I Think I Broke Rose

The morning sun hits my face causing me to open my eyes. I sat up and stretched and looked over to see Nyx sitting up as well eating one of those apples again.


"Morning" Nyx responded.

"Sleep well?" she asked.


She got out of bed and her outfit from yesterday appeared on her. She walked then sat on my bed.

"So what are we doing today?" she asked.

"Turning in all the magic stones I collected yesterday to the guild"

"Won't that put a lot of attention on you if people found out about the hundreds of magic stones you have?" Nyx asked.

"I already got attention from shooting the dog yesterday"

"True" said Nyx

Many in my situation would hide their power like a criminal avoiding the law. I know it's for the purpose of the element of surprise but what's the point of having power and not using it. Back on earth, my hobby was reading fantasy stories. When an MC with an op power hides their power at some point in the story they are forced to show it. A situation comes with an enemy that they have no choice but to use their power but could have prevented the situation from happening in the first place.

I know that the situation varies from story to story half the time there was no need to hide their power. The only problems I have at the current moment is Freya, Loki, and whoever or whatever that was in the dungeon. So that means my worry is Freya but I haven't noticed any sign of someone watching me. It's only been two days since I bumped into Ottar and just yesterday I shot the dog. So the most reasonable thing to assume is they are trying to gather information on me. Ha... How can you gather information on someone that's not opposed to exist here.

I put on my casual clothes. I thought I had to repair my Death Gun outfit but I found out something very interesting last night. The outfit cloak, and all auto repairs. It's not very fast but this sure saves me money due to the outfit looking it will cost some money due to the fabrics and metal pieces of the outfit. I Summoned the metal box and see that it's a bit tattered but last night there were rips everywhere on it.

Putting the metal box back I came to the lobby of the inn to see Nyx coming back in. I walked up to her and she had a bit of a confused face.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing just a bunch of mages out there saying there is a huge mana source here and they are looking for it" said Nyx.

I knew I felt a bunch of people outside the inn. The only reason I didn't think much of it because I felt no ill will or killing intent directed at me.

"I don't know what mana source they are talking about"

"Hmm... Wait a second..." said Nyx before looking at my arm.


"Your using mana to heal your arm right?" asked Nyx.

"Yes but not directly since I have no healing skill"

"Your mana is leaking out" said Nyx

"Oh... well I'll just cease channeling mana for right now"

I stopped the mana that was stimulating my healing arm. Now I won't be a giant beacon to people that sense mana. I wonder how they would feel if that giant mana source came from me and that was a small leak.

"Let's go"

I went outside with Nyx behind me and as soon as I come out a dozen pairs of eyes land on me.

"Who's he?" one mage said.

"I don't know but he has a lot of mana" said a female mage.

(A/N: they are feeling and seeing his suppressed mana)

"He must be a mage from all that mana" another mage.

"He probably has the item" a mage spoke.

"Impossible it would take too long and cost too much to hide that huge mana source" the female mage spoke again.

Some mages nodded in agreement. Another female mage that is wearing a very revealing outfit walked up to me.

"Hey there cutie" she says.

Nope, I'm not dealing with you. I began walking but she grabbed me and had my arm against her breast.

"Cmon just answer a few questions for me" she said pushing her breast against me.

"Look here I have no intention of answering anything and I'm not repeating myself..."

I shot killing intent at her which frightened her to the point she went pale and immediately backed off.

(SIMPS: All women *woooom* are queens!

Men with heavy trust issues: IF SHE BREATHES *WOOOOM* SHE'S A THOOOOOOOT!!!!

BOTH: RAAAAGH!!! *clash* *clash* *clash* *clash*)

(A/N: I just felt like putting that there for some reason)

"You didn't have to frighten the poor girl" said Nyx.

"She was trying to seduce me"

"I tried to seduce you but you didn't do that" said Nyx.

"No, you were teasing there's a difference"

I turned to look in front of me since there is another girl in front of me and staring. What I see is very unexpected. It's Lefiya with a bit frightened look.

"U-Um A-Ah..." Lefiya stuttered.

It was just a stare off but it was very clear that she didn't know what to do or say here but suddenly an amazonian appeared and its Tiona.

I grabbed Nyx's hand and started walking towards the two girls. Tiona looked like she was on guard against me and would attack as soon as I tried something. As soon as I was right beside them Tiona guard eased up a little but I wanted to mess with her.

"Remember, keep your dog on a leash..."

"Wait!? You!?"

She wanted to attack but it is too late I already used the shadows to teleport me and Nyx not too far away. As soon as we exited the shadows Nyx started laughing.

"Pfft!! Hahaha... Why you messed with her like that. Are trying to make an enemy out of the Loki familia" she said trying to contain her laughter.

"Friens or foe I don't care what they think of me"

"So if the dog comes at you?" Nyx asks.

"Like what anyone would do if a dog tries to attack or kill them. You put it down..."

We continued our stroll to the adventurer with guild with no issues. Nyx and I made small talk mostly about some things from my universe.

"Nao-Kun" Nyx says.


"After we buy a place to stay where are gonna get more familia members?" Nyx asks.

