--Alexandria POV--
9 months flew by in a blur and I have never had to deal with so many over-protective people in my life. No exaggeration. As soon as my mother and Nico got hold of my letter which stated that I was pregnant, they were in Lazarus, fawning over me in what felt like a matter of hours but was, in fact, a few weeks.
Yvaine's reaction was adorable as she still didn't understand what pregnancy was and was confused to hear that there was a 'real-life person' in my stomach. Once my child would be born, that would make him 4 years younger than Yvaine, his aunt.
Val was probably the most possessive of them all. He wouldn't even let me get dressed by myself and did everything for me from tying my hair to feeding me. The first few months were truly adorable but then I started feeling like a newborn baby that couldn't do anything alone.