In my heart, there is only Lisa

Carl Black patted her hand and said "Don't worry. They may come for a simple inquiry of the accident. Wait for me here. Hmm?"

Then he released her hand and walked down slowly from the altar. As his vision was blurry, he walked slowly to the entrance yet elegantly. Anna Green held Lisa's hand tightly and stared at the back of him. Helen Black was so nervous to see the police that her legs softened and about to fall, but Linda Holmes supported her at the right time.

Mark Holmes then said "Let Mrs. Black sit down first. I will go and check with Carl."

Linda Holmes walked down from the altar supporting Helen Black and sat her down on the front pew. She then grabbed a water bottle and passed it to her and said "Drink some water, Mrs. Black. Everything will be fine."

Actually speaking, her hands were also shaking in nervousness, but she didn't show any of her uneasiness to anyone.