Reason for her excitement

The doctor took out his phone and started recording while talking nonstop. Lily was also talking and laughing softly with him.

But for Lisa they were mute. She could only hear the familiar voice of Carl Black, who was chatting just behind her. This time she felt like a wave of current passed through her brain, activating her nerve endings. Her head shook for few times, and her both hands trembled. She was trying to lift her leg which caused her left foot to slide down from the footrest.

The doctor stopped talking and laughing instantly to see this. He observed Lisa’s movement attentively. She was trying hard to raise her legs. Her hands, on the lap, were shaking continuously as though she was trying to lift them. Shocked and surprised, the doctor said excitedly “Hey, she is trying to move.” He didn’t stop his recording and fixed his gaze at her.

Lily was so surprised that she almost shouted “What did you say?”