Shorty Hamilton had missed the evening news, so he stayed up to catch the news recap at 12 midnight. Before it started, he decided that he had to call Molly. While they were talking he could hear the strong winds brought on by the cold front. As a result of the wind, his electricity flickered; each time the power went out the alarm went off. After the 5th occurrence and the 4th call from the security company, he grew increasingly angered.
“Shit, I am tired of this. I will disarm the system and sleep with my gun under my pillow. Molly, I am tired of this alarm and the news is about to start, so I will talk to you in the morning, baby,” he said then he hung up the phone.
He had wanted her to come over to be his blanket, but she had to babysit.
He couldn’t wait for her divorce to come through, so he could get her all to himself.
The light went again after another strong gust of wind. He hated this house when it was so dark.