation that it caused with playful glee on its face. It enjoyed the panic, it caused and saw the people running. Like a child that found its favourite toy. You could clearly see a huge grin on its face that just caused the terror in the hearts of Heroes that were going to face it to increase to unimaginable degrees.

Government took quick charge and immediately deployed Fighter jets and other Military vehicles to launch an assault at this huge monstrosity. The response time can be counted to be fairly good. No doubt that it was better than the Japanese Government who left this mostly to its Heroes to solve.

Today this was spelling doom for the city of New York.


Somewhere in the State of Wyoming, Yellowstone Caldera, USA. A being opened its colossal red eyes in the biggest Volcano in US. It was a state in between Montana and Colorado. Its massive red eyes would fill anyone with dread, who dared to look at them. They were filled with fury and rage for having been awoken from its peaceful slumber.

It slowly stood up on it powerful talons. They were sharp, sharper than any weapon known to man. So Powerful that just by its standing they were leaving gashes on the surface of the Volcano. The legs connected to the Talons looked equally powerful.

It Flapped its colossal wings and took to the skies.

Rodan, The king of the Skies was here in all it Glory.

It looked like a Prehistoric Pteranodon. Its wingspan close to 300 meters. Body close to 100 meters with an aerodynamic shape. Its hide made of molten magma covering every part of the body except the fleshy side of its wings. It had an aerodynamic shape that guaranteed Speed to its fullest potential. It's magma like body had crevices where flowing magma could be seen glowing in those crevices. The temperature surrounding its body was high, close 1200 celsius.

When it was fully out and awake. It lifted its head to the skies and gave a powerful Roar that parted the clouds and produces shockwaves in the skies. Then it took off at full speed straight towards where it was facing. The tremors had alerted the authorities to another potential monsters and Jets could already be seen flying towards it at full speed.

Rodan's full power flight cased destructive shockwaves produced because of the massive body going at speeds couple times faster than sound. The peaceful and beautiful landscape was devastated from its flight. Leaving a wake of destruction behind its path. Wherever it went that land was utterly destroyed.

Monsters were Coming out left and right in the world. We just have to see, How many there will be.