Best part of me

Songs fo the chapter

1I was made for loving you Tori Kelly ft Ed sheeran

Hearts don't break around here Ed sheeran

Best part of me Ed Sheeran

Charlotte's POV

HE ways has this special way of doing things, even talking was so calculated, he spoke slowly and correctly like he had copyright on the way he pronounces words. His voice soothing.

"I wanted it to be a surprise and clearly it is" he retorted "And I'm waiting for you too." he added and my heart thudded against my ribs in excitement.

"I'll be there in a few" I said shutting my car door. I still had the gifts, I glanced at the clock on my screen, I still had a few more things to do before I dropped at his house.

I'll text Kaitlyn and see if she wants to go to the mall or something. Kaitlyn is my high school friend and had just come abroad. She replied saying she was free to do whatever. I coughed the damn engine and drove to her house, she had ideas that could work for me tonight.

Within minutes I was around the corner to where Kaitlyn's house was, from here on the opposite street, I saw here lock the door, I honked once and she waved her hand smiling. I was a bit tense as a song came on 'that's the way to break my heart, first love never dies'.

I pressed skip when she opened the passenger door and threw herself inside.

"You sounded tense over the text, I can read people you know?" She always had a smrk on her pretty face and clever comments.

"Yeah I need your help," the way I said it made it sound so urgent than it actually was and seriousness was a detail I wasn't going to miss. I sneezed or coughed lighy in a way to indicate we need to get going.

"I'm here for you" she said reassuringly and smiled at me, she was jovial today. We were on our way to the mall at 9pm.

Girls right?

We had about 30 minutes walking up and down figuring what to buy for dinner, damn I had a thousand things running in my head, I was a bit disorganized with thoughts jumbled in my head. My friend was pulling the cart enthusiastically and taking selfies, she dropped smokies and bacon into the cart, milk, yogurt, damn she was heading to the chocolate stand and I wasn't stopping her anytime soon.

A few seconds passed then my phone buzzed to life, the name on the screen made me shake, I answered almost immediately.

"Still coming?" his voice sounded raspy, probably he's sleepy, he was on this journey from his aunt's today. I had to wrap up whatever we were doing. I was lost for a moment in my head then recalled I was on a phone call.

"Yes, just picking up a few things", I said and the line went dead. I wasn't sure I was going to be late. Damn I was always punctual. Time was flying by the time we were coming to this side of the mall with our cart almost full with lobsters, a few chocolates, we needed wine too.

"Look at this dress" Kaitlyn's face lit as she stood in front of a mirror holding the dress to her lithe body. Its a perfect fit for her because of her figure. Simply beautiful. She snapped a photo and pushed the cart along.

"You should take this black dress, it will make men weak and break their necks as you walk along" I suggested holding it to her face, it was figure hugging, short and silky. She shrugged but took it anyway. Phew! I was a big help today, helping her identify a dress. Feels good to know you can help.

Not before long, were at the counter, ready to pay and bounce. Kaitlyn's obsession with Instagram, photomaniac. Always tapping on her phone. It irritated me but it was none of my business what she wants to do with her life, wanting to be a social media influencer. I heard people get paid just being influencers, on what exactly I don't know, I haven't the slightest clue. I wasn't an internet person that much. But she was always active, thousands of followers liking her pictures and funny comments, poor men. Just simps. Kaitlyn had the kind of packed social life that needs to be scheduled down to the minute

We paid and were on our way home. There wasn't much traffic at this time so in just a few minutes, we'll be home. Kaitlyn's character drifts depending on who was talking to her. But she was my friend. When were kids, we were still acquainted, living on different ends of the estate.

Traffic light went red, we stopped. I was tapping impatiently at the wheel, grabbing it hard till I felt Kaitlyn's warm hand on mine and rubbed reassuringly and spoke,

"Just take it easy" I easened my grip on the wheel I didn't realize I had helt onto so hard and looked into her big blue eyes. I let out a breath and smiled.

"Thanks" I said weakly and were on our way. I dropped her off then drive straight to his house.

I was parked on his driveway outside when I called him again for the 59th time telling him I'm home. I saw lights coming back on, he was stepping on the floor rather loudly when the door opened and he came into view. I felt my heart palpitate and felt it beating in my ears as blood rushed throughout my body. I was overjoyed and opened the door, threw myself in his chest as he easily caught and pulled me into him. I smelt him and felt so alive. Wrapping my arms around his neck and sunk my lips in his neck, he was real, muscles rippling beneath the thin fabric of his shirt.


I came out of the door to help her bring shopping inside, she jolted out of the car and pounced on me attacking me with a bear hug, she clutched her arms so tight around my neck, her warm lips on my neck as she sobbed, I felt her heart beats, they were urgent palpitations, a yearning only I could give. My arms tightened around her.

"I missed you" she was saying as she soaked my shirt in tears, she was too happy to let go. I led her to the door, went back for the goodies.

She had numerous bags I doubted they all belong to her, or us in this case. I shrugged and stocked them in the fridge.

I had almost passed out on the couch after she called for almost the 90th time according to the way she had been blowing up my phone. I was tired from the hot, slow day and the distance caused by slow car. But she was here now and that's all that matters. She is the best part of me.

I hadn't eaten, my mouth wanted to eat her instead. She was sprawled on the couch when I came back from the kitchen with the wine she'd brought. I don't know what we were celebrating but we were. Her face lit up again. This was more satisfying to see her smile when she had been through hell because of me. I don't understand what the hell does she loves me so much?

This night would mark a new chapter in our lives. I promise myself not to hurt her.

I poured her wine. Filled my glass, clanked the glasses for a toast and gulped mine down.


I need as much confidence as I can get from this wine. I have tonnes I need to say. I want to tell her how weak I become without her. Tell her I wouldn't do anything on purpose to hurt her. Tell her she's my gospel and I wasn't going to let her go. Surrender to her all there's to say about us.

We drank in silence, just throwing glances at one another, waiting for one of us to make the first move.

James Arthur ft Anne Marie, Rewrite The Stars was playing and it spelt our situation, we were on the verge of redrafting our story.