
Pov Aretha

I woke up and she was still sleeping, I stood there admiring her beauty for a few minutes, then I got up to shower and change, went down the stairs and everyone was awake.

"Good morning Billie" Louis said giving me a kiss on the forehead

"Good morning" I replied

"Where's the girl from yesterday?" Isac asked

"Who?" Maya asked

"Aretha found a new bitch yesterday when we broke into a house," said Daniel.

"Did you really bring it?" Joe asked

"Yes, I brought her and she is sleeping now, leave me alone," I say, taking some fruit and putting it in a bowl and drinking a glass of juice.

pov Aimee

I woke up and looked around, hoping that what happened yesterday was a nightmare, but unfortunately not. I got out of bed and saw that there were two doors, I went to one and found only one bathroom, then the other door, I tried to open it, but it was closed, then I went back to bed. I stopped to think: my life is over, I will never see my mother or my friends, so the tears started to fall from my eyes, what did they want from me? What would they do to me? Why me then? I could only think about it. I saw that the door opened, revealing the same girl from yesterday, with black hair. She had a tray of juice that looked like orange and a bowl of different fruits, came towards me and soon realized that I was crying.

"Baby, what happened?" She asked, she even looked worried

"I want to go to my house" I said sniffling as she looked at me with an angry look, took my cheek and made me look at her face.

"You are at your home, this is your home from now on I am your family," she said approaching me.

"I am Aretha, what is your name?" she asked me with a friendly smile, but she looked like a psychopath.

"Amiee" said it ended up coming out as a whisper

"So I brought orange juice and some fruit, unfortunately I can't be with you now because I have a meeting, but you stay here and if you want you can watch TV", she said, giving me a kiss on the forehead, that kiss ended up making me sick .

"You can use some of my clothes if you want to take a shower" she said she was walking out the door, but I decided to say something.

"So that's it" I say with a sarcastic smile, she turns and looks at me confused.

"What did you say?" she asked

"you don't even know my name, you saw me just once and thought" she belongs to me now "i say and she looks at me horrified and furious

"don't say anything that you can regret and don't challenge me because i'm being very kind to you" she says and leaves furious

Pov Aretha

What she said made me very angry, did I do her a favor for not killing her and how did she pay me? Asking to come home and saying these things. The meeting was good, we already found the house we are going to steal. I went to my room and found her watching cartoons, she was so cute, I went to her and hugged her, she didn't reciprocate.

"Tomorrow we'll go shopping for you" I said and she just shook her head, I don't know what to do to make her happy

"what do you want to make you happy"

"I want to go home," she said, making me angry.

"You're home," she said, holding her cheek and squeezing it tight. "Don't say that again if you don't want to be punished," he said, and then he saw a look of fear coming from her, he had tried the easy side, but it seemed that she preferred the difficult.