First Kiss of a Nerd

Ace's pov

What is taking him so long?? I'm Ace by the way. I suppose you heard a lot about me so I don't need more introductions. But what you didn't know is that I'm the only child of the CEO of the World's company and the son of a famous lawyer. We are actually a happy family and they always find time to be with me but most of the time they are busy. They said that they wanted a daughter at first but it turns out to be a boy. So they said they would be happier if I'm gay. I'm here at Austin's house and waiting for my soda. But he's so slow! So I decided to walk out his room and called out "Hey Shorty!!"

But my eyes widen when I saw him lying down on the floor, unconscious. I quickly ran downstairs and put his head on my lap. "Hey! Hey Austin! Austin!" I shouted as I gently slap his face, trying to wake him up. I took out my phone and called Kai.

Me: Kai!! Where are you right now??

Kai: *moans

Me: ahh shit don't tell me-

Kai: Just joking! I'm here at home with Jake why?

Me: Come here immediately! I need help!

Kai: Where?

Me: At Shorty's house.

Kai: Who that?


I quickly hang up the phone and carried him to their couch. He’s unexpectedly lightweight. After 5 minutes, Kai and Jake came. "Oh shit! What happened!" Kai shouted as soon as he arrived. His eyes widen and kneel beside Austin. He was trembling as he caress his hair.

"I don't know! I just found him lying on the floor!"

"Check his pulse," Jake said "Its slowly beating,"

"I'll call the ambulance now!" Kai panics as he quickly took his phone and dialed 911.

"Why are you-"

"This happens once a week or month. If he forgets to take his inhaler and didn't eat something in breakfast, lunch or dinner, this happens! If no one will come to help him, there are chances that he may die.” He said. This is the first time I saw Kai panicking and stressed. It’s been two years that we've been bullying him because he's really cute when he's crying for help. Yeah! Two whole years! I admit he's really cute. The ambulance arrived, I just stayed by his side. I didn't know what to do actually. When we arrived in the hospital, I didn't talk nor look at anyone. I just sat there and wait for the doctor. I don't know why but I feel worried about him.

After 15 minutes, the doctor came. "He's fine. He is just exhausted from school and a whole lot of stress building up. He's already awake so you can go to his room," he smiles. I don't know why but I feel so relieved "Oh by the way, I treated a lot of uh cuts and bruises of his. Has he been bullied in school?"

Me, Kai and Jake look at each other with wide eyes. "Uhh yeah. He is and he has no friends actually. Uhm we were having tutorial with him when he suddenly collapsed," I lied. But it’s not exactly a lie though. I don’ really see himhanging out with people so much.

"Ah so that’s why. Can you tell him to be careful around?? His body is too weak already. This actually the third time this month. Ever since, I never see him like this. He seems so weak every time I see him. Anyways, you can go to his room now and he can go home tomorrow,"

"Thanks doc," As soon as the doctor left, I questioned myself. He's body is becoming weak? Maybe too much of hitting him? I'm starting to worry again. Why do I even have to be so worried? When we entered the room, he's crying while looking out the window.

"Kai, tell me. Why am I born like this? Do I even deserve to live?"

"Not that again. How many times do I have to tell you that yes you do!"

"What's the point? If Ace..."

"If I what?" I ask. When he turn his head, his eyes are all swollen and still teary. I quickly wiped his eyes and look down.

"Uhm me and Kai will uh call Jim and the others okay?" Jake said as they rush outside. "Now tell me,"

"It’s uh nothing," I quickly walk towards the side of his bed and pull up his collar slowly.

And without thinking "Have you ever kissed someone??" I ask and lean down as our face began to get close. He’s too cute, I can’t handle it.


"Are you sure??" I said as I get closer and closer until our nose touches each other.


"Well, congratulations. Today you're about to have your first kiss," I smirked "Be proud,"

"Wha-" I interrupted him with a kiss on his lips. I slide in my tongue as he moans. He was looking shock at first but he did go with the flow. His hands were suddenly caressing my cheeks as if he wants more than just this kiss.

Austin's pov

What the hell is going on!? Firstly, I'm trying to figure out my feelings for this guy! Second, I feel so hot around him! Lastly, he is kissing me!! But to be honest, it feels really good. Then when he let go, but my lips are begging for more. "Pffft! Hahahahaha!" He laughs "Don't misunderstood okay?"

"Okay," I whisper "I better get-" When he was about to go, I grab his hand and pull him back. Then I put my hands on the back of his head and pull him into a kiss again. As our kiss begins to get deeper and deeper, I suddenly felt so hot as my cheeks heat up. Our tongues dances inside as it was becoming more and more passionate until we heard a sound. We both quickly let go and see who it was. Its Kai, who lost the grip of his phone, while Jake, Jim, Ross, Johnny and Steve had their mouths hanging open.

"Uhh what are you guys doing??" Kai asks with a shock expression.

"Uhmm we were whispering... To uhm each other...?" I lied and nodded

“Yeah, whispering.”

"What were you two 'whispering'?"

"Our favorite dessert!" Ace suddenly shouted

"Okay," they all said.

After that, they talked to me one by one saying that they will not beat me any more, they will be my friends and stuff. Which put a smile on my face. "Thank you!" I smiled.They were all silence and having a shock expression except for Kai and Jake.

"What??" I asked

"Wow!" Johnny said.

Then Ross "You're so...”

Then Steve "So…”

Then Ace "Adorably..."

"Cute!!!!!" They all shouted and hug me.


