end of punishment

Aimee Pov

I was hungry, thirsty and my wrists ached and hurt, worse than Aretha still hadn't woken up, and since I was in the same position as yesterday, my whole body was hurting, I couldn't take it and started to cry, Aretha must have heard my cry

"Y / n, you said you wouldn't cry at home anymore," she said, looking at me with disappointment.

"I'm not crying because of this, my whole body hurts, I'm hungry and my wrists are sore," I say.

"If you had done what I said, you wouldn't have been tied," she said, standing up and taking a key. Finally I fixed the cuff

"Okay, I'm going to get food and water", she said leaving the room, I decided to take a shower.

Pov Aretha

I feel like a monster for doing this to her, but she made me so angry that I had to punish her, I warned her. I arrived in the kitchen and saw that there were bacon eggs

"Hey Billie, have you ever taken Y / n out of punishment?" Daniel asked, he knows, they all know they are my family so I tell them everything, I just shook my head

"Well, I made her bacon eggs and there's juice in the fridge," said Finneas, I got the juice and the bacon eggs

"Thank you little brother", I said leaving the kitchen, I arrived in the room and saw Aimee with wet hair, probably she had bathed. "I brought you bacon and eggs" I say and she sits on the bed to eat, I looked at her wrists and they were purple, she must have tried to leave anyway she felt very guilty

"did you try to leave?" I asked

"Yes" she said looking at me

"Princess, it won't happen again if you obey me, will you obey me?" I asked approaching her

"Yes, I will obey you" those words made me very happy

"Great, if you're a good girl I can even let you go to the Garden, of course with my presence" I say and she nods "ok I have to go down now" I say leaving, I have a meeting, she agrees and I leave.