(Naozumi Pov)
Nyx just left me and Alissa by ourselves. Not going to lie the mood got a bit awkward. Not that anything made it awkward it's just turned this way.
"So, what is it you want that is very simple?"
"Do you want the sugar coated version or straight up?" asked Alissa
"Straight Up"
"Your seed" said, Alissa with a straight face.
Hold up a person doesn't just ask as if asking for the day's current date. Maybe I didn't hear correctly.
"What did you just say!?"
Alissa didn't say anything but squinted her eyes slightly at me and sighed as if here we go again.
"Honestly what's with you, people from the east overreacting to anything that is bluntly sexual? I get what I said was really blunt but there is no need to raise your voice. I took you for the always cool type plus you asked for it" she explained to me.
Now that I think about it why did I yell that? I never acted like that before so what took over me? Looking up I see a weird string of energy retracting from above my head leading up and phasing through the ceiling. I swear if I focus on it, I could faintly hear "My job here is done" but I know I heard it. Looking back at Alissa, I can see her looking up as well then back to me.
"What are you looking at?" she asked.
"Nothing don't worry about it"
"..." she said nothing, but her facial expression says otherwise.
"Now back to the topic at hand. Why do you want my semen?"
"To accomplish the final test for my body. I must know if I can still produce children the normal way. Not through mitosis to create lesser slime like the one Nyx holds" Alissa told me.
"That small blue slime is your child?"
"To an extent, you could say that. However, they are basically clones of myself, but they cannot evolve and only have the Intelligence of a ten year old. They have some emotion, but it isn't complex except for the one Nyx holds. That one is special out of all the lesser slime I created.
"I see"
"I want your seed because you are the perfect mate for me and the majority of women. Hell, even female gods might fight over you to have a child with you" Alissa explained something to me I was not expecting.
"How am I perfect?"
"Your mana is the reason. You have very potent mana and an abundance of mana that will only grow as you get stronger from here on out. If I'm able to conceive a hybrid child with you the child would obtain the best from both of us. Imagine how powerful the child would be in the future" Alissa told me.
Something is up with this. She wants to use the child for something I need to find out what it is before I make a decision.
"What is your angle here?"
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"You want to use the child for something? Is it revenge against Apollo? Or is it some other agenda you haven't told me or Nyx about"
"My, my, you sure have a lot of questions. Why would you even care what I do with the child?" she told me bluntly.
I know she did not say what I think she just said. Does she really think I'm not going to care about my child? A look of surprise came across her face. Alissa started frowning for a moment then her expression turned neutral.
"I'm sorry I was thinking too logically. Back then all those years ago human and demi human companionship was frowned upon. It was a big social taboo but with humans being humans they let their urges take over and many children came up fatherless or motherless. Other things happened, but I would rather not talk about them.
I keep forgetting that this universe is slightly and majorly different in certain areas. I never heard of the Thoft Familia before, but it could be like I said a little bit ago that the story never introduced them. Now it was taboo for a human to be in a romantic relationship with demi humans not too many years ago.
"Your fine but if we do produce a child, I would still like to be a father to the child"
"I see..." is all she simply said.
I know she isn't going to do inhuman things to the child I think but I can't let the child become a part of Alissa's revenge plan. I'm going to see to it that she ends everything herself and with her own power at the end of things without her using me or the child as a crutch. If she truly wanted to destroy apollo right now she could but not without sacrifices. Alissa is smart so she is playing the long game so she can gather enough power to crush Apollo with little effort. Like how Apollo did her familia.
"So, we have two ways of doing this. Give me a sample in the beaker here or do this the old fashion way. Either way is fine with me, but I would prefer the second option because it has been a while and a woman has needs." Alissa explained.
Now any other straight man would drop their pants here and now, but unlike a lot of straight men, I don't think with my dick. Also, I haven't had sex in while so this one time could not hurt. Don't get it twisted I'm not doing this out of lust but relief since I'm in a similar boat to her, but it hasn't been decades since I had some unlike her. Instead of just straight up saying yes to the latter, I got really close into her personal space.
