Chapter Eleven

"I'm pregnant!"

My feet must be stuck or else I wouldn't have stopped that instant when I heard the word 'pregnant'.

"What?" I asked panting caused by all the running.

"Did I hear it right? Laura Carl Moss are you pregnant?" Pat asked. She wasn't that far so it's possible for her to hear.

Laura nod her head while her eyes started to water. We heard footsteps getting closer.

"When?" I asked. "When did you find out?"

"Last week." She sniffed.

The next thing I know the men were dragging us to their car. My mind was blurred with the image of Loo coming from that hideous party all soaked. I remembered the days she had nightmares and couldn't sleep all night, the days she spent locked in our room, the days she refused to attend class, or even to eat, the days and nights she spent crying. The voices I heard in the bathroom, 'a girl was raped' echoed in my head. Was that her nightmare about? Who is he? Does she know him? Where is he from? Is he in the same school with us?

Our hands were tied with the plasticuffs or what so called flexicuffs. We were in the back of the van squeezed with the men. If you're asking about Sage, I'm sure his nose is broken. He's bleeding and he's knocked out. I think it all happened when we were running away.

"It was you?" I asked turning my face towards her.

"What?" She shook her head in confusion.

"It was you they were talking about." It sounded more like a statement than a question. "You was..." my eyes got heavier and out of nowhere tears started streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't say the word out loud hell I couldn't say it infront of all theses people around. But she did understood what I was referring to. She covered her face with her tied hands and started sobbing. I couldn't do anything right now, what happened to her was a demon's deed that I wouldn't wish for any women or men to happen on. I always hated the word and despised the deed. Her sobbing increased and I feel my hands pulling her to my chest.

"Hey!" Another one of the men in black cursed. "Stop it, will you! You're so irritating my ear." He raised a brow trying to hush us by scaring the shit out of us. But wrong move dude, wrong move. My blood boiled with rage. My head snapped at him.

"Can you atleast have a little humanity!" I speak through greeted teeth.

"Humanity my arse." The man scoffed hitting my red button not once, but couple of times more. The man was siting infront facing us. And guess my plan will work very well on him.

I spit on his face!

Yes, I shoot my saliva on his rude asshat personality cover of a face.

"Bit**" he cursed wiping his face with his sleeve. I smirked.

"You're lucky my hands are tied." I seethed.

"What will you do? Slap me?" He chuckled.

"Nah that's for chickas." I let out a dry laugh grabbing his attention even more.

"And what are you? Princess?" He smirked leaning forward. As much as I loved to kill this arrogant piece of shit I also hate ending up behind bars. I copied his move by leaning forward resting my arms on my knees. I glanced at my shoes and realized it was my best weapon right now. I was wearing platforms.

"I'm a bitch!" I snarled half smirking. I can hear Pat's approval on my little statement.

"Where should I fuck you then?"

"That's if I didn't fuck you first!" My smirk vanished while the bitch in me took control. I stomped his face with my platform and I promise I did break something on there. A nose? Maybe. He hit his back on the van and covered his bleeding and throbbing face. Blood squirting around him, it almost made me gag.

"BITCH!" He yelled. I smirked until the man sitting beside him gave me a cheek warming slap. I winced but remained in my calm.

"You slap like a little girl." I smiled. He tried to hit me again, but the third dude stopped him. "Uww" I chuckled.

"Boss ain't gonna be happy about this." Anger visible in his voice. He muttered something not clear and remained silent.

The drive was long. Loo and Pat fall asleep. Also the men except the dude that calmed the situation mentioning their boss. I was tired. My body wanted to stretch out like a cat that just got up from a pretty nap. The girls were using me as their pillows. The tiredness was accepted.

My head went to Ella. What is she doing? Where is she? Is she okay? Did she report to the police? Did something happened on her? It was dark and anyone could've attacked her. I need to do something. My eyes wondered in the van to meet the man's gaze. I looked away, but then it hit me. I can start a conversation and manage myself to get a clue or anything from him. I shifted in my seat and slowly cleared my throat.

"So where are you taking us?" I asked my voice almost a whisper. I shouldn't wake anyone if I wanna have the conversation.

He ignored me. I sighed.

