The Attack

The day of the hearing came very soon. Daniel Brooke and Henry August were ready to go to the court. For the past few days, they both were working secretly from the closed room. They managed to arrange all the proofs successfully. Daniel Brooke was satisfied with the arrangements and he was full of confidence.


Henry August opened the door and his expression turned gloomy instantly to see the person. David Allen entered the room and said "Master Daniel, the boss wants to see you."

"OK, I'll be there. You leave now."

"He wants to meet you immediately."

Daniel Brooke stared at him for a few moments and then shifted his gaze to Henry August. He commanded "Be ready. I'll come back soon."

"OK Boss."

He left the room and went to his father's study straight. After thinking something for a moment, he finally knocked on the door.

"Come in."

His father's cold voice came out of the closed room. He pushed open the door and entered the room. He saw his father, reading the newspaper sitting on the sofa.

Thomas Brooke patted the sofa and said "Come here and sit for a while."

Daniel Brooke sat down beside him. He heard his father saying "So you are ready to go to the court."

"I am."

"I'll send some men with you. They will protect you."

"Thank you. If you don't have anything important to say then I'll leave first."

There was silence for a few moments. He thought his father had nothing to say, so he stood up to leave. Just then he heard him saying "Daniel, be careful. I want you to come back home safely."

He looked down at him and smirked "You are sending your men to protect me. Why are you so worried? Do you have any doubt about their capability?"

Thomas Brooke scowled at him and said coldly "Daniel, it is not time to joke. You are still not aware of the danger. Never underestimate your enemy."

Daniel rolled his eyes and said helplessly "Dad please, stop worrying so much. I can take care of myself. Anyway, I am getting late. I have to go now."


In the room, Henry August was busy putting all the necessary documents inside his bag totally avoiding the existence of the other person.

David Allen couldn't stay silent anymore and said "Henry we need to talk."

"I am busy." He answered nonchalantly without glancing at him.

"Don't avoid me like this. If you have anything to say then say it loudly."

Henry August stopped doing whatever he was doing and looked at him with a frown, saying, "David please, I am really not in the mood to talk."

David Allen then sighed deeply and said "You take care of yourself. Every step will be dangerous out there. Keep your eyes and ears open. I hope you and Master Daniel will come back home safely." He turned around to leave after saying this but just then he heard "David, thank you." He glanced at Henry August through his shoulder and nodded before leaving.

Just as he left, Daniel Brooke entered the room and said "Ready."

"Yes, Boss."

"Let's go."

They left the room together. Two men in black suits were accompanying them. Daniel Brooke's car was escorted from behind by another car in which four more men in black suits were there. They were hired by his father, especially to protect him.

Thomas Brooke was aware that Senator Michael Harrison had sent people to follow Daniel Brooke. He also knew that someone searched Henry August's house. As Daniel Brooke's moves in the past few days were suspicious, they tried to find out the reason. But they failed to find anything. Hence, it was obvious that they would take a drastic step to stop him. Thomas Brooke was an experienced lawyer and he knew all the fair and dirty tricks. He was worried about the safety of his son, so he kept him under house arrest. But today he couldn't stop him as this was his son's dream, so he hired private body gourds.

The two cars were driving back to back on the busy road of 'X' city. The journey was smooth for a few minutes. Daniel Brooke and Henry August were sitting in the back seat while one man in black was driving and the leader of them was sitting on the passenger seat. The leader's eyes were as sharp as an eagle. He was looking carefully on the road as if nothing could escape from his sharp gaze.

After a few minutes of driving, their car was stuck in the traffic. All the cars were honking tirelessly. Several minutes had passed but still, they were not able to move an inch. Time was passing bit by bit. Daniel Brooke became impatient in every passing minute.

He asked the leader "Go and check how long it will take."

"I'll tell my subordinate to check it."

He called his subordinate and ordered him to check the situation. His subordinate came out and went forward to check.

A few minutes later, he came back and informed me that some people were arguing there and they were not allowed to move any of the cars.