I guess she wasn't expecting me to take the latter because she looked at me in confusion, but it turned into a surprised expression when I leaned in and kissed her. Alissa didn't freak out. We are both adults here. So went along with five minutes of passionate French kissing. If this happened on earth and Yuko found out about this, she would hunt Alissa to the ends of the earth. With that woman, obsession is putting it lightly. However, after some thinking, I should live my life without the chains of my old one weighing me down. Plus, the odds of her showing up here looking for me are very low.
Breaking out of the kiss I stared at Alissa's faintly glowing eyes. Yeah, she was subconsciously absorbing my mana. The blush on her cheeks told me she was into me taking the lead.
"How bold of you to take the first kiss of a mainden" she says while looking embarrassed.
I raised an eyebrow at that. Wait that was her first kiss and she's a virgin? How is that even possible given how old she is?
"Did you just think about my age?" she asks but clearly knows the answer.
"Who wouldn't after saying what you said"
"True, no one would expect someone with an alluring body like mine to have no experience with these things. Remember I was very young when everything happened oh so long ago" she told me.
"You sure kissed me like you had experience"
"That was nothing but following your actions" she said looking away from my eyes.
Getting a look at every small detail of her she does have a very sexy body. Even her embarrassed face would cause wars if she stepped foot on earth.
I pulled her in again and restarted our passionate kissing, but I got a handful of her ample butt. She started leading me towards the wall that from what I could tell has stairs behind it. As we got near it a part of the wall suddenly moved and shifted to the sides. Revealing a dark staircase but suddenly the mana lamps on side of the wall lit up in the secret passage. She broke away from our kissing and grabbed my hand. Leading me down into what I could guess is her secret lab.
(A/N: I'm not making a lemon)
(6 hours later Nyx Pov)
I was about to check to see what was going on between Naozumi and Alissa but when I expanded my senses, I immediately retracted them out of respect for their privacy. Not going to lie I am a bit jealous. I flirted with him a little, but he shot me down. Here is a random monster girl he just met today, and they are as mortals say it bumping uglies! That man does not know the heart of a fair maiden is a fragile one. Here I am at the Tower Of Babel shopping for furniture for my room, the living room, and the kitchen. Everything else in that large house is getting ordered by Naozumi. I could order everything else, but I don't know what his taste in living is. I'll just buy the basic necessities and be done with it.
To not get shunned away by many merchants here I barely released my divinity to appear as an ordinary goddess. This however caused some of the unsavory gods to try their hand in trying to woo me. They think because of my new face around here that I'm recently descended that they could use me in the disguise of trying to help. Foolish if they knew my power, they wouldn't even dare to approach me.
I sense a stronger than normal divinity coming toward me. I look and see a handsome god with blonde hair that radiates light, but that image is ruined by the thoughts he has for me or rather his intentions. He was imagining the things he would do to me but when he noticed I was looking at him his facial expression shifted to a friendly nice guy. Disgusting... I wonder how many have fallen for that face without realizing the thoughts behind it. He walked up to me and gave me a slight bow.
"My what is a beautiful young goddess like yourself doing here? Ah, where are my manners my name is Apollo. What is yours may I ask?" Apollo asked me.
So, this is Apollo... I'm not impressed one bit. Now looking into his divinity, I can see he is Zeus's boy. Figures... Like father, like son to chase after whatever they want.
"You flatter me. My name is Nyx. I recently descended and was lucky enough to find someone to join my familia" I told him.
" I see... How have I never seen or heard of a beautiful goddess like you is beyond me. By the way, can I show you around and give you a tour of this place." he said while lifting my hand and giving it a kiss.
This poor sab really thinks he can woo me. I can see some other gods giving me some eyes of pity and Apollo looks of annoyance. Even without me hearing about him I wouldn't give him the chance of the day normally but since one of my new familia member wants revenge on him for his past deeds on her old familia I see this as an opportunity to help her out. I can gather information while gaining his trust so that when the time is right for her, she can take her revenge personally, and without issue.
