Let's have dinner together

Lisa hurriedly entered the ward only to see her father was sitting on the sickbed while eating Breakfast. Seeing Mark Holmes like this, she felt relief and asked with a half-smile "How are you feeling today, Dad?"

Mark Holmes smiled widely when he saw Lisa and said happily "Well, I am feeling good."

Lisa giggled and rushed to her father to give him a tight hug. Mark Holmes hugged her back and said "I am happy to see you happy."

When Linda Holmes saw them like this, she couldn't help but laugh and said "OK, you father and daughter continue chatting. I'll go home now."

"OK Mom, you go first."

When Linda Holmes left, Mark Holmes held his daughter's hand and asked "Did you sleep well dear? I was worried about you."

Lisa felt a little sad to hear this. I this situation also, her father was thinking for her. She thought he should concentrate on his health but he is worried about her. She held his hand and said with a low voice "I am fine Dad. Don't worry about me."

He sighed deeply and said, "How can I not be worried?"

"Mr. Black promised me that he will take care of me. If I need anything I will ask him, so no need to worry, OK?"

Mark Holmes felt very happy to know this. He patted Lisa's head and said happily "Carl is a very good man. He knows how to take care of you. I am relieved."

While they were chatting, the ward door swung open and Dr. Valentine entered into the room with a wide grin. He said cheerfully "Good morning Mr. and Miss Holmes. How are you feeling today Mr. Holmes?"

"I am feeling good doctor."

"Very good. Now let me check you."

After the check-up, he said "You are improving impressively. I am happy." He turned his gaze at Lisa and asked her with a smile "Meet me at my chamber after lunch Miss Holmes."

"Yeah... Sure."

"Well then see you soon."

Time passed quickly. After lunch, Lisa went to meet Dr. Valentine. While she was waiting for her turn, she got a call from Carl Black. She answered the call quickly "Hello Mr. Black."

"Did you have lunch?"

"Yeah, and you?"

"I am having now. How is uncle? What did the doctor say today?"

"Dad is fine today. I am now waiting for Dr. Valentine. He asked me to meet him."

After a few moments of pause, she heard him saying "OK, see you in the evening."

After hanging up the call, she looked at the door of the chamber and sighed deeply. Very soon, the nurse called her and asked her to go to meet the doctor. She entered the chamber and she saw Dr. Valentine, studying a file lowering his head in full concentration.

She heard him saying without lifting his head "Sit down."

She sat down on the chair opposite him. She was sitting quietly looking at him curiously. Her heart was racing faster as many terrifying thoughts crossed her mind and she murmured in her mind 'Is everything alright? Why did he look so serious?'

A few moments later, Dr. Valentine lifted his head and said while fixing his gaze at Lisa "I have finalized the date. We will perform PCI in two days."

Lisa heaved a small sigh in relief secretly and said shortly "Oh."

Dr. Valentine chuckled and asked, "Do you have any questions to ask?"

"No...I mean yes. Um... After this there will be no risk, right?"

"Yes. But, there are some restrictions on what to eat and what to not eat. I'll instruct you later."

"OK. Thank you so much, doctor." After a few moments of pause, she continued saying again "Is there anything else doctor?"

"No. You can go now."

"OK, then I'll leave first."

Lisa stood up to leave but she heard him saying "Are you free tonight?"

She was dumbfounded and couldn’t react for a moment other than staring at him stupidly. Then she asked without thinking "What?"

He leaned back to his chair looking straight at her and said with a smile "Let's have dinner together. We can discuss in more detail about Mr. Holmes's case."

There was a strange light in his eyes and Lisa couldn’t understand what was going on in his mind. She felt something fishy and couldn't help but think 'Why does he want to have dinner with me?'

After a few moments of pause, she asked him "If you have something to say then please say it right now. There is no need for dinner."

Dr. Valentine chuckled and said "I have lots of patients waiting outside my chamber. We can't take a long time here. We can discuss it freely at dinner. What do you say?"

"But Dr. Valentine......"

She was brushed off by him "Call me Liam."

"Huh?... um... OK, Liam...I mean...."

He again interrupted to ask her "Yes or no?"

She hesitated for a moment but after thinking something she agreed to dinner.

He grinned widely and said "I'll wait for you at the hospital parking area at 7 in the evening. Please don't be late."

Lisa hummed shortly and came out from the chamber in a daze. Her back drenched by cold sweat. She was very confused at that moment and somewhat scared of this doctor's behavior. He was always looking at her like a hungry hyena. She couldn't help but shiver while thinking of his piercing gaze. It seemed that his intention was not good, but she couldn't refuse him also. 'What if he really has something important to say about her father?' Thinking this she tried to calm down herself.

Instead of going back to the ward, she went to the cafeteria to cool down first. She ordered fruit juice and sat down at the corner table. She thought 'what just happened? Why is this doctor behaving weirdly?' Her uneasiness increased even more. She came there to calm down but thinking about what happened right now she felt more distressed, so she got up and left for the ward.

One thing she didn't know at that time was that in the future this man will save her life when no one will be there by her side.

Once Lisa left the chamber a coy smile appeared on Dr. Valentine's face. He murmured her name seductively "Lisa..."

After sometimes Lisa returned to the ward and she saw Carl Black sitting on the sofa. He was talking to her mother. Her father was sleeping on the sickbed. She was very surprised to see him at this time. He told her that he would come back in the evening. 'Why did he come back so early?' She thought about it but couldn't say it loudly.

When she entered they looked at her and Linda Holmes said "You come back. What did the doctor say?"

"He said they will perform PCI after two days."

Linda Holmes clasped her hands and said happily "Oh great. Come sit here. I'll bring some coffee from the canteen."

Linda Holmes left the ward after saying that to bring coffee. Carl Black was staring at Lisa without saying anything the moment she entered the ward and asked softly "Why are you so flustered?"

Lisa looked back at Carl Black and whispered so that her father couldn't hear her "Dr. Valentine invited me for dinner. He wants to talk about Dad's case. I am feeling nervous."


He was puzzled thinking why Dr. Valentine invited her for dinner. But quickly regained his indifferent demeanor and said calmly "OK, go and enjoy."

She was stunned as well as annoyed. She cast a disdainful look at him and asked in a low voice "Do you think I am enjoying it? I don't want to go."

"Don't worry. I'll be there."

She heaved a sigh and said "That's better. Um... By the way, you came very early today. Did you finish your class?"

"No, I took leave for a few days to accompany you."

Lisa's eyes softened to hear this and couldn't help but feeling gratitude towards him. She said "Thank you, Mr. Black. I don't know what to say. I am really worried about Dad and your presence is giving me mental strength. Thank you again."

Carl Black went near her, sat down beside her, and said tenderly "Don't worry. I am here."

He squished her hand reassuring her that he would take care of everything.

Lisa lowered her head and said "Thank..."

Before she could finish he placed his finger on her lip and said "No, don't thank me. I told you earlier that we are family now. I'll take care of everything." He cupped her face and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

She skipped a beat and blinked a few times before she stared at him with a stupefied expression. Carl Black chuckled to see her like this and said "You look so cute."

She turned her head to hide her blushing face and asked with a low voice "Are you flirting with me?"

He couldn't help but laugh and he rubbed his neck without answering her question. When Lisa saw him laughing a sweet smile appeared on her face too. She was thinking 'How handsome he is when he smiles.' She was staring at him as if she was admiring his handsome appearance.

After some time, Linda Holmes came back with three cups of coffee. They chatted happily about random topics while drinking coffee.