Chapter Ten ~ Vampire in your house

Freya Rose

"Freya, did you hear me?"

Tristan ran over to me and took both of my hands into his. I immediately tensed up and looked down at his blood-soaked fingers. My eyes widened because my hand was now smeared with my own mother's blood.

"Crap!" Tristan said while pulling his hand away, then tried to apologize, "I didn't..." He began to say, but panic swept over me and I knew I had to find my mom.


I turned on my heels and sprinted for the stairs.

"She's not here Freya!" Tristan shouted after me.

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to look at Tristan with confusion, then snapped,

"What do you mean she's not here?"

I didn't mean to yell at him, but I was just so scared that something terrible had happened to my mom. Before he had a chance to reply, I snapped at him again,

"how the hell do you know, that she's not here?"

He closed his eyes and sniffed the air.

"I can't smell her anywhere in the house. Although I can smell a dirty fucking v..." He began to trail off, but it didn't matter because I wasn't paying attention anyway. I'd already turned away and was running up the stairs to go and check mom's bedroom. "Babe I told you she's not here!" He shouted up the stairs sounding kinda pissed off that I hadn't believed him.

"Yes, I heard what you said, Tristan!" I snapped at him sarcastically as he ran up the stairs after me. As soon as he reached the step below me, I asked him in a frustrated panic, "what if the reason why you can't smell her, is because she's already laying up here dead, huh?"

He paused for a second trying to work out how to approach my question. He finally settled on something, and answered,

"Because I'd smell that babe," he said it in a very low and careful voice, obviously trying not to offend me.

It didn't matter anyway. I'd completely ignored him again and continued to walk towards my mom's room. I carefully opened her bedroom door ajar, then slid my hand through the gap to turn the light on. I exhaled and tentatively pushed open the door. When I'd finally found the strength to take a peek, I saw that the bed was made and empty, it hadn't been slept in at all. I peered my head behind the door.

All clear.

"Shit!" I screamed and jumped out of my skin when Tristan swept his hands around my waist.

"Sorry," he gave me a flimsy apology, it was laced with laughter that he was trying his best to contain.

"It's not funny Tristan. I'm really freaking out here," I moaned while I checked in the bathroom hoping that my mom might have been in there.

But no luck, the bathroom was empty too. I moved back into her bedroom and slumped down onto the bed. I decided to tell Tristan why I was so freaked out.

"That message downstairs. It's exactly what the black-eyed guy said to me in my dream."

He hurried over to me and snatched my hand dragging me up and onto my feet. He began talking super-fast, like he was afraid of something.

"Freya, we need to leave the house right now!"

He pulled me down the hallway and into my bedroom. I tore my hand away from him in frustration, and shouted at him,

"Are you fucking crazy?"

I then stood firmly by my bedroom door and folded my arms across my chest.

"I am not leaving this house, Tristan. At least not until I know where my mom is."

He huffed at me, then got my phone off of the dressing table. He threw it over to me while saying,

"Ok, call her now and make sure she's okay, but babe I'm being serious, we really do need to leave. Like now!" I watched while he opened up my closet and took out my rucksack. I walked over to my bed and sat down. My hands were shaking as I dialed my mom's phone number.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

"Pick up, pick up... Please, pick up." I pleaded out loud.

I looked up at Tristan, who was now taking clothes out of my closet and throwing them into the rucksack. What the hell is going on with him?

"Hello?" I heard her voice and sighed with relief.

"Mom! Where the hell are you? Are you okay?" I questioned her almost yelling down the phone.

Tristan had moved over to my chest of drawers and was taking underwear out and stuffing them into the bag. He pulled out a lacy teddy. I blushed because I expected him to come out with some sort of sexual remark, but he just shoved it in the bag without even looking at it.

This is serious. Tristan would never pass up the opportunity to tease me about my sexy lingerie, I wonder what's going on? My mom snapped me out of my thoughts when I heard her speak again on the phone,

"Yes, of course, I'm ok. Why wouldn't I be? Silly," she didn't bother to let me reply and carried on, "I got a call from nana. Grandad has had a fall and he's broken his hip. He's at the hospital and in surgery now," she explained.