"Okay, maybe that was a silly question that a kidnapped person should ask to one of his kidnappers." He didn't mind taking a glance, he just sat still. Wow! It reminded me of the question 'are you a robot?' While activating some apps, he definitely would've answered 'yes'. "Is the man driving, your boss?" He almost choked on his own breath. He let out a chuckle shaking his head no. "Well who is he?"

"Kid don't get your hopes up, he hates you." Wait, what?

"He hates me?" I frown.

He nods.

"He doesn't know me, how is that possible?" I frown.

The man chuckles and the van came to stop. My mind started thinking, thinking that this may not be just a kidnapping. It might be more than that. It might be about me, my history, my secret. I can feel the trigger pointing in my direction. While I was still clouded in my thoughts the van opened and the sunlight struck my eye balls by which my eyes involuntarily responded by shutting and blinking them.

"Trip is over, up up, get out!" The driver yelled.

The men dragged us into some farm house. I can tell we're far away from the city. There are no neighbouring houses. No peoples around. No sound except the wind whistling and blowing up our hair and clothes. My stomach clenched as I realised what can possibly happen in there. What will they do to me? My friends? Will someone save me? Or am I going to save myself? Can I save myself? I need to buy myself a time, I marked my word.

As soon as we entered the house the men dragged as to a room that obviously looks like a kitchen. One of them flipped the medium sized carpet that was lying on the floor and revealed a secret door. A secret door for an underground room. Why do peoples need that for? Ah! Idiot me, for this specific person. To kidnap and cover their tracks by burying our bodies somewhere that is hard to find. No one will know that they're standing on a dead body, actually murdered would be the more closer word to what we're gonna end up. MURDERED! My head screamed.

The man started going inside and we saw a light flashed. We then were literally pushed down the wooden stairs into the underground world. The place screams that it wasn't used for quite a long time. Spider webs were everywhere, cockroaches running here and there announcing the new kind that is now joining their home, cave for us, the place was full of dust, filth and dirt it needs some wiping, cleaning, sweeping and mopping stuffs like that with detergents that are highly concentrated of blah blah chemicals used to clean such type of caves. And damn the smell? It's like a dead body have been hidden somewhere in this smutty place.

We were seated on the wet ground. I can feel the moisture and the cold making a grand entrance through my bottom and sending shiver all the way to my head. The men started tying our legs with the plasticuffs making sure that we won't be able to escape. My heart was hammering while fear started settling inside me. My breathing quickened as my thought went further. I need to do something. Shit! What am I going to do?

"What do you want from us?" I struggled through the first two words. The man I broke his nose and the man that slapped me approached my way. They were taller, stronger and most specially their hands and legs aren't tied like mine so they're in control. I shifted in my spot meeting my knees to my chest. The man with the broken nose squatted down my size and tried to linger his touch on my leg way to my thigh. I snatched his hands away and tried to hit him, failed attempt, I missed. He let out a 'you can't do nothing about it' laugh and whispered a sentence that almost made me puke. I said almost.

"Oh what I would've done with." Was the sentence.

"Tedo! Let's go!" I don't know how the man that slapped me already left his side and stood by the door calling the man with the broken nose which I now discovered the name is Tedo. Okay may be not discovered, heard? Yeah, heard is cool. He gave me one last glance and shut the door leaving us all alone in this smutty and smelly place. I frown.

"So what now?" I turned to the girls sighing.

"I'm scared." Was all Laura can mutter.

"I know. But that won't help the case here." I've never been kidnapped, that left me with zero experience. "You guys ever been kidnapped?" I asked. You know we might learn something from the past. The shook their head no.

Sage groaned trying to adjust himself to the surrounding. He leaned to the dusty webbed wall and rubbed his eyes. He was out for long.

"Good morning sunshine." I mocked.

"Good morning pumpkin." He chuckled. Good, that means his alright.

"Where the heck are we?" He asked still groaning.

"I would love to ask you the same." I straightened my legs not caring about the crap defacing my clothes anymore.

"What do they want from us?" I shrugged. "Money?" He asked again.

"Sage I'm not with them remember? I shit like you." I sighed frustrated.

"Okay okay we need to think of something real quick." Pat spoke at last.

"You're right, but any idea?" I asked.

"We need something to cut this flexicuffs first. We can't do anything while we're tied and unable to move our bodies fast." We nod.

