Per-cutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)

After an hour of waiting, finally, it was their turn to meet Dr. Valentine. They both entered the chamber and sat down opposite the doctor.

Dr. Valentine greeted them with a wide grin "Hello Miss Holmes and Hello Mr. ...."

"I am Carl Black."

"Hello, Mr. Carl Black."

Dr. Liam Valentine was a very cheerful person. He always wore a wide smile on his face. He was a young and famous heart surgeon in 'X' city of around 33 or 34 years of age. After checking all the information about Mark Holmes, he started saying "OK, the thing is that Mr. Holmes has 70% of blockage in his heart and it is quite alarming. We can perform PCI or coronary artery bypass grafting. The choice is yours." As usual, he was grinning widely staring at Lisa.

Lisa was dumbfounded and asked "PCI?"

Dr. Valentine Chuckled and said "Well, Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is nothing but a coronary angioplasty. It is a nonsurgical procedure. During this process, we will insert a catheter tube in the heart to improve blood flow. Another method called bypass grafting is a surgical procedure."

"Which is the safest one?" Carl Black asked indifferently with his cold sexy voice.

"Both are safe. But I suggest PCI."

She was somewhat lost and asked slowly "How much will it cost?"

"We prefer PCI, doctor." Carl Black said without caring what she asked.

Dr. Valentine frowned slightly and said while fixing his gaze at her "Hmm ..... Good. I am glad. But I think Miss Holmes wants to say something."

"I made a decision on behalf of Lisa."

Dr. Valentine laughed and said "The decision should be made by family members. May I ask you what is your relationship with Miss Holmes?"

While asking this Dr. Valentine was looking straight at her without glancing at Carl Black. This made Carl Black a little annoyed. She turned around her gaze to look at Carl Black only to see him looking at her.

"He is my fiance."

"She is my fiancee."

They both said at the same time.

Dr. Valentine’s smile disappeared and a gleam of disappointment sparkled in his eyes, but quickly returned to his normal cheerful appearance and said shortly "Oh."

Carl Black looked at him and said coldly "Now I think you don't have any objection if we decide to do PCI."

"Well, then that's settled. I'll let you know the available date soon."

After thanking him, they both left the chamber and went to the ward. When they left the chamber Dr. Liam Valentine's face turned gloomy and stared at the door from where they left.

When they entered the ward they saw Mark Holmes was talking something with Linda Holmes. He smiled at Carl Black and said in a low voice "Oh Carl, you came. I am glad to see you."

Carl Black went near him and asked "How are you feeling now?"

"Oh, I am good."

Linda Holmes said with a smile "Mr. Black we are happy that you came to see us. Sit down here."

She pointed at a chair placed near the sickbed. He sat down on the chair and said indifferently "We talked to the doctor. They will perform PCI."

Linda Holmes asked with surprise "What is PCI? Is it risky?"

He glanced at Mark Holmes and said "It's a nonsurgical procedure and very safe. There is nothing to worry about."

Mark Holmes extended his hand and held Carl Black’s hand, saying "Carl, I have a request."

"Please tell me how I can help you?"

Mark Holmes squished his hand and said "I am getting old and now this illness. I am very worried about my daughter. Now that you both have agreed to this marriage already, I don't want to wait till next month. I hope you get married next week on the day of the engagement."

Lisa felt tightness in her chest and said "Dad please."

Mark Holmes looked at her and said coldly "I am now talking to Carl."

Lisa lowered her head immediately. He shifted his gaze to Carl Black and asked "Do you have any objection, Carl?"

Carl Black glanced at her briefly, then turned his gaze to Mark Holmes and said "As I have already agreed to this marriage, so you don't have to worry. Whether it is one week later or one month, my decision is not going to change. But as of now, you should concentrate on your health and don't worry, you are going to be fine very soon. Once you recover, we will talk about the wedding."

Mark Holmes released his hand, sighed deeply, and said "If you say so."

