(A/N: I know that this chapter will receive some complaints I only hope that most of you guys will be understanding. If there is something I can do to improve this chap pls tell me and see if the suggestion flows with the story)
I knew Nyx would grab people's attention but not this much... Nyx and I are currently walking to the Hostess Of Fertility which is a good 45 min walk away. We could get there faster if we wanted but we decided to walk instead.
"I've been meaning to ask what's your name?" Nyx asked suddenly.
So this whole entire time she has never learned my name... I thought she would know it by now but I just remembered I only said my name twice since I've been here.
"Naozumi... Naozumi... I'll call you Nao-kun!" Nyx slightly yelled.
"I don't remember us being that close to start giving nicknames"
"Just deal with it Nao-kun" Nyx said happily.
Nyx and I made small chit chats about anything we could think of. I noticed if the conversation starts going into my past Nyx smoothly changes the subject. Don't know why. My past life doesn't make me uncomfortable or anything like that. She probably plans to ask me about it in a more private setting.
Looking at the position of the sun It's about one in the afternoon when we made it to the Hostess Of Fertility. When we came in some eyes landed on us. All of them held curiosity but some of those eyes that landed on Nyx had a bit of lust in them. Nyx isn't bothered so I didn't do anything.
We sat down at a table and someone walked up to us. The first thing I noticed Is the cat ears and tail. Well, I can scratch seeing a catgirl off my bucket list. Elon Musk and Japan we're just around the corner to reveal the catgirls but since I died, I will never get the chance to see catgirls on earth. I only hope that they can't get impregnated by normal humans or else the earth is about to get a very high population spike.
"Afternoon, how may I take your order?" the catgirl asked.
If I remember correctly her name is Chloe. What do I want? Nothing heavy on stomach shall due.
"I'm new around here so I don't know the menu but you can give something light on the stomach with some juice"
" *Pffft* Hahaha Did he really just ask for juice here!?" a random man said.
This followed by a couple of more men laughing at me but I couldn't care less. Why would I feel anger for those weaker than me...
"Anything you like miss?" Chloe asked Nyx.
"Some grape wine will do for me" Nyx told Chloe.
"Ok, I'll be back with your food as timely as possible" Chloe said before going to get our order.
As soon Chloe left a couple of guys from the table that laughed at me for ordering juice walked over.
"Oi, pretty lady how about you ditch this masked weirdo and come with us" said the lead guy in the group.
"Yeah what kind of man orders juice?" said a follower of the lead guy.
A smile appears on Nyx's face
"My my... what makes you think you can speak to us this way?" Nyx speaks with a bit of coldness.
I see all of them pale a bit. She must put pressure on them. I look around and a lot of people noticed what's going on and gossiping about who are we?
The men grew brain cells suddenly and left back to their table. All their facial expressions had one thing on them. 'we fucked up'
"Who is that?" said one man.
"I don't know" said another man sweating bullets
"It's two possibilities she's a high level adventurer or the least unfavorable... She's a goddess..." said the leader.
"Let's hope not" said the man before.
I tuned out their conversation since they are irrelevant now. Nyx seemed very amused about all this.
Two minutes later Chloe is back with our order. She handed Nyx her wine then handed me my order. Which is juice and what appears to be fries, a Japanese style hamburger? They have this here? Not gonna question it.
I ate my food which is on par with earth versions surprisingly. The juice is also very good too. Nyx is just drinking her wine with approval of the taste on her face. We finished our orders but we kept on asking for refills for our drinks. We talked about trivial things till we both heard something that caught our attention.
"Oi don't do anything stupid Loki is coming" said a random man.
The door opens and here comes the Loki herself with her head raid team. I haven't said it yet but the anime doesn't do them justice the girls to be exact. Then I made accidental eye contact with Ais which got noticed by Bete of course. Surprisingly he doesn't say anything but he glares at me which I responded by rolling my eyes which made him more upset.
(Loki pov)
I'm in the mood for a drink. Everyone sat down conversing with each other. I noticed Bete glaring at some guy wearing a cloak. Can't see his face cause of where I'm positioned. He placed a black cloft in his pocket and put his hand to his what I guess is his face. The female with him... She gives me a weird feeling for some reason.
She had a surprised look on her face then just shook her head. I look back over to Bete but he looks like he is about to walk over there.
"What's wrong with you?" Tione asked Bete.
"That cloaked bastard over there looked at Ais" Bete said irritated.