"Go and clear the road as soon as possible."

Then three men in black went forward to clear the mess.

Henry August who was quiet all the time said suddenly "Boss, something is not good here. This should not be a coincidence. We need to get out of here."

Daniel Brooke thought for a moment and said "You are right. We will go ahead and take a taxi from there. We can't waste any more time here like this. It's getting late."

When they were about to get off the car, the leader said "Wait. It may be dangerous outside. Let them clear the road. You can't walk like that."

"But we are getting late."

"Master please, don't make things difficult. I'll not give you permission to get out of the car."

Daniel Brooke shrugged in frustration and said "Fine."

Just then a few mobs holding hockey sticks started breaking the glasses of the cars. Immediately the road turned into chaos. People started running for their lives from here and there. Cry of the people filled the air and broken glass pieces were scattered all over the road.

"Master Daniel, watch it."

Just then a stone hit on the side window and broken glass pieces were scattered outside and inside of the car and the stone hit on Daniel Brooke's shoulder.

Henry August said hurriedly "We have to get out of the car."

Daniel Brooke grabbed the bag and got out of the car. All four of them started running as soon as they got out of the car. The two men in black were shielding Daniel Brooke so that no one can harm him. The road was completely turned into a mess. Many of the cars were stuck on the road and people were running away from there. Some goons were throwing stones and some were breaking glasses with the hockey sticks.

Henry August exclaimed "We have to reach Court anyhow. The time is running out."

"There is a small alley one kilometer away from here. We have to run there. Then we can escape from this mess." The leader was the one who said this.

They started running towards the alley. As they were running, Henry August happened to look behind, only to see a man, running towards them. A chill ran down through his spine to see that man.

He then exclaimed anxiously "Boss we are being followed. We have to run faster."

The leader grabbed Daniel Brooke's arm and started running faster after hearing this. The leader told them "We are almost there. I can see the turn. Run faster."

Henry August was looking behind from time to time to see the man. Suddenly he saw another man, holding a gun from a corner of the road. His target was obviously Daniel Brooke. His eyes widened in horror and he ran towards Daniel Brooke.


Just then he shouted loudly "Boss" and pushed him down hard.

They both fell to the ground and blood was dripping down from the shoulder of Henry August. Within a blink of an eye, the leader took out his pistol and shot.


The bullet hit on the leg of the man who shot Daniel Brooke.

Daniel Brooke was so shocked that he couldn't react for a few moments and froze on the spot. His eyes went wide and his breathing became erratic. He was sweating profusely.

Henry August squeezed his wound and shouted "Boss run....."

The leader grabbed Daniel Brooke’s arm and pulled him up. He started running, dragging him along with him. Before he left he instructed the other man to escort Henry August safely to the hospital. They both ran very fast and took the turn to the alley. There was a car parked in the alley. The leader broke the glass of the window and opened the car. Daniel Brooke sat on the passenger seat without wasting time and the leader started the car connecting a few wires together. The leader drove away from the car very fast from the alley.


The absence of Daniel Brooke created a commotion in the courtroom. Everyone was gossiping, to avoid humiliation he backed off. The four convicted men and the defense lawyer were the happiest ones at that moment. They winked at each other to express their happiness.

Suddenly the defense lawyer started saying "Your Honors, this is an utter disrespect of the court. We all came on time. Is it too difficult to be punctual? We should not wait anymore."

Daniel Brooke's other subordinate was trembling in panic, but still, he mustered to say "I appeal to Honorable panel members to give us some more time. Sir Daniel is on the way. He will be here in any minute."

"The court has already given enough time. Your Honors, you should not grant any more time."

"Silence." One of the five-panel members said. He continued saying "We will wait another five minutes."

"Thank you." The subordinate of Daniel Brooke heaved a sigh of relief.

A sinister smile appeared on the face of the defense lawyer. He was sure that Daniel Brooke won't be able to come, so he sat down on his chair happily.