The evidence

Carl Black entered the ward with a big basket of fruits and when he saw Lisa, he greeted her with a smile "Hey."

Lisa's eyes wide opened with her mouth agape to see this and asked in surprise "Mr. Black why did you bring so many fruits?"

"What? This is for uncle, not for you."

"Very funny." She pouted and looked away from him.

Carl Black chuckled and shook his head. He sat down beside her and asked "Did Dr. Valentine visit today? What did he say?"

"Yes, he came. He said Dad is fit for tomorrow's procedure."

"Hmm," Carl Black nodded and continued "Did he say anything else?"



After a few moments of pause, she started saying "I have to go to meet Anna in the afternoon. You please stay here."

He looked at her and said, "I'll drop you."

"No need. You stay here with Mom and Dad. If the doctor visits and says something else, Mom will get panicked."

He nodded and thought for a while before saying "OK then, when you reach there, message me, and if you need anything just call me, OK?"


In the afternoon, Lisa reached the cafe and messaged Carl Black to inform him that she reached safely. She got a reply immediately from him 'take care.'

When she entered the café, she saw Anna Green sitting at a table near the window. She was looking outside in a daze. Lisa went there and greeted her "Hey."

Anna Green turned to look at her and said "Hey."

Lisa sat down opposite her and asked "What happened? Is everything OK?"

Anna Green sighed deeply and said "I am sorry for troubling you. I know you are very busy because of uncle but I don't have anyone else here other than you to share my feelings."

Lisa held her hands and said "Anna, we are good friends. Spill it out. I am here to hear from you."

Anna looked outside for a moment and turned back her gaze at Lisa and said "It's my brother. He has not called me for a few days and his phone is also switched off. He used to call me daily since he went to 'Y' city. But for a few days, there is no news for him. I am so worried. I don't know what to do. I wanted to go to the 'Y' city but I don't even know where he lives. I came that day to discuss this matter but... sorry. I don't know what to do." Tears rolled down ruthlessly from her eyes and she continued speaking "You know he is my only family. Though he is my step-brother we are very close to each other. I miss him a lot. Lisa, what should I do?"

Anna Green's mother got married to a man called Nathan Green when she was very young. She even didn't know who her biological father was. For her, Nathan Green was her father and Neil Green was her brother. She lost her mother when she was ten years old due to liver cancer and Nathan Green died five years ago due to a long illness. Since then her step-brother Neil Green was her only family member. They love each other very much.

Lisa was well aware of this and she felt very bad for her. She held her hand tightly and said "Don't worry, everything will be fine. Maybe Neil is busy with something. He will call you back."

Anna Green wiped her tears, cleared her throat, and said "He never did like this before. I am sure he is in trouble. I can't stay at ease anymore." She paused for a moment, stared at Lisa, and asked "Do you know anyone in 'Y' city?"

Lisa frowned and said, "No, I don't know anyone in ......"

She didn't complete her sentence and stopped abruptly. She thought for a while and then she continued "Wait... Daniel went to the 'Y' city to meet someone. I can ask him. He knows many people. Maybe he can find out your brother's whereabouts."

Hope arose in Anna Green's mind and asked happily "Really? Will Daniel help to find my brother?"

"I will ask him. You send me Neil's number and photograph. I'll send it to Daniel. Don't worry. Now cheer up."

Her mood lightened a little and they ordered coffee and chatted for a while before leaving.


In 'Y' city

Daniel Brooke was almost ready to leave for the dump yard. He asked his assistant Henry August "Is there any news from the dump yard?"

"No Boss. No suspicious movements till now."

"Hmm. Tell your men to keep close eyes. I don't want any mistakes. Today is a good chance to capture this mysterious man. We can't afford mistakes."

"Yes, Boos."

"Now let's go."

They left for the dump yard. Some of his men were following them from afar. Not only his men but Thomas Brooke's men were also following them and passing all the information to him quietly.

After more than an hour of drive, they reached the dump yard. Daniel Brooke and Henry August got out of the car and looked around carefully.

Henry August looked at his Boss and asked "What should we do now Boss?"

Daniel Brooke looked around and asked, "Are your men watching carefully in this area?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Then we have to rely on them. Leave the bag here and let's go back to the hotel. We can't find out anything if we stay here longer."

"Ok Boss."

Henry August dragged out the heavy bag full of cash and threw the bag in the dump yard. They both got in the car and drove away. On the way, Henry August instructed his men to keep close eyes in the area.

When they reached the hotel Daniel Brooke ordered coffee. He was watching TV in a relaxed mood. Seeing him so relaxed, Henry August’s eyebrows pulled together and he couldn't help but ask "Boss, you seemed very relaxed. Are you not worried?

He replied without glancing at him "Why should I worry? Today is going to end this game and the winner will be none other than me."

"But Boss..."

Just then the doorbell rang. Henry August got up and went to open the door. He saw a young attendant who came to deliver the coffee.

He came inside the room and handed over an envelope to Daniel Brooke and said "Sir this is for you."

Daniel Brooke frowned and took the envelope. He looked at the envelope carefully turning back and forth while asked curiously "Who gave this?"

"I don't know Sir. I was instructed by the reception to give it to you."

"Ok. You can go now."

He was still looking at the envelope suspiciously and finally opened it. There were a note and a pen drive.

'Mr. Daniel Brooke, I kept my promise. Now that you got the evidence, don't try to find me out anymore. Let's pretend we never talked.'

These words were written in the note. His eyes were wide open in shock and he gave the pen drive to Henry August and commanded "Check it now."

Henry August hurriedly brought the laptop and inserted the pen drive. There were some photographs and a video. All the photographs were showing how five people were dragging a girl and torturing her. These photographs were taken in a forest area. In these photographs, the faces of the five people were clearly visible. They were none other than Albert Harrison and his four accused friends. The video was showing how Albert Harrison strangled the girl to death.

Both Daniel Brooke and Henry August were so shocked that their eyes went wide, mouth agape. There was dead silence for a long time inside the room. Both of them were staring at the screen without a blink. After a long time, Daniel Brooke started saying calmly "Henry, send these photographs and video for the test. I want to know whether these are authentic or not and this should be done secretly. I am counting on you. Do it personally. I can't trust anyone else other than you. Do you understand?"

Cold sweat appeared on the forehead of Henry August and he swallowed hard before saying slowly "Yes Boss. I understand."

"Let's go to the reception."

They both came to the reception very soon and asked the receptionist about the envelope. The receptionist told them that a man came around two hours ago to meet Daniel Brooke. He introduced himself as a client of his. As Daniel Brooke was not in the hotel at that time, he left the envelope at the reception and instructed him to hand it over to Daniel Brooke.

When they got the information Daniel Brooke asked the receptionist "May I see the CCTV footage of the reception area."

"Sure Sir."

Then the receptionist arranged for someone to take him to the security room. Daniel Brooke and Henry August entered the security room and started checking the CCTV footage. In the footage, they saw a man giving an envelope to the receptionist. His face was not seen clearly. He was wearing a cap that was almost covering his face and he was also avoiding the camera as if he was well aware of where the cameras were. For a fraction of a second, the only one side of his face was seen clearly. But one couldn't find out his identity with this.

Daniel Brooke became frustrated and he told Henry August to take a copy of the footage. Then he left and went to his room. Now he was waiting for the news from the dump yard. This was the only chance left to catch this mysterious man.