You can't kidnap my Boss like this

In 'X' city

Lisa and Carl Black reached the hospital. It was the day to perform PCI on Mark Holmes. A nurse and a ward boy came to the ward. He was pushed out of the ward in a wheelchair by the ward boy and ushered in a room.

After a few moments, Dr. Valentine came and said looking at Linda Holmes "Everything will be fine."

He smiled at her and glanced at Lisa and Carl Black before he entered the room.

After that dinner date, Dr. Valentine was avoiding Lisa as much as possible. He was not talking and smiling at her as earlier.

Mark Holmes was pushed back to the ward after PCI and Dr. Valentine informed that he would be discharged after a few days of observations. Lisa and Linda Holmes were relieved to hear this and happiness swept on their faces. Carl Black was also happy to see Lisa's smiling face. After so many days, he was seeing her sweet attractive smiling face.


Thomas Brooke was working with his assistant David Allen in his office. They were discussing something regarding a case. Suddenly David Allen's phone started ringing.


David Allen heard something from the other end of the phone and said shortly "OK."

He looked at Thomas Brooke and said "Boss, Senator Michael Harrison sent his men behind Master Daniel."

Thomas Brooke frowned deeply and his expression turned perplexed. He fixed his gaze at David Allen and said coldly "Talk to the PA of Mr. Mayor and arrange to bring back Daniel home safely."

"Yes, Boss."


In 'Y' city

Henry August was sleeping soundly in his room. Last night he worked very late regarding the mess created by his men at the dump yard. His sleep was disturbed by the sound of the doorbell. He thought it was room service so he closed his ears with the pillow and continued sleeping. The doorbell started ringing again but he kept deaf ears. The doorbell was ringing continuously this time. He got very angry and irritated. He threw the pillow and cursed loudly "Motherfu**er.."

He rushed to open the door full of rage. When he opened the door he met Daniel Brooke's sharp burning gaze who was ready to kill him. Henry August was stunned and a chill ran down through his spine. He was trembling in fear and took two steps back while saying "Boss, is that you?"

Daniel Brooke pushed Henry August hard. His eyes were red in anger. Henry August fell to the ground on his butt. He rubbed his butt in pain and said in surprise "Boss, what are you doing?"

Daniel Brooke glared at him and said angrily "Fu*k you Henry. Are you deaf? What makes you so late to open the door and why is your phone switched off?"

He was staring at Daniel Brooke with his mouth agape. He remembered that he forgot to charge his phone and obviously until now the phone was dead. He realized why his Boss was so angry. He gathered his courage and said "Boss, don't get angry. I accept my mistake. Sorry Boss. Please forgive me."

He held Daniel Brooke's hand and dragged him to the sofa while saying "You sit down first. I'll order some coffee."

Daniel Brooke sat down on the sofa, looked up at Henry August, and said coldly "OK. This time I'll forgive you. But next time if anything happens like this then I will skin you alive."

Henry August was trembling in fear and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He was thinking his Boss's temper was very bad. His Boss could do anything out of anger, so he must not offend him.

After a few moments of silence, Daniel Brooke said indifferently "I sent a photograph of a person on your phone. His name is Neil Green. I need his information in detail. Find him out."

Henry August was staring at Daniel Brooke with wide eyes, mouth slightly opened, utterly bewildered. He was thinking, 'why did his Boss's attention shift to this so-called Neil Green from the mysterious man?' He couldn't hold back his curiosity and ask "Who is Neil Green? Why do you want to find him out?"

"He is Anna's brother. He is missing now. Do as I say."

He was even more puzzled and asked "Anna? Is she very important to you?"

Daniel Brooke got irritated and said coldly "You can't follow my orders simply without asking too many questions." He sighed deeply and looked away from him before continuing "Anna is Lisa's colleague and friend. You can talk to Anna to gather information about Neil. I need every single detail of Neil. Do you understand?"

"OK Boss."

Henry August nodded in realization. Lisa was his Boss's, beloved woman. His Boss could do anything for her. No wonder why his Boss was so interested in Neil Green. He shook his head after thinking this. But Henry August was not aware of the real intention of Daniel Brooke.

There was a knock on the door. Henry August opened the door only to see some men in black suits casting a cold look at him. Before he could know anything properly, he was pushed inside the room by these men as soon as he opened the door and when they entered the room, one of them said coldly looking at Daniel Brooke "Master Daniel, we come here to take you back home."

Daniel Brooke got up off the sofa and looked at those men in shock. ‘Who are these people?’ He narrowed his eyes and said angrily "What? Who are you? Why should I go with you?"

"Master Daniel, we are hired by Mr. Thomas Brooke. He instructed us to bring back home safely."

Daniel Brooke was so irritated that he cursed in his mind 'damn it.' He glared at the man in black who spoke to him "Does Dad think that he can control me? I have not finished my work here. You may go now. Tell him that I'll go back once I finish my work here."

"Don't make things difficult for us, Master."

"Or else?"

The man glanced at his men and signaled them something.

Very soon two men came forwards, grabbed Daniel Brooke's arms from both sides, and started dragging him out.

Henry August got furious and shouted loudly blocking the way "Hey, you can't kidnap my Boss like this. I'll not..."

Before he could finish speaking, someone just punched him on his face.

"Ah... what the fu*k?"

Blood oozed out from his nose. He heard the deep cold voice of the man "Stay away."

Daniel Brooke was struggling to set free from the grip of those two men and said angrily "Get off me. I'll kill you all. Let go of me."

But his struggle was all in vain. Henry August was not able to stop them so he looked at them helplessly. He heard his Boss shouting "Henry, don't forget what I have told you. You have to do it. I want the result as soon as possible."

Daniel Brooked was dragged away by those men very soon and Henry August was standing there on the spot staring at the direction from where his Boss had taken away by those men just now. He wiped the blood from his nose and mouth with the back of his hand and went to his room. He kept his phone in charge and walked to the washroom to freshen up.

After a long shower, he came out of the bathroom and switched on his phone. He opened the message that Daniel Brooke sent him and saw the photo of Neil Green. He looked at the photo carefully and forwarded the message to his subordinates and asked them to find out the information about him.


In 'X' city

Daniel Brooke landed in 'X' city and he was escorted directly to the Brooke mansion. Those men in black suits were dragging him inside the mansion. He wriggled around to set free and said angrily "Let go of me now. I can walk by myself."

The leader of them said coldly "Pardon me, Master, we are instructed to take you to the study."

Daniel glared at him and said "I'll go and meet him. You need not escort me anymore. Now leave me."

The leader looked at Daniel Brooke for a few moments and then signaled his subordinates to release him with a wave of his hand. After setting free from the grip of those men, Daniel Brooke walked with long strides angrily to the study of his father. He barged into the study room without knocking and saw his father working with his assistant David Allen. Both Thomas Brooke and David Allen looked at the door only to see Daniel Brooke's furious face. They heard his angry voice "Why did you kidnap me?"

Thomas Brooke waved his hand and said indifferently "Go rest for a while. We will talk later."

Daniel Brooke walked towards the table and slammed both hands on the table while saying angrily "I need to talk to you right now."

Thomas Brooke also got angry with the behavior of his son and roared "Where is your manner? Is this the way you talk to your father?"

"And you have the right to kidnap your own son?"

Thomas Brooke leaned back on his chair glaring at his son. He then shifted his gaze to David Allen as if he wanted to tell him to leave. David Allen understood what his Boss wanted to say so he bowed his head and left the room without delay. Father and son were left alone in the room. They were leveling the glare at each other without saying anything for a long time.