"You can't just go around beating everyone that looks at Ais Bete" Tione said trying to talk him down.
Bete ignores her and gets up and walks over to the guy. Finn who is beside me just sighs.
"Here we go again" says Finn
"Just stop Bete before he kills the poor guy"
"Hey, You!" Bete shouts.
The cloaked guy ignores him though.
"Don't you igno-" Bete says but is cut off by the guy.
"What" the cloaked guy says with a weird voice.
What's wrong with his voice it sounds weird. Must be apart of a race I've never heard of.
"The hell wrong with your voice? Nevermind doesn't matter... What were you doing looking Ais!" Shouted Bete.
Everyone is already looking at them but no one says anything cause they are used to this.
The cloaked guy stands up match Bete in height and turns around. What I see surprises me along with everyone else besides that girl. He is wearing a metal mask that resembles a skull. His eyes are glowing red.
"What are you her father?" the guy asked Bete with sarcasm.
"Finn, you seen this guy before?"
"No" he responds
Who is this guy? For him to stand up to Bete means he's strong or just stupid.
"What you say! Say that again!" Bete yells growing more upset by the second.
"That again..." the guy mocked Bete.
"You dare!" Bete shouts
This guy is provoking Bete on purpose. Does he have a death wish!
"Finn we should-"
I cut myself off because I see Bete rushing the guy but he doesn't move is he scared?
"You should be a good boy..." the guy says.
Bete went in to punch him but the guy effortlessly dodges Bete. He pulls his left hand out of the cloak and he's holding something.
"And sit..." the told Bete
The scene before us shocked everyone. Bete is on the ground and the masked guy is standing over him.
It took a moment to process what just happened but as soon as it did Tione is the first to say something.
"Bete!" Tione shouts and is about to attack the masked guy along with the others but stops.
I feel danger behind everyone. When I looked there is a black figures behind all of them with needle like swords ready to slit their throats.
When did they come behind us? I didn't even notice them until they were there.
(A/N: He made doppelgangers come out of their shadows. The reason they didn't notice is because they are made from their own shadow)
"Nao-kun... Enough..." a female voice spoke.
The female that sat at the table stood up and walked up to the masked guy.
"Release them please" she asked.
"They are taking up for him" the masked guy said coldly while looking at us.
"I know but they are in the same familia so they are gonna take up for him even if he's in the wrong" the girl told the masked guy.
The black figures disperse like they were never there. I looked over to Bete and see he is just unconscious. I feel relief but what happens now. All eyes are those two. The masked guy who made the best of my familia stand down and the girl gives me an uneasy feeling. Just who are they and why haven't I heard of them?
"Let's go Nao-kun" said the girl before she starts walking to the door.
The masked guy follows but stops and turns around and looks at us.
"Keep your dog on a leash or else his brain will be getting some fresh air" he said in a deadly cold tone.
His mask lets out what appears to be steam and he turns around and walks out. Dammit, Bete you chose the wrong person to start a fight with today... I need to find information on them...
(A/N: Before y'all jump on me let me say this. One they don't know his level. Two Magi Gunner can kill higher levels just depends on the higher levels defense. The higher defense the more mana it takes to kill them cause he needs to make a stronger bullet. He knocked Bete out cause he overcharged his pistol and made sure the bullet did impact damage. Three Bete got caught off guard.)
(Naozumi pov)
I walked out of the Hostess Of Fertility feeling like a badass. So this is how villains feel when they do something and nobody can't do anything about it. I have no problems with the Loki familia. I just don't like Bete whatsoever. The guy is an asshole and bullies the weak many would agree with me.
"Nao-kun you knew they were coming didn't you?" Nyx asked me.
"How?" she asks.
"No comment"
"I'll find out eventually" said Nyx.
"You're not going to like the answer"
"We'll see" she says.
We make our way to the Tower Of Babel. When we get there a lot of adventurers are there. The Death Gun mask caught some attention but all they did is look then carry on with their business. In front of us is the entrance before you get into the dungeon.
"When will you back?" Nyx asks me.
"Around night time... I'm gonna get a lot of magic stones then head to the guild for valis"
"I'll be at the same inn we slept at but I'll get a room with two beds. I'll tell the person at the front desk your name so you can find the room" Nyx told me before walking off.
Ok, It's finally time to go dungeon diving.
(Hope y'all enjoyed the chap. Next chapter will be in the dungeon. Wonder how far down should I have Naozumi go?)