She now had my full attention.

"Oh, crap! Is he okay?" She quickly scolded me for my foul mouth,

"language! And yes, he'll be fine honey, but I am going to have to stay here for a week or two, to help your nana look after him," again she didn't bother to let me reply, then said, "I did leave a note on the kitchen side with some cash. You were both asleep and I didn't want to wake you. I was going to ring you in the morning to explain. Sorry to scare you, honey," she apologized.

I sighed as I began to calm down knowing that my mom was safe, but now I was worried about my granddad. Tristan circled his finger around signaling for me to hurry up, I glared up at him and he instantly sat down on the stool.

"It's okay mom, I just had a bad dream again. When I woke up, I saw that you weren't here and panicked, that's all. Send nana and granddad my love, and I hope granddad gets better soon. I'll get Tristan to drive me out for a visit as soon as granddad's up to it," I replied as I walked into the bathroom.

"Okay honey, he would like that, I'll speak to you soon and I love you," she said in a soft voice.

"I love you too mom, bye," I said and then hung up the phone.

Tristan had gotten dressed and followed me to the bathroom. He was resting his head on the door frame. I looked at him through the mirror and raised my eyebrow at him.

"So, you packed my sexy lingerie, but you forgot to grab my toothbrush?" I waved my toothbrush around in the air with a smirk on my face.

"What!?" He questioned with a confused look on his face.

I reached into the bag and pulled out my lacy teddy, then slowly swung it around in front of him. He blushed as he stuttered nervously,

"I... I'm, I didn't mean to pack that."

He let out an embarrassed laugh, then his face turned serious again. With lightning speed, he'd snatched the toothbrush out of my hand and chucked it into the bag.

"What's going on with you babe? You're really starting to freak me out. Why have we got to leave?" I asked while I put the teddy back in the bag.

"Look, I promise I will explain everything when we get to my parent's house, but now can you please just get dressed so that we can leave?" He pleaded with me.

I frowned at him and folded my arms across my chest in protest.

"Ugh," he groaned, "Fine! pretty please?" He begged while holding his hands together in a pleading prayer kinda way.

I rolled my eyes, then nodded in agreement.

"Yes!" He whispered in victory while I walked past him to go get dressed.

The drive to Tristan's house was odd, his face was all scrunched up in deep thought and his knuckles were pure white because he was gripping onto the steering wheel, way too tight. I put my hand on his shoulder then leaned in and kissed his cheek. His face relaxed a little and his grip loosened on the steering wheel. He sighed as he put his hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze.

"T? What else could you smell at my house?" I questioned him as I remembered that he had said he could smell a dirty fucking something. He let out a deafening growl, which made the windows vibrate in the car. He aggressively snatched his hand away from my thigh and slammed it back on to the steering wheel. I jumped back in my seat startled, before wrapping my arms around myself. He huffed through his nose then spoke to me through gritted teeth,

"Don't you ever listen to me? Damn it, Freya! I said I would tell you everything when we got to my parent's house."

I couldn't help myself and I began to sniffle while tears ran down my cheeks. Tristan slumped back into his seat and sighed.

"I'm sorry baby," he said while turning to look at me.

He reached his hand over to try and wipe my tears away, but I turned my back on him and rested my head on the window. Then through teary eyes, I stared out at the world that was passing me by.

The rest of the drive was very awkward and pretty much silent, apart from my occasional sniffle or whimper. When we finally pulled up to Tristan's parent's house, I looked up and saw his mom Clara and dad Aiden waiting for us on the front porch. Tristan undone his seatbelt, leaned over and put his arm around my shoulders.

"Babe? Are you okay?"

I shot my head around to glare at him, and sarcastically snapped,

"do I fucking look okay, to you?"

Anger spread across my face and he just stared at me with worry in his eyes. He was going to have to get used to my pissy attitude, until he told me what the hell was going on.

