"To escape before the ship reaches its destination."
"It's easy for you to say... we don't have any means to escape."
"We must do everything we could before it's too late for us."
"Looks like you are talking about something important with me!" shouted by someone at their backs interrupting their conversation.
They are perplexed as they look back at the one who shouted at them.
It was Carlo and beside him is Rin.
Carlo can't stand up alone as he leans to Rin putting his arm around Rin's neck just to be able to walk properly.
Mike and others are speechless as they look at Carlo who is awake. Who would be awake from that kind of punch in the stomach anyway? Why the guards let them walk here even tho they are the ones that stay behind? Many questions had been coming through Mike's mind.
They can't form a single word to come out from their mouth so Carlo takes the initiate to be one to start the conversation.
"Did you shit heads thought I would be out just because of that? Ha! Don't make me laugh! *cough*" Even Carlo speaks with pride and confidence he still can't hide the fact that he is heavily injured.
Even with that injury, he continued. "So, how are we gonna do it?" after he said it people near them who got kidnapped focus all of their ears to them as they are wanting to escape from this madness. All they can do is to lend their ears as they can't move freely because of the guards who are watching them.
In short seconds a light bulb pops out in Mike's head.
"How are we gonna do it, you say?" Mike briefly paused and continued. "... How about we do that we are best at?"
"Huh? What do you mean? Tell it straight!" Daniel got angry as he got enough of Mike who is making his words slow and more complicated.
"*sigh* How impatient are you? Fine, it means we brawl."
"Now I had enough of your shits! Uryah- Oy! Let me go! Let me punch him!" Daniel snapped as he was about to launch an attack on Mike but got restrained by Leo.
As Mike looks at him he thought it was kinda interesting.
"Hey, brat? What do you mean brawl?"
"It means we fight indiscriminately, of course."
"Uh-huh. I get didn't get a single meaning of you thing but sure we gonna do it if it means to escape. So, when are we gonna do it? Next day? On sunrise? Later?"
"Idiot, of course now."
"HUH!?" Not only Carlo is surprised but everyone who is listening from their conversation is also surprised.
They didn't get what did he mean by brawling but they are gonna do it now? What wretchedness, Indeed!
They are in the middle of panic they don't know what to do.
They are thugs and thugs don't need to think of anything complicated as long it has good results.
*BAM* A loud bam can be heard from the deck.
A sound of a fist punching to someone.
It did not stop as it continues to produce more and more noise.
Men wearing military and black suite are in a state of confusion as they don't know what is happening even tho they are watching the kids preventing them from escaping.
However, they sure do prevent them from escaping but...
They didn't think that they would punch each other wasting more of their energy in the process.
(What are they thinking!?) "Stop them!" One that looks like the in charge of the guards commanded his people to restrain them.
And as they soon they got near to the fight, the thugs stop punching each other and went to attack them.
Indeed they are strong that they can handle one to ten kids even to 20 if their opponents are weakened but surely they can't handle eighty to hundred thugs that attack them in blank range.
It was an unexpected situation as they didn't think that the kids would do kind of recklessness.
I mean they are kids that you kidnapped but it looks like they didn't know that they are thugs that live only to survive to another day by stealing, running and fighting.
The man in charge quickly commanded all of his troops to suppress them.
Surely, the people who are guarding them would win as they have numbers and strength that can overwhelm them in an instant.
They even make sure to restrain them as they bring their staff and weapons in hand.
However, even if their opponent is weakened their brain is still working as they are working together flawlessly trying to beat one enemy to another.
Unlike the last time, they got defeated by their surprised attack this time the thugs would surely pay it back ten times.
Who told them that thugs in the street are weak? They are just unfortunate back then when their enemy is Mike.
The men wearing in the military and black suits are not backing off as they hit everything with they got on those people who are attacking them.
Naturally, the thugs didn't even last long when they got hit once as they are already in a weakened state but they are still going and going like mad dogs.
"Shit heads! We go crazy today!" With just Carlo's command, everyone followed with obedience and trust.
"Uryahhh!!!" Followed by war cry of thugs everyone from the guards is surprised by their cry.
Mike and Leo's group are speechless about what they have seen from the thugs.
(Isn't everyone like this when we fight them?) Leo and Mike had thought the same question in their heads.
"Oy brat! Are you just gonna watch there while my group is fighting!? You know that my group would not last long!" complaint by Carlo as he stands at the higher ground giving commands from his troops like a general on his army while he is still leaning on Rin who is beside him.
Mike can only give a wry smile as he did not expect Carlo would do the most of his plan.
(Now then, it's my time to shine.) Mike clasp his hands together as he readies his stance preparing himself in combat.
Leo already left and he is already at the front line doing much damage as possible to the enemies.
He was afraid earlier but this time he feels powerful like something like an energy of strength is possessing him.
"URAAAHHH!!" (How is that!? You just got me last time because you surprised me but that will be last time as you are gonna get your bones crushed by me!)
Leo changed his style from clean fast kicks and punches to pure all-out strength kicks and punches.
He did not use it when he fought Mike as he knew just by watching him that Mike can catch up to his moves so he only uses speed back then.
However, this time is different. With allies from left and right, he can trust his back to them as he prepares his heavy kicks and punches to the enemy without getting interrupted by others.
Mike saw Leo who didn't hold back his strength to his enemy as the sound of a crackling bone can be heard from them.
(Uh... Thankfully he is at my side and luckily he did not use it when we fought last time.) cold sweats flow down from his head as he got scared by the fact that Leo can surely finish him back then.