After having a little bit of conversation, they finally left my room and go home, except for one. Ace. I looked at him wondering why is he lying down the couch after closng the door. We made an eye contact which made him wondering why am I looking at him as well. He raised his brows and asked "What?"

"Aren't you going home? Your parents must be worried,"

"They won't be coming home tonight since they're both busy," he said as he get the couch and push it to the side of the bed "But it seems to me that you're the one who's worried about me," he smirks

"Uh uh.... Good night!" I said as I pull my blanket and turn to the opposite side "Hahahah since you're going home tomorrow I'll be with you the whole day I guess."

What?? Why?? "Okay," I smiled without asking. I wanted to ask you many questions right now. Why did you help me? Why did you kiss me? But I kissed you back though. Do you like me?? I wish you do. Yeah, I wish he does. I do like him. After a while, I turn to the other side and see him sleeping so soundly. I smiled and blushed but was startled as there was a knock on the door. It opened as the nurse came in smiling.

"Good evening, sir." she smiled as she walks over to my side "I'll be checking your blood pressure and temperature,"

As she puts the sphygmomanometer on my upper arm, I look at Ace. He's crossing his arm as he slightly shake. I guess he's feeling cold huh?

"How sweet of your boyfriend to stay here with you," the nurse giggles.

"Oh no," I laughed awkwardly "He's not- We're not-" I stuttered as I try to find a word that would describe our relationship.

"Really?" she said as she was suprised and covers her mouth. "But he seems to like you though. 120/80, normal." she said as she writes it down.

"You think so?" I asked " I mean we just recently became friends,"

"I think so," she smiles and gets the thermometer this time "I mean, he won't stay here if he doesn't."

"Nahh," I disagreed "He will never,"

"There's a possibility," she smiles and takes out the thermometer on my armpit "Temperature, 36.1 degrees, normal. Maybe he likes you unconsciously,"

"Is that even possible?" I asked. She fixed her things first then straighten my pillow.

"You know, some people falls in love unconsciously sometimes. They'll only realize it when it's either too late or when it's too strong," she smiled weakly. As I think about it, I hated Ace at first. He's been bullying me for 2 years, without me realizing that I'm slowly falling in love with him. I know, I'm a dumb guy who confuses love from hate. Don't judge me. "Do you have any request sir?" she asked as she carries her pouch.

"Can I request for an extra blanket and pillow?" I said "F-For him,"

She once again giggled and said "Yes, I'll inform the staff."

I waited for her to come back with the blanket and pillow by watching the door. At last, there was a knock and she came in once again. "Where should I put this sir?"

"Just put it there, please." I said as I pointed the edge of my bed "I'll go wake him up," I smiled. She then walked towards me and guided me to stand up from the bed. I walk over to the other side, where the couch that Ace is using, with a dextrose attached to me. I, then, slowly wake him up.

"Hmm?" he groaned

"Pillow?" I asked, offering him one. His eyes widen as soon as he saw me.

"What are you doing?" he glared.

I flinched and said "Offering you pillow and blanket?"

"No," he said and scratched the back of his head "Why are you standing up?"

Suddenly, the nurse chuckled and said "I believe I must go. He'll realize it sooner or later, sir." she once again smiled. She seems like a happy person.

"What was that about?" he asked as stand up with messy hair. I chuckled looking at him and was about to reach his messy hair. But then he grab my hand, making me stop and shake a bit. He then let go as soon as he noticed me shaking. "Sorry. That must have startled you," he said

"N-No," I awkwardly stuttered "I-I mean, maybe i-it was-"

"Yeah, I know." he said "Let me help you go back to bed," he hold my arm and pushed the dextrose to its position a while ago. After that, he suddenly carried me upwards, making me sit on the bed. "You're a lightweight," he mumbles. He straightened my pillow and guided me in lying down.

"Sleep," he said after putting my feet above and blanket over me. I smiled as soon as he walks back to the couch while organizing his 'sleeping area'.

"G-Good night," I said

"Good night," he groans and dozes off.

"I like you," I whispered and turn to the other side, facing the window.


The next day, I woke up not seeing Ace on the couch or even on the window beside me. I looked at the bathroom, it seems that he's not there as well. Hmm, maybe he went home. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said. The doctor came in with the nurse that helped me last night.

"Hi Austin," the doctor greeted "How are you feeling?"

"I guess I'm feeling fine," I chuckled

"Since we checked your blood pressure and temperature yesterday, they seem pretty normal." he said "However, you need to eat more healthy. You seem so stressed and malnourished so I expect not to see you next month." he smiled "You may go home, now." The nurse smiled as well and walk towards me to get my dextrose.

"Oh okay," I said "I'll just change my clothes and pay,"

"Your friend already paid this morning," he said "He's just buying some medicine for you now. He'll come back in a little while,"

So he paid and bought me medicine. I can't help but blush and feel happy. The door opened, as Ace goes in with a plastic full of medicine on his hand. After getting the dextrose, I greeted the doctor and the nurse goodbye. Ace, then, get a wet towel to wipe me and helped me change clothes. I can't look at him directly into his eyes, as if it was eating me. I made him turn around while I pullup my underwear and shorts.

"Kai will fetch us in a while so let's just wait for him at the lobby," he said "He also called your mom and dad, so they won't worry."

I bit my lip and said "T-Thank you,"

He then look back at me. My eyes widen as soon as he smiled warmly. My heart won't stop pounding so loudly after seeing his smile. I like him. No, I think I love him.