"Well all you have to do is point out interesting people preferably level ones"

"Why not high levels?" says Nyx.

"Higher levels usually are already taken and they wouldn't join our newly made familia. Level ones on the other hand are rarely accepted in big and well know familias. So all you have to do is find level ones with are very interesting and talented.

"Well I already found one then" said Nyx.

"You mean the catkin that's been following us for the past 20 minutes"

I said that loud enough for the catkin to hear me. I turned around to face the catkin and see that the catkin is in the process of jumping back hearing that she had been found out.

It was the third stare off for the day but she must have gauged me and decided to run. A thin line of mana ejected from her hand and attached to a nearby building roof. She pulled it and went flying and landed on a roof then ran away.

(A/N: a certain video game community that's NOT warframe should NOT love this obvious foreshadow)

"Not giving chase Nao-Kun" says Nyx.


"You chased me" she said playfully pouting

"I tried to ignore you but you kept coming back"

"Cause I saw how aggravated you were" said Nyx.

Ignoring Nyx I continued my journey to the guild and after another 10 mins after I decided to travel by roof I made it to the guild. Nyx easily caught up with me which made me think that her statement about barely getting away from me bullshit.

I see the girls I met from the other day and said hi and had a pleasant conversation. I introduced Nyx to them but I didn't tell them she's a goddess. I don't think she cares but I'm just being on the safe side since I'm not her.

Saying our goodbyes from the female party we head inside the guild to see my advisor, Rose. After waiting a bit I was brought into the private room by Rose.

"Morning Naozumi" said Rose.


I see Rose's gaze turn to Nyx then back to me.

"May I know who this is?" Rose asks.

Nyx stepped up and introduced herself.

"I am the Goddess Nyx. I just recently came down from heaven a couple of days ago and met Nao-Kun one day ago"

"Welcome to the mortal world. I hope you enjoy your stay down here" said Rose bowing her head a little.

Nyx smiled and nodded in return. Now to get to the business that if leaked will make life a bit more fun.

"I would like to turn in magic stones for valis"

"Oh? You went into the dungeon. How far did you go?" Rose asks.

"Level 4"

"That's good. New adventurers should never try to overestimate themselves. We lose a lot of adventurers every year thanks to that" said Rose happy that someone took her advice seriously.

If only she knew... Wait she's about to know... I feel bad I'm about to burst her happy bubble.

She gestures to the magic stone converter that's on the counter and we walk over to it. I open my storage space which catches Rose off guard.

"Spatial magic? Well, that's unexpected. You're lucky to find Naozumi as he just got here Nyx-Sama. Many would fight to have him in their familia" said Rose.

*Clink* *Clink* *clink* *Rapid clink!*

Like a sudden heavy downpour, magic stones rained into the magic stone converter. Roses face said it all. Her shocked expression was just comedy gold. Hell, even Nyx had a surprised look on her face.

"Naozumi, how many did you kill!?" Nyx asked me.


All I can do in this situation is just laugh at these two shocked expressions. After 12 minutes, yes 12 minutes of the continuous downpour of magic crystals did it all stop coming out. Nyx adjusted to the situation but poor Rose looked like she saw something too unbelievable for her to handle.

Y-Y-Your total amount of magic stones turned is 1,151. Due to the overwhelming amount of magic stones and due to the low strength of the magic stones all magic stones will 1,200 valis each. The total amount of valis you shall receive is-..." Rose cuts herself off due to looking number displayed to her.

The poor girl looks like she's trying to process what she's reading so I'll give her time I'm in no rush. After 3 minutes of her processing everything she finally says the amount of valis, I am receiving.

"The total amount of valis is you shall receive is 1,387,200 valis..." Rose spoke with a bit of a shaky voice.

"That's a lot for your first dungeon dive" said Nyx.

I said nothing anymore could harm Rose's mental health.

"What is your true level?" asked Rose.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. You lied to me a day ago about your level" said Rose.

"I didn't lie"

"When I met Nao-Kun a day ago he was level 1" said Nyx.

"Was?" said Rose

"My current level is 3"

"..." Rose is again speechless.

"He's telling the truth. Nao-Kun do you still have your status sheet?" asked Nyx.

I took out my last status sheet but ripped it so Rose can only see my name and level then passed it to her. She read it and sighed.

"Due to what just occurred this is way more believable due to the amount of magic stones you turned in. Wait how did you get that many magic stones?" asked Rose.

"I fought a monster party"

"...You fought a monster part of 1000+ monsters on your first dungeon dive... wait we received reports of a large monster party yesterday by a party of 5 adventures. We're you the one that saved them?' asked Rose.

" Yes"

"You realize that there is a search team looking for you in the dungeon right now right" said Rose.

"Let them look they never saw my face plus I had on a different mask on"

"Don't do something so reckless ever again. From what I see you are a one in 100,000,000 talent but it will all be for not if you're dead" said Rose with serious concern.

"I understand"

"Now I can keep things here hidden but not for long due to the information here must be documented or I risk losing my job. If something leaks out it's not my doing since it will go through some hands being stored" says Rose.

