In future try to trust me more

Days passed very quickly. Lisa started going to school as her father's condition improved a bit. During these days Carl Black dropped her in the morning and picked her up in the afternoon every day. Life was going smoothly for them.

Lisa and Anna Green were sipping coffee in the cafeteria after they finished classes. Anna Green looked at Lisa and asked "Did Daniel tell you anything about Neil?"

Lisa looked back to Anna Green and said shaking her head "No. He didn't call me these days."

Anna Green shrugged and leaned back to the chair. She sighed deeply and said "I can't sit here and wait for his call anymore. I'll go to the 'Y' city to find my brother. I'll take help from the police."

Lisa frowned and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. I can't waste any more time like this. It's already too late. Who knows what difficulties he is facing there?"

She lowered her head to hide her tears and continued speaking "Something might have happened to him. Otherwise, he will not live at ease without talking to me. I have booked a flight ticket for tomorrow to 'Y' city."

Lisa was surprised and asked "What? But how will you manage alone there?"

"I am managing alone here. Don't worry. I am not that weak. I can manage."

Lisa was very worried about Anna Green but she couldn't do anything as she already decided to go to the 'Y' city. She only said helplessly "OK. But do call me if you need any help. I'll talk to Mr. Black. Maybe he can help you."

Anna Green held Lisa's hand tightly and said "Thank you, Lisa. That means a lot. I'll call you."

At that time, Lisa received a call from Carl Black. He informed her that he was waiting outside the gate. She patted Anna Green's hand and said "You take care. I am leaving first."

After parting with Anna Green, she went out of the school and saw Carl Black's car parking outside the gate. She got in the car and said "Hey."

Carl Black frowned to see her pale face and asked "What happened?"

Lisa turned her head to look at him and said "You know everything looking at my face. I can't hide anything from you. Are you a mind reader?"

Carl Black chuckled and said "I am not a mind reader. It's all overwritten on your face. Anyone can tell that you are not in a good mood. Now tell me, what makes you unhappy?"

She looked at him for a while, then pulled back her gaze and said "Anna's brother Neil is missing for a few days. His phone is also switched off.” She sighed and turned her head to out while saying “A few months ago he left for 'Y' city and started working in an IT company there, but for a few days she is not able to contact him."

Carl Black frowned and stared at her without saying anything, expression thoughtful. It seemed that he realized something. He started saying indifferently "You met her that day to discuss this, didn't you?"

Her face turned pale realizing that he had caught her lies. She only nodded without saying anything and looked down on her hands which were placed on her lap.

He tore off his eyes from her and said nonchalantly "I know someone. He used to be a private detective. But now he has retired. We can ask him.”

She felt very bad after hearing this. She looked back at him and said "I am sorry. I should tell you on that day. But you were already tensed with the matter of Dad so I didn't want to trouble you. Daniel went to the 'Y' city for his work, so I asked him to find Neil. He has many connections so I thought...."

Before she could finish speaking, she heard his cold voice "You... You told Daniel everything and you didn't think to tell me."

Carl Black felt disappointed and cast a cold glare at her. She felt nervous under his piercing gaze. She knew he was angry with her and this feeling was killing her. She hurriedly tried to explain "No, no, please don't think like that. I really didn't ...."

He interrupted her "It is ok Lisa. Don't explain anything. It is OK if you don't want to share anything with me." He looked away from her and tightened his grip on the steering wheel before he continued "But in the future please try to trust me more if you can."

He looked back at her and said "I promise you that you will not regret it. I'll try my best to solve each and every problem of yours whether it is small or big."

Lisa squeezed his hand and said "I trust you. I only didn't want to trouble you. Sorry."

He held her hand and asked "How could that be trouble for me? Hmm? I can do anything for your smile. Remember this always. Don't hide anything from me. OK?"

She skipped a bit to hear this. She was hiding her past relationship with Daniel Brooke. She tried several times to tell him but every time she failed to do so. Though Carl Black told her that he doesn't bother about her past, still, she didn't feel good. Whenever she thought about this she became restless. She thought the matter of Daniel Brooke would hurt him. She was scared of hurting him. This was the greatest fear of her life. She didn't want to hide her past relationship but she was also not able to tell him due to the fear of hurting him. She felt very uneasy and shifted her gaze from him.

Carl Black started the engine and the journey was very quiet. No one was willing to talk and very soon they reached the apartment.

They both got out of the car.

Lisa looked at him and said, "Please come in and have some coffee."

He nodded and went inside together. He dialed a number as soon as they entered the house and asked him to help to find out Neil Green.

He turned around and looked at Lisa and said "We will go to meet him tomorrow. You tell Anna to come here. We will go together, OK?"

"But Anna is leaving tomorrow to 'Y' city."

Carl Black sighed deeply, shook his head helplessly, and said "Then you tell him whatever you know about Neil."


Lisa paused for a moment, pulled the corner of Carl Black's sleeve, and asked "Are you angry with me?"

He looked down at her, placed his hands on her shoulders, and said "No. I am disappointed. I am disappointed in myself because I failed to gain your trust. I am disappointed with you that you trust Daniel more than me." He pulled her into his embrace and said "You trust another man more than me, makes my heartache. I can't bear this feeling, Lisa. It's killing me."

Lisa hugged him back instinctively "Mr. Black I trust you. I am sorry. Please forgive me."

Carl Black lowered his head and kissed her lips fiercely. Lisa was stunned by this sudden kiss. She was not prepared for this. Her eyes went wide and she was staring at his enlarged face in shock. Her whole body was stiffened into his arms and her breathing stopped.

He was kissing her like a mad man as if he wanted to tell her that she belonged only to him and she could trust only him. His kiss was possessive and aggressive. After a long time when Lisa almost fainted out of breath, he released her. He looked at her swollen lips, caressed her lips, and said slowly "Sorry."

He turned around unable to face her and said "You... you go and freshen up."

She was standing on the spot, dumbfounded, as if she was lost somewhere. Her heart was beating so fast and her breathing was irregular. She placed her hand on her chest and slowly walked away to her room in trance.

Carl Black looked at her back and his face darkened. He was feeling very depressed. He never wanted to kiss her like this. He thought many times about how his first kiss would be with her. He fantasized about it but he never thought that his kiss would be so aggressive. He thought that he had hurt her feelings and this was enough to erupt emotional turmoil in his mind. He rubbed his forehead in frustration. He was feeling ashamed to face her and it angered him the most.

He sat down on the sofa dejectedly. He leaned back closing his eyes and placed his fist on his forehead. He lost the track of time and remained seated in the same position. His trail of thoughts was disturbed by Lisa's sweet voice. He opened his eyes only to see her standing in front of him, holding a cup of coffee.

He was staring at her without saying anything and he heard her saying "Mr. Black, I made coffee for you."

Carl Black came to his senses and said "Yeah, yeah... um... please keep it on the table. I- I'll take it."

She placed the coffee cup on the table and turned around to leave. But she heard him saying "Lisa.... I- I am sorry. I shouldn't... I mean..."

He couldn't complete his sentence of nervousness. He was feeling so embarrassed that his face turned pale and cold sweat appeared on his face.

She looked at him and suppressed her laughter. She said "Coffee will get cold. Drink it first. Stay for dinner. I will cook for you."

She left hurriedly to the kitchen after saying this and she couldn't hide the naughty smile on her face. She found Carl Black's expression very cute and her heart filled with joy.