lessons learned

pov aretha

who does this bitch think she is? if i hadn't managed to get her my life would be over, that bitch will get what she deserves.

pov Aimee

Aretha pulled me out of the car, pulling my arm hard, I bet later, there will be a big purple mark

"Aretha, please stop hurting my arm" I said and she looked at me and smiled

"bitch this is not even half the pain you will feel" she said she pulled me into the room and when she arrived she threw me on the bed very hard, then she went to the closet and came back with a belt "take off clothes I want you to only have lingerie "she said stopping right in front of me

"but Are-" she didn't even let me finish the sentence "TAKE THAT CLOTHING OR IT WILL BE WORSE" she said screaming, a shiver ran down my spine she never treated me like that

before I got out of bed and she sat on the bed, I took each piece of clothes off little by little until there were only panties and bra, my fear was huge she was super angry with a belt in her hand, my desire to cry was already huge

"now i want you to lie face down on my lap" she sent and i did "i want you to count to 15" she sent and soon the pain came, she didn't give a second q she said that and then the belt hit my skin

"bitch account" she said

"1" soon after came the second, and then the third and there it goes

"oh baby this is the last one" she said giving the last handle to my ass, then i'm already crying, the pain was unbearable

"15" said my voice was already so weak my whole body too

"now get off me" she said and I just left, I couldn't even sit

"oh Baby don't be like that, I only did it because you deserved it, you need to learn a lesson, now never do it again

"she I said kissing my forehead and leaving the room leaving

pov Aretha

I didn't want to do this to her but she had to learn a lesson, I will not lie that it was very pleasant for me now I will have to relieve my lust with someone