Gridge attack

The beast in front of us now turns its whole body towards me as I climb out if the car, casting a charm around the vehicle to protect Jane who's inside. The dark creatures can never get inside the white ring I've casted around Jane, that's doomed by them.

The Gridge grunts and roars, as if challenging me.

It's time.

I summon my powers, all too quickly for my human form to adapt the changes. The side effects is a hazy mind and a dizzy vision.


I can sense Jane's petrified gaze on me, but I sincerely hope she isn't very intrigued by my elemental form and gets scared every time she sees me in the future.

The creature roars one last time and runs sideways towards me on its all four limbs, similar to an ape, but much horrific looking.

"Come on!" I scream through gritted teeth, levitating in air and figuring out how to handle this creature without having any contact. If it ever resides in my body, then it's going to be the worst accident to happen to this world.

The Gridge grunts and takes a giant leap into the air, but I'm quick to catch it mid-air and knock it down to the ground with my powers. The creature tumbles and roars, getting back on its feet for a re-attack.

"What the hell even—" I grumpily shake my head to ease the dizziness in my head and vision. My pitch of grunts matches the vicious beast in front of me, and I begin to think I've somehow made a noise for it to claim that I've accepted its challenge.

My eyes go wide in horror when the creature dissolves in air, leaving mere black smoke like an obscurial. (J.K Rowling fans know what it is)

Even though I possess the greatest power in the world, I do lack mental strategies and mind gaming skills (manipulation). It's one of my greatest flaw, and I prove it right at this moment.

What shall I do?! What should I do now!?

"Distract." The little voice from my subconscious mind spoke. I get on my instincts and yell.

"Oi!" I hoot loudly, keeping its attention on me.

And there it is, a mind game tactic surfacing.

My body splits into hundreds of virtual bodies of myself, surrounding the transformed Gridge. I can see it's confused, as it proceeds to one of my virtual body but sets it's mind on another.

That's right.

I channel my energy, casting a charm of the Angels and white forces on it.

The many hundreds of white rings around it makes it seem like the Gridge is stuck in a glowing cylinder.

I could sense the creature's distress inside the strings of white forces, its body is burning from the core and rising to the periphery making its gross skin turn into ash and spots of black.

I scream when it takes me a lot more power than I've anticipated to burn the creature down, so I release one hand and open a portal to the underworld.

It makes me all the more dizzy, too much energy being channeled through me as the horrendous red, scorching hole to the hell opens up in the middle of the road.

The Gridge senses its home being opened up and invited to, but it's primal instincts to get under my skin and control me is higher than going home.

I yell again, my muscles tensed when I used my power to drag the gory creature close to the mouth of hell.

That's it, that's it!

I make it slip it's ground, the crater of the portal right next to it as it slides inside. The strings attached to it burns my hand as it touches the Hell's door.

I scream in agony, retreating my hand in a jiff but managing the close the portal with the rest of my energy.

I fall to the ground.


The muffled voice of Jane keeps me awake. I sense my bones cracking as I shift back to my human form.

Funny sounds of footsteps come closer and I feel her cry out in horror.

My hand feels funny too though.

And that's when I look at my funny-feeling hand from one eye.


It looks 'funny' too...