Am I not such a good Primordial Goddess that cares for her familia that she would sacrifice her precious breath for a mere god that doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as her? Absolutely! However, I do not feel like dealing with him right now. Plus, even though I don't need it I want to sleep. I have been walking around all day.
"Sorry I humbly decline but I can have you give me a tour another time when I'm not busy with other things"
His face stiffened for a split second but instantly recovered. to his "fake" smile.
"I see... Well, I'll take you up on your offer for our tour another time Miss Nyx. I bid you farewell till we meet again" Apollo says before he walks away waving his hand at me like I'm his long lost friend having to leave him.
Many look at me at sunrise I didn't walk off with Apollo. They started whispering to themselves trying to guess who I am. Even some mortals who were watching were surprised I declined Apollo. Why is everyone scared of him? He isn't that special in my eyes. Anyway, let's return home and I hope those two are copulating or else. I could also go for a bite of something to eat and can ask those two to join me.
(Naozumi pov)
Here I am sitting in the bathhouse in the basement of the house. The water system was maintained by Alissa as a quick way to move around undetected in the house. Since she couldn't go around like she was before in the house while it's occupied. The hot water is so refreshing after having sex. I feel all of my muscles relaxing as if saying sweet relief. Now thinking about things, I have been lucky with my start here in this world. I have gotten exactly what many would call a dream. I mean this could have been worse. I could have landed in re: zero. Even if have my current power and then some I would still be weak against many things in that world.
I'm not however going to sit around and let the main protagonist of this story Bell do all the work so I can live comfortably. I will not just sit to the side like some random mob you would forget. Hell, not even sure I can even do that due to the attention I have already brought to myself. Then here comes the quest for power. I will gain it to control my life to live the way I want and how I want it. I'm only listening to Nyx because I know I would lose going against her. Thankfully she isn't trying to keep me on a leash more like she's guiding me on a path. I feel like I'm forgetting something that she is able to do but I can't place my finger on it. Noticing a familiar presence coming into the house I get out of the water, dry myself off, and put on my casual wear.
Walking upstairs I see Nyx holding the slime we met when we first got here. She really likes that slime from the appearance of things.
"Hey Nao-kun want to go get something to eat?" she asks me while rubbing the slime.
"Sure, why not I am feeling a bit hungry"
"Think we should take Alissa with us? She needs to get out before she develops Enochlophobia if she doesn't already have it" says Nyx.
True she hasn't had proper human contact for decades.
"I'll go down and get her from her lab"
I walk down two levels into the hot springs and towards the trapped door down here that's still open. She sees no reason to close it since she trusts Nyx and me. I remember asking her about how they didn't find the trap door. There are illusion magic runes and the ceiling before you get to the steps comes down like one of those traps that crush people. So when they took down the wall all they saw was the cement foundation which was actually the ceiling to the staircase blended with illusion magic to trick anyone including gods since it was a god that made the runes that nothing was there.
When I got to her lab, I see books with many old lab equipment that would match the current time period if compared to earth besides the magical ones. I can see Alissa sitting in the chair staring off into space with a hand on her stomach.
Her eyes regain intelligence when she notices me walking toward her. She didn't even have to say anything because I already could tell why she blanked out like that.
"You want to come out and eat with me and Nyx?"
I see her thinking about my question and she simply nodded yes.
"I've been cooped up in this house long enough. Plus, I look normal now, so I won't be hunted down like a monster" she told me.
She took off her lab coat and put on an aqua blue dress with black high lights with black heels. Oddly she put her lab coat back on.
"Why are you putting the lab coat back on?"
"It was Thoft-sama"s coat" she simply told me.
Oh, ok it has emotional value. For her to be this attached to her old god she must have really loved him. Not in a fanatical way or even a romantic one. She talks about Thoft like he was her father to her.
After Alissa is getting done dressed, we headed upstairs to Nyx who is waiting on us.
"Here I thought I was going have to come down there before you two started going at it again" Nyx said sarcastically.
"Very funny"
Nyx's facial expression turned into surprise as he looked at Alissa.
"Holy shit you're pregnant!" Nyx exclaimed.
(A/N: Bet ya'll wasn't expecting this)