Chapter 57- Debating

--Alexandria POV--

Half an hour later with me being covered in my white dress and Val still soaked from the river, I was walking slowly beside the future King towards my brother.

I can't believe that I actually have a brother. With each step I took, I felt my heartbeat rise and breathing quicken. I wasn't a person that sweat easily but I was sweating right now.

Then finally, like a scene taken from a story, Val pushed a drooping leaf to the side and as I stepped into the clearing, I saw myself meet the figure of a tall, dark-haired man with the same amazonian green eyes as me.

He was standing proudly, hands tucked behind his back, a smile plastered on his soft features as he looked up at Otis who was giving him a curious look from the branch of a tree, acorn in hand.

This man... is my brother?

Hearing the rustling of leaves, he looked away from the squirrel until his eyes met my own large and surprising ones.