"I'm sorry babe," he said finally, now with a sad look on his face.

I sighed and shrugged causing his arm to fall off of my shoulders. I opened the door and got out of the car. I held onto the door and leaned my head back into the car.

"You seem to be saying sorry a lot lately, huh?"

I slammed the door shut as hard as I could. The car was his baby so I knew that it would piss him off. It was a stunning black with red interior, 2015 Ford Mustang GT, that his parents had bought him for his eighteenth birthday.

I swear sometimes he loves that damn car more than me, I thought to myself as I walked off up the driveway.

"Arrggh!" I heard Tristan yell out in frustration.

I turned back around to look at him, and then watched in pure shock as he punched the driver's side window. There was a thunderous bang when his fist connected with the glass and it cracked. I looked back at his parents, his dad just shrugged, and his mom gave me a weak smile, as if they were both saying, what ya gonna do? Boys will be boys. Or maybe it was more like, werewolves will be werewolves.

I looked back again and watched as Tristan got out of the car and ferociously slammed the door shut. The window made a massive pop sound, and the glass shattered all over the floor.

Serves you right for being a jerk.

He roared while he stretched his arms out, then booted the car door with the flat of his foot, leaving a large dent in it. He then stomped around to the trunk and retrieved my bag. He swung my bag over his shoulder and with an angry stride, walked up the drive.

"Are you okay, T?" I said with a snigger as he stormed past me.

"Get, in the damn house, Freya!" He growled without even looking at me.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics and followed behind him. Clara gave him a tight hug, then Aiden patted him on the back.

"I'm going to put her bag in my room, I'll be back down in a minute," I heard him say to them, then he stormed off into the house.

I walked up to Clara and Aiden and lowered my head to show my neck in a submissive way.

Everyone else does it, so I best be polite and show some respect now that I know what they are.

My face grew red when Aiden started to roar with laughter.

"You don't have to do that dear," Clara said as she raised me up for a hug. Then continued, "You're family, and not to be funny dear but you're a human being, not a werewolf."

She chuckled in a polite way, but Aiden's laugh got even louder. She rolled her eyes at him, then stood next to me and put her arm around my shoulders. She guided me into the house and slapped Aiden's arm as we walked past him, in an attempt to curb his laughter.

I was always amazed by the beauty of their house. It had a giant entrance hall that had a large wooden staircase on the right-hand side, that led up to four bedrooms, all with their own ensuites. The entrance hall was open plan and led into the living room, which was decorated with cream walls. There was an ever so slight, delicate hint of gold glitter in it that you could only see when the light hit it just right.

Speaking of lights, they had two small but very beautiful chandeliers. One in the living room and one in the hall. Light wooden floors spread throughout the house and light wooden beams lined the ceilings. A giant cream-colored corner couch took the main stage, right in the middle of the living room floor, while a light wood coffee table sat on top of a large fluffy cream rug.

One seat of the couch faced the gorgeous open fireplace, surrounding it was a giant marble mantle and above the mantle was a massive flat screen TV. The other couch seat faced out on to the garden. You could see the entire garden from the couch, as they had one of those beautiful folding glass walls. You could fold panel by panel until the whole wall was gone. The garden was huge and had a stunning swimming pool with a gorgeous pool house to the side of it. That was basically Tristan and Tyler's very own clubhouse, and the whole house and garden were surrounded by dense woods. It was just perfect.

I loved being there. I pretty much grew up there, Tyler and I used to spend hours in the pool house. I think we even slept in there a few times. It used to be filled to the brim with toys when we were little, but as we grew older it turned into more of a frat house for Tristan and all his bro's N hoe's. Tyler's words, not mine. Needless to say, eventually Tristan and his buddies banished me and Tyler from the pool house. They even changed the locks so that we couldn't even go in there when they weren't using it.

Even when we lost the use of the pool house, I still loved going over there. I had my obsession with Tristan, and my best friend Tyler was there too, I didn't want to be anywhere else but there. Then Cassie joined our twosome and I stayed over there even more. It was less weird having two girls staying over, rather than just one. Two teenage girls and a boy was a group of friends having an innocent sleepover. One teenage boy and one teenage girl were... Well, any parent was going to be a bit suspicious, weren't they?