(N-not to mention he is at his weakened state... wah.. what a monster.)
"OY! Daniel get you ass up and help them already!" Carlo shouted at Daniel who is at the rear as he doing nothing.
"Like hell, I can help! I don't have my beloved slingshot with me so I can't do a single thing!" voiced out by Daniel.
"WOW! What a real useless you are!"
"What do you say, you jerk!" Daniel can only voice his anger as he is frustrated that he can't help his friend Leo who is fighting at the front.
You can clearly see the frustration from his eyes as he greets his teeth in anger.
He is indeed useless without his weapon like a man without his son.
"If you got nothing to do then come here!" Shouted by Carlo to him.
"If you want to help your friend then come here you little pathetic shit! I need you to find the driver's seat of this ship as we need it if we want to escape!"
Carlo wanted Daniel to find the helm of the boat as it is important for their plan to escape.
Daniel understood his intentions as he quickly goes to Carlo's place and starts to find it in this distance.
The ship is large as it has numerous rooms making it difficult to find the room where it controls the whole ship. Not to mention it's still night making it more difficult for Daniel.
Even still Daniel is finding it without giving up as he knows that this is the only way to help.
"Rin I want you to take forty of our people, rush straight down and help the people who are left behind." Carlo looks at his side where Rin is and commanded him.
"B-but who is gonna help you to stand properly?" Asks Rin worriedly.
"HUH!? Why would a -!? *sigh* fined." In the end, Daniel gave up arguing as he saw Rin is already away from Carlo leaving him in a state of unbalanced.
What an awkward atmosphere he was in with Carlo.
Even Carlo didn't want this but he got no choice.
"Oy someone from the middle! Help the group from the left!" Carlo still continued his commands as he tries to not mind Daniel.
As soon Carlo leaned at Daniel, Mike runs through the crowds going towards his targeted enemy.
(Make way! Make way! I don't want to get left behind by these people!) exclaimed by Mike.
He did not stop running as he used his momentum to punch down his enemy to the ground.
As soon he pinned down his enemy the thugs quickly pounce the man so that he cannot stand up anymore.
The thugs beat the man without mercy as they vent their stored up anger to these guards.
Mike who seen the thugs beat the man up close held his breath amazed as he can't believe that they are the thugs that look like they are about to collapse just a few minutes ago.
However, the number of guards are kept increasing as the number of thugs is decreasing.
(Tsk!) The guards are advancing slowly pushing themselves through the crowds of thugs.
Mike takes a step back and looks for a way to slow their advance.
(There!) As soon he finds a way he immediately runs in zig zag leaving the thugs behind and went inside the group of guards that are advancing.
Before he went ahead he asks one of the thugs to give him the handkerchief that he is wearing in his head. The thug understood him and gives it to him knowing that it might help them to win if the Demon we are talking about.
The one he targets this time is not the guards but someone else.
He went deeper and deeper inside the crowd while avoiding their attacks from left and right.
No one chases him when he went deeper as the guards thought that others can capture him even if he gets passed through them.
(Quick! Quick! Aha! Find you!) As he reaches the back he saw the man in charge of the guards.
The man in charge looks like he didn't know that Mike is there as he is only looking at the fight happening in the middle and gives orders to the guards via a transceiver.
Mike takes this opportunity and leaped forward the man in charge.
The man in charge reacted too late as he got tackled at the back.
Mike quickly put a handkerchief to his mouth preventing to call help from others.
Mike is fortunate that there are no guards near this man in charge so he continues his process of capturing him.
(Wow... a walkie talkie it's been years since I saw this.) He obtained a transceiver that he finds at the man in charge's hand.
He saw it in the past but he didn't know how to use it.
(It might be useful for later so I'll take it.) said Mike as he put it in his pocket.
He didn't let it finish there as he keeps searching from the man in charge's clothes.
(A key, a flashlight, and...) He obtained something useful in the process but the last thing he finds when he is searching from the man's pockets is a handgun and at another pocket is a magazine for the gun.
(O-of course they have something like this. I mean they are an organization, right?)
*Clang!* sound of metal clanging nearby.
Mike takes caution as he goes behind the man in charge.
He knew that he doesn't have time to hide as he prepares himself for worse.
Four large men in a black suit but different from the others.
They give off the feeling of suffocation just by their appearance alone.
All of the four walks to Mike's location as Mike knew that there is no way that he can get out.
The looks of the man in charge are expressing happiness even with his mouth is tied as it looks like that these four men are the ones guarding him.
The four saw their boss tied and someone on his behind.
They all quickly understood the situation and about to run towards him.
But, as Mike prepares for the worse he holds the gun that he obtained and points it at the man in charge.
His hands are shaking in fear as this is the first in his life to hold a gun. It would be good if his first time will be in a different place and time and also in a different situation but it looks like luck is not on his side.
Mike already loaded the gun as he knew the basics of the guns when he is curious about it in the past.
The four didn't dare to move after they saw Mike threatening them by pointing a gun into their boss's head.
The four at Mike as Mike stares at the four. One wrong move would make a mess and it would be either to Mike or to the four.
Unfortunately, time is also not on Mike's side as the longer they wait, the more guards will appear.
The four knew that as they did not dare to move and only to wait for Mike a desperate move so they capture him. The only problem for them is that if Mike will shoot their boss or not in his desperate manner.
(I'm stuck in another shitty situation. Guh... God just give me a little luck here!)