
And our love died, dried and was buried, I was left confused, hurt and disoriented in my thoughts, all my hopes and my dreams dashed and thrown out. She dumped me because she said this was trash, I sit and recount the ordeal, my heart bleeds for her, she was the only girl in my life who ever made it to my heart. So they say love is weird, wise men say only fools rush in but I couldn't help falling in love with her. But it is okay to be sad, life is not all cosy and rosy. But she was everything I ever wanted, my wife to be, she carried my hopes. Are we fading lovers, we keep wasting colour, maybe its time we let this go, falling apart but I still hold on to a promise, a fading light at the end of the tunnel. Come back for I long to be in the arms of my true love.
It's time to stripped off my soul and be sent to exile than live with this pain. Pain is inevitable, I have tried it and I can't bear it anymore, life is all we need but can't be a part of this world if without her
We are not here to speculate what happened, but to show an account of what happened to us, what broke us wasn't from this world, it was something greater than an idea of breaking free...
Love escaped out the window and left us fading till we could not drip any more colour.
Valentine was her name, and she didn't just pop out from nowhere, she was sent from above to come live with me. Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd think you were born to love them? Well that's me, I trusted and loved too hard. I have been sitting here recovering what memories got lost in the confusion, repairing and collecting them back to my head. They hurt when I think intimately of her. So today I decided to cry my lungs out and see if it all turns out well, I need a painkiller to make the pain go away, she was all I ever wanted.

She said, "I was made for loving you even though we maybe hopeless hearts passing through" and I was as happy as a sandboy, and I was learning to fall in love with her. My heart was beating to a steady rhythm
I thought we were riding on something beautiful. Turns out we were riding on the edge of the knife, cut to a trillion pieces, turns out it she was bluffing later when I realized it was pure shit.
My heart dropped and the love I thought we had met its untimely death. Where's the lie?

She played the role of Judas and killed us. Life gave be me a shitty hand from the get go and we lost love along the way. It was aborted
This was trouble brewing in paradise. Love is devious, or was she?I can't relate how we fell in love, we fell apart right from the start, blurry images of her beautiful face that never matched her heart zoom past in my thoughts, I don't care how broken or desperate I sound.
But is better I let out all the pain she caused me. All the madness she made me go through. I wasn't a saint either and she wasn't that bad, I loved her more than life itself, it only took 0.02 seconds to fall in love with her.
She was a goddess, and I fell for her head over heels
Fell to her feet to worship her. Little did I know my days in paradise were numbered. Now my face is out of color, muscles numb.
My mouth dry of words, I can't bring myself to whisper even. She fucked me over, life's cruel. But we move regardless.

Love is in my head and hate in my veins, love is unseen
I remember when we first kissed, she moaned down my throat, clinging to me like her life depended on the kiss
Now I have to let go, say bye to her stupid love
Say goodbye even when there is no good in goodbye
I'm sure I'm just another deleted contact in her list, probably blocked, unfollowed and unfriended
My life's empty, she took everything, she was my everything
She was my ultimate sin, I would gladly be damned for
Traveling down memory lane haunts me Everytime, she's just a reminder of pain and hurt
It awakens a series of feelings I had began to tuck away
Ours was love dipped in blessings hence couldn't end
But she had to taunt my poor bleeding heart
She terrorized my soul
Made my eyes wider, redder from crying
I had lost her like people lose heavy bets
I curse the day we met, I curse her
May she die with a broken heart and never find solace
When we fell in love it was cursed and it was the BEGINNING OF THE END

Reminiscing about her curvaceousness isn't the best idea right now, but she gave me a home for my manhood. She was kind enough to let me hurt alone. She was kind enough to let me weep for her. She was my promised saviour but she came and undid everything, turning my world upside down. Pain creeps within. She confirmed my worst fears, and it possible for me to finally understand that there is no upside to pain. Pain is fucking pain, whether you want it or not
Whether it soothes you or destroys you. Maybe we were never meant to be and pain demands to be felt.

Life was all planned out for us, music was a staple, we joked about our lives, lived together, and counted on each other for anything and everything, Val was now gone and I had nobody else to run to, to cuddle me in when is all cold and weather unforgiving. Now I have to throw away this book I have put on so much energy writing, probably she won't even read, or get the slightest feeling to read. Haha my life's a joke so let's all laugh.

I am the sad boy from a town close to the capital city, whose ideas and were rational until she came by, hungry for love. I gave her my name, my love and my time now all that is worthless, don't account for anything but hurt and pain, I wish I could recover fast from this. I feel like a ghost. I wasn't raised to be weak but shit happens and here we are.