The deal unattended

His fate was indeed...sealed with the Moon Goddess and also the protectors of the God.

Protectors of the God?

Ronald was slightly confused. God's hand protectors and it seemed a bit too idiotic to him. The oh-so-powerful ones needed protection from what?

Humanity, demons, mere creatures who wish for the gods and curse them because their day went rotten. So much more to list.

Ronald almost laughed at what the old little troll being was speaking about.

Although letting out a subtle chuckle, he said.

"The Gods need protection from people who wish ill upon them? Oh my God, this must be the funniest thing I've ever heard today. What does a mere wish do to the Gods, huh? They're that weak?" Ronald said as the old man tilted his head and smiled at the oblivion of Ronald.

"You're too quick to judge, elemental." The sudden comment gets to him as the smile on his face is beaten down to a frown.