"I understand"

I collect the valis I earned and with Nyx left the adventurer guild. Now that's over with I have a new objective for right now.


"Yes Nao-Kun" says Nyx.

"Let's go home shopping"

(Twilight Manor)

(Loki Pov)

I've used every single connection I know to find out who is that masked guy but no luck. The only thing I heard that's even close is some guy bumped into Ottar and had a confrontation survived the encounter. The kicker is he is just level one and he wasn't scared at all. That can't be the person I'm looking for because he knocked Bete out cold and he's still recovering right now.

Then there was that girl that was with him that I felt danger from but how is the question. My first guess she is a God but she doesn't have a divinity. I checked multiple times but couldn't sense any but I felt a falna from the masked guy.

"Loki-sama" said Finn.

"Yea Finn"

"I couldn't find anything on him at all from anyone. I even asked the guards about a metal masked person but they only said something about a person wearing a black cloth face mask that is new to the city" Finn explained.

"The girl with him?"

"People seen her around but that's last evening with that masked person"

The door suddenly swings open with Tiona with a panting Lefiya behind her. This draws everyone in the room's attention. Tiona pulled Lefiya behind her and walked up to me.

"Loki-sama we had an encounter with that same guy from yesterday" said Tiona

This causes everyone in the room to listen even more closely due to him being able to stop everyone present from attacking him.

"Speak of what happened"

"Lefiya and I were heading to the large mana source we felt earlier this morning and encountered him coming out of an inn" explained Tiona.

"What happened next?"

"Lefiya can explain this part" said Tiona.

"U-Um... When we came to the inn Tiona took a quick look around and then I noticed he had a very large mana signature but not as large as the one earlier" Lefiya explained.

"How much mana does he have?" asked Riveria.

"Almost as much as y-you" said Lefiya.

"Mages don't move that fast unless it's a skill of his" said Finn.

"I know plus that weapon that he used is unusual as well probably requires mana"

"Did he have on the metal mask?" Asks Finn.

"No..." answers Lefiya.

"Can give us a description of what he looks like?"

Tiona steps up again and began describing the mysterious guy.

"He had all black long sleeves shirt, pants, and boots. He also has on a black cloth face mask that covers half his face. His hair and eyes are black and he's also around Bete's height that matches the guy from yesterday" explained Tiona.

"Could be a coincidence" said Riveria.

"Coincidence, he said, " Remember, keep your dog on a leash" when he walked past me" said Tiona aggravated.

"No way..."

Finn hears me and turns to me.

"Loki-sama what's wrong?" asked Finn.

I clear my throat so everyone can stop talking and hear me.

"This will sound unbelievable but everyone here has heard about that level 1 adventurer that stood up against Ottar 1 day ago"

Everyone nodded yes.

"The description of that level 1 matches perfectly with the person that Tiona and Lefiya encountered and the guy with the metal mask that knocked Bete out cold"

Everyone except Finn, Ais, and Lefiya starts saying how there is no way a level 1 can beat Bete even with him caught off guard.

"I understand what you guys are saying but it's too much of a coincidence. A guy that's never been seen or heard of before knocks out Bete. Two days ago the person who matches Tiona's description comes into the city, has a confrontation with Ottar, survives, and this morning tells Tiona the same words that the metal masked guy says. Not even 24 hours have passed so word of what has happened to Bete hasn't made it everywhere yet. So if this same level 1 from two days ago would provoke a well known high level adventurer. This also brings up the question of how does he know who Tiona since he's new around here"

"That makes sense... I remember the metal masked person putting a black cloth in his pocket" said Finn.

"I too remember that"

"When you put it like that it does look like these two are the same person" says Tiona.

"What's our next move?" says Riveria.

"Well, our next move would be to recruit him"

"What!?" almost everyone says at the same time.

"Think about it if he's level 1 and can fight Bete just think about how strong he will be when he gets to Ottar's level. The current objective would be to recruit him or at least gain a friendly relationship with him but most of all we can't let him get into the hands of Freya"

"Didn't you say he already has a falna so that means he's already apart of someone else's familia" said Finn.

"That's true but since he's level 1 no big familia would take him unless they know his strength. So familias that take in level 1 adventurers most likely have him. We can offer him way better resources than his current familia can. Who wouldn't jump at the chance to join our familia when offered unless you got better"

"Well, we have to find him now don't we..." says Finn.

"Yes, we have to... Our only problem is his dispute with Bete but we can handle that when he gets here. Finn, I trust you know what to do"

Finn nods and turns to everyone else.

"We will split up and search for our masked individual. I will assign search areas along with who you're searching with" says Finn.

I'll let Finn handle finding him but talking will be my role in this. We can't have someone like him in the hands of Freya or else nobody will be able to stand against her in the future if something happens. I only hope it's not too late to recruit him.

(End Of Chapter)

(A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. I plan on not hiding Naozumi abilities. I'm not gonna show all of them to every in the story but you get what I'm saying. I want to go about it in a way everyone is happy so I'll need you guys to help me out. Preferably on discord so you can talk to me better please be sure the join cause the server desperately needs people in it the link will be here. Till next chap)