
It was dark, chilly and rainy outside, the only light came from the balcony above, we did not dare get in the rain and so we locked ourselves in the cabin and jumped in bed.

To plunder all endeavors we had to whisper and moan. Hot sensation and bodies boiling with pleasure. Lips trembling with lust, eyes burning with deep desire. She looked at me with those eyes I didn't know how to say No to. I fell in her arms. She placed her lips on my neck and took my breath away. She was on my lap...


I always had my coffee before 7 in the morning when I wake up, but today was a different day. I just came from a nightmare. And where on earth is my muffin? I haven't laid my eyes on her since I woke up, she was already awake, I knew because she turned off the lights in the kitchen,better still, I found her phone on the counter, she must be close.

I was feeling a bit closed off. My head was spinning, it was almost 8:05 am and I hadn't taken my morning coffee yet. I rushed to the coffee maker and poured myself a hot mug. The sweet aroma wafted in the air and caught it strongly in my nostrils, it was calming to even the soul. I took a slow slip. Why did I have that silly dream? It got me tripping, why would I have another woman in my arms when I have a handful with Charlotte? Life's funny.

She hugged me from my back greeting me "Good morning" with a kiss as she turned my head a little. I was alive again, she always knows when I need time to think, since 7 we hadn't collided till five minutes ago. I sipped again, she looked quizzically at me before asking.

"Are you sure you are OK?" and it came out as more of a concern than a question,.

"Yeah I'm doing great" I was lying while looking straight into those hypnotizing eyes. What were the signs of a bad day, was this one of them, or was it because the birds were chirping less today? No wind, just calm, but something wasn't right.

"I had a dream last night, a weird one." I ran my hands through my hair and waited.

" What happened in your dream?" She shot daggers in my direction with her eyes. I felt trapped.

"She came to me and..." I trailed off, having these thoughts simply hurt me, I didn't want her to feel potty for me, no sympathy could take this shitty feelings, I had to play music, otherwise I will look like a zombie. She took my hands and pulled me into a bear hug.

" It was just a dream, don't panic too much, nothing happened to us, we're still breaking aren't we?." She sounded almost omnipotent, she was always looking on the bright side. I owe her my life. I know this is insane, to actualize the reality of the words, but I had to let this slide. I hadn't said the details but she already knew. She always seem to know what to say.

"I'm sure we okay." I said winking to wash off any doubts on her beautiful face. She smiled.

We had stayed in this cabin for a while and it was time to head back to the city. Back to civilization. It was fun walking in the bushes, hiding and playing hide and seek. Making funny animal sounds to scare her. In the evening sitting outside on the balcony to enjoy the sunset and listen to my Playlist as the sun went down. She would rest her head on my chest and watch the sun take a dip into the lake beyond the horizon. Whisper promises into her ears for a better future together, promising never to let her go. She would nod and smile. A day we'll spent.

"Save your tears for another day muffin" I said to her when I found her coming out of the shower, her body still damp.

"I'm fine, I'm just happy to have you" she sniffed in her towel and whizzed past me and straight to the closet. It was hurting to see her tears flow, but jt hurts the most when I can't do anything to keep them out of her eyes. The hurt was unbearable since I couldn't decipher the nature of the situation.

I looked into those hypnotic eyes and I saw hurt in them them bit she denied, something was gnawing her frail heart, I had to find out what. I was blinded by what I had for her. Nothing or no one was entitled to hurt my muffin, I will find out what or who. Baby steps, till I find out. She sniffed a little more and came out, eyes almost red. The sight made my heart drop in my stomach, anger boiled within. I had to protect her all those that saw her as simple prey.

"I was just scared that something was hurting you and I can't help it, I'm so sorry..." she trailed off as I embraced her and hugged her tight. She was my concern in all aspects. I would be damned for her. My ultimate goal, she is my life. She was getting better, she stopped crying. I wiped her tears, and carried her in my arms and walked to the balcony, resting place.

I didn't want her to keep feeling sad when she can't do anything to help herself. Her baggage is mine as well.

We had confessed to each other how much we were in love and nothing would come between us, not even death, we were inevitable. Our souls belong together till the end of time. It was now time to face the world in the city, us against the world.

I packed our bags and threw them in the trunk of the car. Ignited and sped off. The trees went the opposite direction as we came to view of the highway. We turned left, she shuffled through my songs, and found one particular song by The Fray, She is. It soothed our way through the small collecting traffic. We drove so slowly like we had no urgency in life, the world was ours and would spent time as we please.

My thoughts automatically went to the apartment we used to live with my ex, blurry images rushed in my head, tears stang my eyes but pushed the annoying thoughts away, I braked a few blocks away and parked at the driveway of my new domicile. Muffin of mine still asleep, I stole a few minutes admiring her sleeping body, she was snoring lightly and I didn't want to wake her up.

Damn, back in town for drama.