He was slightly disappointed. Actually, last night's incident had shaken him deeply. When he saw Lisa with another man, he became very furious, so he wanted to advance the marriage to avoid calamities. He was worried that if Lisa took any decision hastily, there would be no place to hide his face. But he also couldn't go against the wills of Carl Black and force him to the wedding. Now he could only wait until he recovered fully.

The day ended and darkness covered the city. Linda Holmes insisted on staying at the hospital and asked Lisa to go back home.

When they came out of the hospital, Carl Black said "Lisa, you please stay at my place tonight. You shouldn't stay alone. I don't feel safe."

Lisa was stunned and denied quickly "No, no, I-I can stay alone. Don't worry."

"I'll not allow you to stay alone."

"Mr. Black I am an adult and this is not the first time I am staying alone. When my parents were away I stayed alone many times."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and said "I can't sleep at ease if you stay alone."

He was really worried for her safety. How could he allow her to stay alone? He was trying to convince her but sometimes situations don't turn out as we wish. The same thing was happening to him.

"But Mr. Black......"

He interrupted her "If you don't feel comfortable staying at my place then I'll stay at your place, but you are not going to stay alone."

Her jaw dropped in shock. She said hastily "That can't be..... Mr. Black, please don't force me. I really can stay alone. You don't have to worry at all."

He felt really helpless at that time. He took a deep breath and said "OK, you win. But promise me, you will call me immediately if you need something."

"Thank you for understanding me."

On the way back, they didn't talk much. Very soon they reached her apartment. When they got off the car Lisa turned around to leave. Just then he held her wrist and said "Be safe and don't forget to call me."

He then pulled her into his embrace and rested his chin on her shoulder. She stiffened her body and her breathing hitched up. The shock was written all over her face. She was not prepared for this and swallowed hard. She heard him saying huskily "Wait for a while."

She didn’t dare to move and stood still in his embrace. Her heart was hammering rapidly inside her ribcage. He released her after a long time and said "Good night."

"Good night."

She waved him and left. After taking a few steps, she halted and turned around only to see him staring at her earnestly. Pressing her lips into a thin line, she thought something, and asked, "Mr. Black, will you have dinner with me?"

Carl Black was very happy in his heart to hear this. He smiled and said "Sure."

Once they were inside the house, she went to the kitchen hurriedly to prepare dinner. Seeing this he asked her "What are you doing?"

She turned to look at him and said in surprise "I am going to prepare dinner."

"No need. I'll order some take out."

She stood there for a few moments staring at him dumbly. After a long pause, she said "Then I'll show you the guest room first. You can freshen up there."


After showing the guestroom to him, she went to her room.

He took a bath very quickly and ordered some food. After that, he laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. He thought about the things that Mark Holmes told him at the hospital. He was pulled back to reality by a soft knock on the door. He opened the door and saw Lisa, holding a cup of coffee.

"I made coffee for you."

He took the cup and said, "Thank you."

"Um... I am in the living room. If you want anything call me."


Lisa turned around and rushed to the living room. She was feeling very uneasy in front of Carl Black. Her heart was beating very fast. She sat down on the sofa placing a hand on her chest as if she wanted to calm down herself. She leaned back on the sofa closing her eyes.

"Are you alright?"

She was startled by the sudden voice coming from the top of her head and jumped up abruptly only to see him staring at her.

He frowned to see her like this and asked again "Is there any problem?"

"No, no.."

He placed his hands on her shoulders and said "Are you worried about your Dad?"

She swallowed her saliva fixing her gaze at Carl Black and said "Um.. no...I mean yes."

"Come sit down first."

He pulled her down to the sofa and said "Now tell me what is bothering you?"

Ding... Dong.....

He stood up and said, "It may be the delivery boy."

As said the takeout was delivered.

"Let's have dinner first." He said with a faint smile.

She only nodded in agreement. While having dinner, she slowly asked, "You didn't ask the doctor how much the PCI will cost?"

He looked up at her and said "You don't have to worry about that."

"But Mr. Black I don't know whether Dad's medical insurance will cover it or not."

"Lisa... We are a family now. Your problem is mine too. Let me handle it."

She was speechless. She lowered her head and started eating. She knew that she couldn't win with him, so better keep quiet.