Not that Clara or Aiden ever said anything to us, but I felt a little bit weird about it, especially when Tristan thought that me and Tyler were dating. But then there was three of us and I rarely went home, I even had some clothes there. My mom had to beg me to go home multiple times because she missed me, the poor woman. I chuckled to myself as I thought about our happier and more innocent times.

"Would you like a soda Freya?" Clara politely asked me as I sat down on the couch.

"Yes please," I kindly replied.

She walked off towards the kitchen and Aiden headed off towards his office. Tristan came back down the stairs while talking on the phone, and he was shouting,

"I don't fucking care what time it is Landon! This is urgent pack business. You and your dad need to get your asses over here, now. Do you understand me?"

He abruptly hung up the phone and shoved it into his back pocket. He then turned around and bellowed up the stairs,

"Tyler... Cassie... get down here now!"

Cassie and Tyler quickly rushed down the stairs. Tyler flashed me a smile and Cassie waved at me then ran over for a hug. Tyler went to follow Cassie, but Tristan grabbed him by the collar of his t-shirt and pulled him into his face.

"I thought I told you two to be down here waiting for us when we arrived," he snarled through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry T, we were still doing research on you know..."

He cut himself off and shot me a worried glance. Tristan followed Tyler's gaze to me. I stared back at them both with my brows furrowed in confusion.

"Right. Yeah, sorry," Tristan apologized to Tyler and he let go of his t-shirt.

Tyler walked over to us unfazed by Tristan's outburst and sat next to Cassie.

He must be used to Tristan's bad moods, I thought as I watched Tristan walk off in the direction of his dad's office. I thought he was going to sit with us and explain to me what the hell was going on?

But I guess not! I rolled my eyes in frustration.

I immediately turned to Cassie and Tyler, and asked them,

"What the hell's crawled up his butt?"

They both burst out laughing, then Cassie's face grew serious, like she'd just remembered her place, or something.

"I think you need to go and talk to him Frey," she said in a hushed voice.

Tyler nodded and replied in agreement.

"Yeah, that's a good idea, Cass. She's probably the only one that can calm him down right now."

They both looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Ugh, okay, fine." I said in a huff.

I rolled my eyes as I got up. Tyler and Cassie both laughed at me. I took in a deep breath, puffed out my chest and stormed off towards the office to find my big bad wolf.

I had already decided, that I was just going to storm right into the office uninvited and demand that Tristan told me what the hell was going on, and why we had to leave my house so abruptly. I mean as if I didn't have enough to worry about, nightmares, creepy dudes breaking into my house, my mood swings, and uncontrollable violent behavior.

Then, then he thinks it's okay to just drag me out of my house in the middle of the night, scaring the crap out of me, and all without one scrap of an explanation. I deserved to be treated as his equal and that's not what was happening. He had kept secrets from me, lied to my face and much more. And yeah, I know he would say that he did it all to protect me but that was bull, I deserved the truth.

I deserved to be able to choose, like what if I didn't want this supernatural life? He didn't even give me a damn choice. Did he think that he could keep them secrets from me, forever? Did he think that I'd never find out? And now he was keeping me in the dark again and I wasn't having it. I hope he didn't think that when he became Alpha, that I was just going to roll over like some bitch and play the dutiful submissive. Because if that was what he expected, then he was going to be very disappointed.

Freya Rose is no damn push over. I thought as I stormed over towards the office door.

As I got to the office, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar, and I could hear Tristan talking to his dad. I crept closer so that I could hear what they were saying.

"Son, you just need to tell her the truth," Aiden spoke in an authoritative tone.

You tell him Aiden.

I nodded my head in agreement, before hearing Tristan sarcastically reply,

"I know dad, but where do I start? Oh, by the way, Freya, your dreams are real and there was a dirty fucking vampire in your house!"