"Search for something sharp." Loo adds.

We started crawling and jumping looking for sharp things to get these things off of us soon. A few searches later Loo found a rusted iron that seems to be sharp back in its days.

"I don't think this will help." Loo frown jumping closer to share what she got.

"We just need to be careful, we don't have time." I recieved the material.

"Who's gonna be first?" I asked glancing at the three teens who were as confused as me. No one answered. "Oh come on it ain't that scary!" I groaned.

"Fine I'll be first." Sage hoped towards me. I smiled.

As I was about to cut the flexicuffs we heard footsteps on top of us. We stayed where we were not making a move. As we thought they was gone we heard sounds actually it was a conversation, but it started coming closer and closer.

"Take your seats." Sage ordered.

We hoped back to our previous spots. I hid the rusted metal and sat back looking innocent. Seconds later the door opened and the earlier men came in. They jogged down the stairs and headed straight to where I was sitting. As soon as the man squatted down my size I swallowed a lump in my throat. He sighed and brought out a pocket knife from his back pants' pocket. Shik! He flipped it open. I swear the gap between my face and the knife was a matter of inches difference. I nearly jumped by the scenario. What did he do? Smirk! Ugh! He sent his hands down to my leg and started cutting off the cuff while maintaining eye contact. Is he letting us go? Is he letting ME go?

He untied my legs giving them freedom; my eyes scanned his trying to find answers. He face was unreadable so I gave him my hands to do the same. He chuckled shaking his head.

"You wish." He dragged me by the arms and started walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you taking me?" I almost yelled all for nothing but to be ignored. I snatched my arm from his grip and maintained my balance on the staircase. His eyes flare with anger not to be considered by me. "I said- where- are- you-!" I was cut off when he curled his fist inside my hair and pulled me closer to him. I heard Loo and Pat's gasp while curses from Sage.

"Let her go!" Sage yelled with anger which did go to waste.

"Whacha gonna do lover boy!" A man on the top of the stairs shot.

"Shut the fuck up!" The man whose hands are now in my hair pulling me sneered; I can smell his tobacco filled scent and it gave me nausea.

Before I can protest any further my mouth was plastered shut making speaking hard as if pushing a wall for centuries. Okay I did exaggerate, but it was really tough trying to talk while your lips are attached together by a tape. I don't know my fault here.

I was dragged to the kitchen and up the old cracking wooden stairs to somewhere I still didn't get. We reached to the end of a hall infront of an old wooden door same as the stairs. The man opened the door revealing an empty room except for a single chair in the middle.

"Hmm? Muh muff muft?" I muffled through the tape. He tried to drag me inside but I wriggled out of his grip and tried to escape. I said tried. As always the unlucky charm me he was stronger so he pushed me and forced me to sit on the lonely and scary chair. As soon as my butt hit the chair a shiver woke my goosebumps. I can tell the person who sat on this chair before me didn't end up well. Please lady luck be with me this time, I plead. I don't exactly remember how but the next thing I know is that I'm all tied up on this freaking chair. I glanced to the man infront of me who was about to close the door and gave him puppy eyes. Pish! He switched the light off then slammed the door shut and heard the lock turn too. Are they dumb? How am I supposed to open the door and escape while I can barely shift on my seat and even see. Wait! Did they leave me alone here? Nooo! This can't be happening! Are they gonna starve me to death? Are they gonna kill me? Dissect me? RAPE me? I'm all by myself in the dark and locked in a room which literally smell like death itself. I can't take this anymore. This trip to Ethiopia was supposed to be about me! Not any drama that ruins my life. I was tired of all the things Joseph used to get into, all of the shits he dragged us into. I know he never wanted to, but still he did. I don't know why I'm blaming him right now because this time it isn't about him, but me. He's not here nor close anywhere. What if he was here? What if the past was all a dream or a nightmare and then he comes in breaking that door and save me? What if-? Tears fall non stop. I don't want them to stop because I don't wanna let go. I will never let go.

Hunger made my stomach grumble and growl. I know I won't have food, but atleast I wanna hug him and hush him back to sleep. I'm not sure if can hug myself if I got the chance too. I was freezing to death. My goosebumps aren't goosebumps anymore, they're more like brier now. I don't know how to cope up. I don't know how.