
The next day she left her parent's place early in the morning as she wanted to reach the apartment before Carl Black left for college. These days he was living alone there as he wanted to arrange everything before Lisa came back there.

Carl Black was having breakfast when Lisa pressed the doorbell. Opening the door he looked at her raising his eyebrows slightly as though he was a little surprised to see her so early in the morning. There was a faint smile on his face. Initially, he planned to pick her up once he came back from college but he was very happy to see her surprisingly.

Lisa hugged him the moment she saw him and said, "I was missing you."

He hugged her back and said, "I missed you too, my love."

He then lowered his head and about to kiss her lips, but she placed her fingers on his lips and said "Not now. I want to give you a surprise."

He squinted his eyes, cast a suspicious gaze at her, and asked, "What surprise?"