"So tell me more about the wolf. What did it look like this time, and how does that make you feel?"

My Wolf has become a more regular fixture in my life since returning from the cabin. Not just in my dreams, but now I’m starting to see him out of the corner of my eyes. Never solid, only glimpses. It mainly occurs when I go for my daily walk, but it’s like a sixth sense, the feeling of being watched. I’ll turn, see a blur of black, then nothing.

I’ve put it down to my mind playing tricks on me. The thought of My Wolf doesn’t scare me, it’s always been a sense of comfort to me in the past, and I feel safer knowing it could be out there, somewhere.

I lie down with my back against the brown leather chaise in my therapist's office, the sun streaming through the large double windows warming my cold body. I sigh. "Do we have to focus on that?"